Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 844: The name is not strong

Soon, this big-mouthed fellow didn't need to be asked, and he explained the ins and outs of the wanted Swift Shadow Sword Master vividly.

Things have to start with the battle of enchanting demons twenty years ago.

Twenty years ago, Sect Master Xuantian succeeded in sealing demons at the expense of his life with the assistance of the two sword masters, Jifeng and Xunying.

But Xing Naluo's magic skills are amazing, and the magical soldiers are guarded by **** swords. The characteristic of the Blood Drinking Knife is that it can transform into its own vitality by sucking blood.

Although the land of enchantment has the ban on Xingnaruo's gods and demons, it is also the absolute home of Xingnaruo. With almost endless blood in the blood lake providing vitality to him, Xing Na Luo is almost an immortal existence.

Unless they have the means to kill Xingnaruo in a single blow, no one should even want to kill Xingnaruo in the range of the blood lake.

In order to find the means to kill Xingnaruo, the two sword masters, Jiguang and Xunying, through the arrangement left by the upper realm expert of Xuantianzong, soared to the upper realm for help in advance.

Unexpectedly, there was no news for twenty years.

Even if they knew that the Hao Cang realm and the upper realm had a certain time flow rate ratio, it would have been too long.

Until a year ago, they received a letter from the Lord of the Light Sword from the Upper Realm to them through some means.

According to the Lord of the Light Sword, something happened when they ascended. I don't know why the Swift Shadow Sword Master suddenly attacked him, if it weren't for his various life-saving methods, I am afraid that he would have fallen by now.

Fortunately, the fighting between them caused a turbulence in space, causing the two of them to roll in different directions.

In this way, the Lord of Light Sword searched for healing for nearly a year, finally broke through the gods, and successfully found a solution to Xing Na Luo.

He informed the sect to prepare something for him in advance, and soon he will arrive at Hao Cang Realm to completely solve Xing Na Luo.

During his one year in the upper realm, Hao Cang Realm had spent nearly 20 years.

Although it has been so long, Xuan Tianzong is still very excited to receive his response. They quickly mobilized the sect forces to collect the materials on the list of the Lord of the Light Sword, and prepared to cooperate with him in eliminating demons.

But not long after, they didn't wait for the Lord of Lightning Sword, but the Lord of Swift Shadow.

The words of the Swift Shadow Sword Master are almost completely opposite to those of the Swift Light Sword Master.

She said that when she was ascending, the Lord of Light Sword didn't know why she attacked her, causing her to be swept into a special world by the turbulence of space. That world is very similar to the upper bound described in the classics. But there she did not find out about the upper realm forces recorded in the ancient books.

But she still gained something there, and she has found a way to completely solve Xingnaruo.

However, she still needs a little bit of time to prepare, this time is about sixteen years.

Sixteen years later, she will go to Seal Demon Island to completely end Xingnaruo.

The senior officials of Xuan Tianzong were immediately stunned.

They have their own rhetoric, they all say they have noses and eyes, and they describe all kinds of weather in the upper realm in detail, which makes it difficult to distinguish between true and false.

But who do they believe in?

Originally, they wanted to wait for the Lord of the Light Sword to come and let the two confront each other.

But the Lord of the Light Sword waited and didn't come, which gave them some bad premonitions.

The high-levels of Xuan Tianzong chose to cooperate with Xi Mu, first calmed the Shadow Sword Master, and then secretly united with the other two sects to step up time to find a way to contact the upper realm.

Anyway, people still have to prepare for sixteen years, and they can drag on.

But I didn't expect to wait and wait, the Shadow Sword Master was born, giving birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses.

This is not the point. The point is that when she gave birth to a child, she had a vision from the sky, and the devilish energy was dozens of miles, covering the entire Xuantian School.

The masters and elders of Xuan Tianzong were dumbfounded.

Even when Xingnaruo was the most rampant, Xuan Tianzong had never happened to such a thing, this is a naked face slap!

There is no more explanation, let's take down the Shadow Sword Master first.

When this order was given, Sect Master Xuantian would never have thought that the battle would be so tragic.

Dozens of golden core elders fell, most of the mountain protection formation was damaged, and the disciples were killed and injured countless, and they were also escaped by the Swift Shadow Sword Master.

In the gate of Xuan Tianzong, with the support of the mountain guard, hundreds of elders of the gods together besieged the Swift Shadow Sword Master who had just gone through production, but achieved this result.

No one had thought that the Shadow Sword Master would have such strength after being enchanted.

However, the Shadow Sword Master was also seriously injured when he fled. Moreover, she had just gone through labor and encountered continuous battles, which must have hurt her vitality.

What's more, she also brought two newborn oil bottles.

This time is the best time to eradicate her. Otherwise, it really makes her feel better, I'm afraid it will be the second punishment Naro.

After this battle, Xuan Tianzong began to believe in the information of the Lord of the Light Sword. He also announced the expulsion of the enchanted Swift Shadow Sword Master from Xuan Tianzong, withdrawing her Dao name and the title of Swift Shadow Sword Master.

Today, Xuantianzong calls her her lay name before entering the sect—Witch Liu Ruxu!

Xuan Tianzong's inspection is very strict and very targeted. Generally speaking, as long as male practitioners have confirmed their identity, they will let them go. But when it comes to female practitioners, especially female practitioners with children. They can't wait to strip away an inch of scanning.

This behavior naturally arouses dissatisfaction with many practitioners. But now Xuan Tianzong has suffered heavy losses, and most of the disciples have nowhere to vent their anger, and no one wants to touch this brow at this time.

This was a bitter for both Shen Kexin and Xiaotao. Wu Hao and others passed the inspection early, but the two of them were intercepted and repeatedly questioned.

Fortunately, they were well prepared when they came. It was indeed not the person Xuan Tianzong was looking for, so in the end they still passed the checkpoint and successfully bought a boat at the ferry and sailed into the lake of blood.

Soon after the boat entered the blood lake, they scuttled the boat and replaced it with a flying boat prepared by Xiaotao.

This is to prevent possible tracking methods.

Because there may be a large number of flying gods in the high altitude, even the flying boat did not fly, and they were still sailing along the safe route on the blood lake.

On the flying boat, Xiaotao carefully told Shen Kexin: "You will immediately contact Wanhualou through our channel. Try to inquire about Liu Ruxu's news, and once you find out, immediately help her get rid of the three traces on the right path."

Shen Kexin nodded with enlightenment: "I understand, the enemy of UU reading is a friend!"

Xiao Tao laughed dryly, but ignored her.

Shen Kexin was boring, so she walked aside and asked the disciple of the family to find a way to contact Wanhualou immediately when he arrived at the destination, and do the things that Xiaotao explained earlier.

At this time, Wu Hao on the side spoke: "Why, is it possible that Miss Tao has friendship with this Swift Shadow Sword Master?"

Xiao Tao shook her head.

"No, I would rather never know her."

"But her identity is very special, related to a notorious demon. We are now acting in the Hao Cang Realm, and it is better to pray that this Liu Ruxu is safe. If something happens to her, we have no way to get rid of it. Suspect, and the action of taking the treasure may add countless twists and turns."

Wu Hao thoughtfully said, "Oh, which demon is so notorious?"

Jiang Han on the side immediately said: "Is it necessary to ask, naturally it is the newly emerged Red Lotus Star-absorber? I must have heard of this famous name by Brother Xia."

Wu Hao nodded, and then hesitated slightly and said, "This is a good thing. It means that the five lotus sects of my talents have emerged in large numbers. Notoriety is also famous, and magic power is also mighty!"

"His enemy, my hero. I think outsiders call Wu Hao that way. But we must give him a name that is a highlight, right?"

"For example, the Red Lotus Star God, the Red Lotus Demon Venerable, the Star Sucking Emperor..."

"You Xuelian sect can use the intelligence network to propagate, when the time comes, as long as the people of the five lotus sects, they will be named gods, immortals, emperors, and kings. Others will be demon, devil, ghost, etc. ugly…"

"Then we have much face!"


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