Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 845: Absolute Time and Sanyuan Treasure House

Under the Sealed Demon Island, at the bottom of the Blood Lake.

After a slight spatial fluctuation, the space at the bottom of the blood lake suddenly added six uninvited guests.

It was the six Wu Hao who came to open the treasure.

At this moment, they were hugging each other, four men on the outside and two women inside.

It looks like the art film titled by Casino Royale Macau almost begins.

There is no alternative to such a shameful posture.

They smoothly arrived on the island less than a hundred miles away from the treasure hiding place, and then Jiang Han took out the "Sky City Towing Umbrella" to take them directly to the destination.

It is a pity that the Tianshi towing umbrella is too small, it can only cover two or three people at most. However, they have to bring six people over at a time, and it is inevitable that they need to squeeze.

Although two of them are beautiful and charming, but the children of the rivers and lakes sometimes can't take care of so many red tapes, they keep squeezing in and squeezing, and finally squeezed into a group and got into the "sky city umbrella". In the range.

Jiang Han did not hesitate to start the towing umbrella, and the ray of light in the umbrella hung down like a tassel, shrouded everyone in it, and took them to complete the space transmission smoothly.

After arriving at the bottom of the lake, Wu Hao and others discovered that there was a cave in this place.

A dense array of barriers blocked the place, completely isolating the lake of blood above it. If you look up, you can only see a piece of red on it, like a **** sky.

I don't know how it is arranged here, the air is still fresh. It's just that a strong smell of blood spread from the sky from time to time, making people clearly realize that this is the bottom of the blood lake.

The entire treasure hiding place was covered by evil spirits, and it was the purest Xuanyin blood evil spirit.

Because the prohibition here isolated all the debris in the blood lake above, it made the evil spirit of this place extremely pure, and it could be called a treasure land for practitioners in the martial arts stage.

However, Jiang Han's expression is not so good now.

He looked at the look of evil spirits in the treasure house in front of him, turned pale, and murmured: "Impossible, how could it be, obviously the prohibition here can block and isolate everything, how can evil spirits penetrate in?"

Xiao Tao's face was also not pretty.

Because the evil atmosphere is a corrosive cathode environment, this environment is very unfavorable for the preservation of items.

Today, this treasure has existed in this world for 20,000 years. Under the eroded environment of the evil spirit, how many treasures can be left behind, I am afraid it is hard to say.

Thinking of this, Xiao Tao couldn't help asking Jiang Han: "Brother Jiang, I don’t know something. Since the Hao Cang Realm and the Star Realm have nearly twenty times the time ratio, why did the Da Zhou royal family set the treasure house in this small world? Doesn’t it mean that every year in the Star Realm, the things in this treasure house will go through 20 years. For some things that are not easy to preserve, doesn’t it speed up the destruction process?"

Jiang Han looked at the treasure house in front of him with complicated eyes, and listened to Xiao Tao asking about the ancestors, his face couldn't help showing a little arrogance.

"How can the cultivation and prosperity of the Great Zhou imperial family be comparable now?"

"No matter what time we are talking about in the star realm, or the time in the Hao Cang realm, it actually refers to relative time."

"But in the world, there is a kind of time that records the changes of the era, contains the rules of the road, and is called absolute time!"

"It is said that if there are magical powers that can master some of the powers of absolute time, it can make the relative time of some worlds accelerate, decelerate, stand still, and even countercurrent effects."

"The time rules of any world cannot reach absolute time, but this measurement method can be infinitely close. The ancient wisdom used the cycle of the heavens and stars to measure absolute time."

"They used it as a lesson and created some battlefields. By responding to the stars of the week, they can change the relative time rules in the battlefield."

"For example, it seems that the intruder only stayed for a moment, but in fact he has been suppressed in the formation for many years."

"Of course, the practice knowledge involved in this time theory is extremely advanced, and it's not much more than the mysterious and obscure skills of the practice world. I am afraid that it has long been lost in the practice world. It is only when the natural shadow world is present. A similar effect will occur."

"But back then, the formation masters of the Great Zhou royal family did master some of the mystery of the operation of the stars. They created three secret vaults for the Great Zhou royal family, all of which echoed Zhou Tian's stars, with their own unique time rules. Therefore, regardless of the secrets Where the library is built, it will not be affected by the relative time of the world in which it is located."

"Since it is to save the items in the secret library, the time rule set is of course to slow down the flow of time as much as possible."

"However, it is obvious that this treasure house has gone through a great battle that The star formation has already been destroyed. Even the evil spirit in the blood lake has penetrated here, and the independent time rules are afraid. It has long since ceased to exist..."

Jiang Han explained the Datong, but Wu Hao felt a little unclear.

But to the effect, he understood. This kid was actually saying two things.

The first is: "His ancestors are better than cows, and later generations can't be compared."

The second is: "It's best not to have too much expectations for this treasure house. What kind of gains can be achieved depends on God's will."

And Wu Hao also found a key message from his narration.

Therefore, he sighed calmly: "Zhuang Zai, Da Zhou, there are actually as many as three treasure vaults of this size. I don't know where the other two are?"

Jiang Han's smile suddenly stagnated, and his voice was low and said: "Oh, the three secret warehouses back then corresponded to the three walls of Zhou Tian's stars, and the Taiwei secret library corresponds to the Taiwei wall of Shangyuan, which is where the Great Zhou Treasury is located. Occupied by big gangsters."

"The crape myrtle secret library corresponds to the Ziwei wall of the central wall, crape myrtle is the emperor's star, and the crape myrtle secret library is also where the emperor's private library is located. It's a pity that the ancestor Jiang Taiyi used all the power of the country to build Xiantai and wanted to fight against the sky. The stock in Ziwei library is exhausted."

"The Tianshi Miku, which corresponds to the Tianshiyuan in Xiayuan, is the treasure house of the Jiang family of the Great Zhou royal family. This treasure house has always been in the hands of the royal family elders, and even the emperor has no right to deal with it. It was because of the ascension to Sendai back then. The royal family is split, and the actual control of this treasure house falls into the hands of the ancestor Huang Long."

Wu Hao understood that the treasure house in front of him should be the so-called Tianshi Secret Treasury.

No wonder the umbrella that brought them here before is called the "Sky City Towing Umbrella".


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