Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 846: Mirage

Wu Hao lifted his eyes and looked towards the treasure house, and saw that the treasure houses were distributed in a strange formation, dotted all over, with a total of thirty-nine.

There are seventeen treasure houses on the periphery, and the light of the formation has completely dimmed. The Twenty-two in the inner circle is a treasure house, but it is concealed and heavily guarded.

They are arranged in a circle on the left and right, with eleven east and eleven each, and their shape is like a wall.

Wu Hao knows a thing or two about the pattern of stars, knowing that these 22 treasure houses should be the two domains that correspond to the sky and the city wall.

The Treasures of the East Clan in Zuoyuan, Tianshi were named: Song, Nanhai, Yan, Donghai, Xu, Wuyue, Qi, Zhongshan, Jiuhe, Zhao, and Wei.

The treasury of the Western Fans in Tianshi Youyuan are: Han, Chu, Liang, Ba, Shu, Qin, Zhou, Zheng, Jin, Hejian and Hezhong.

There are also seventeen other treasure houses around the Eastern and Western Feudal Kingdoms. According to Jiang Han, these seventeen treasure houses were already used by Huanglong Zhenren to support the war between the five-color gods and the leading forces.

They have basically been evacuated and moved to another hidden place.

That is the treasure of the Devil Emperor Xing Na Luo discovered.

Xiaotao guessed that the reason why the people in the righteous way were able to lead Xing Naluo to Seal the Demon Island and seal it should be that Xing Naluo got some clues about the secret storehouse of Amishigaki in the treasure, knowing that the real treasure should be Near the Sealed Demon Island.

Perhaps it was because he was worried that people in the righteous way would get involved with the treasure, or perhaps because there was a **** soldier blood-drinking knife in the area of ​​the blood lake, Xing Naluo would confidently break the magic island alone, and then rush to the street here.

The matter of Xing Na Luo, they just discussed it and didn't care anymore.

Treasure At present, they naturally can't wait to see how rich the Great Zhou imperial family was back then.

There are a total of 22 treasure houses, and their opening order is still particular.

Jiang Han pretentiously calculated for a while, and then informed everyone that the most suitable treasure house to open at this hour is "Wu Yue" in the treasure house of the East Clan.

Hearing the name of this treasure house, Wu Hao subconsciously thought, "Fate with me..."

Then he thought again, no matter if it is destined or not, he has to act by chance today!

At this time, Jiang Han and Xiaotao began to explain to everyone how to open the treasure house.

The last owner of the treasure house here is Huanglong real person, and the unlocking method of the treasure house prohibition is naturally set by Huanglong real person.

With the authorization of Huanglong real person, they are justified. It only needs to be unlocked normally, and there is no need to work hard to attack and break the prohibition.

In fact, these restrictions were jointly created by the great power of the Central Plains during the heyday of the Great Zhou royal family. If they did not have the correct opening method, they would definitely be difficult to break through.

Wu Hao just probed with Divine Mind. As soon as Divine Mind came into contact with the restraint, he immediately became dizzy. A purple thunder emerged from the formation, instantly smashing the strands of Divine Mind that Wu Hao had penetrated into.齑粉.

It seems that it is difficult to figure out what is in the treasury before it is opened.

At this moment, Wu Hao's heart moved, and he used Akrypton to take a picture of the "Wu Yue" treasure house in front of him.


What a big QR code!

It's a pity that because of restrictions and obstacles, this QR code looks dry, and there is no way to identify it.

Even if it can be identified, Wu Hao can't scan the recharge without knowing it.

Because according to Akrypton's urine, things in this treasure can only be recharged normally unless Wu Hao can complete the occupation for three days and three nights.

But Wu Hao listened to Jiang Han's introduction, and they wanted to open the treasury's prohibition, and it would take a day's work.

Just relying on the functions of Akrypton itself is simply too late, and it seems that we still have to use the supernatural powers of Star Reaching!

Who wants them to call us Red Lotus Star Sucker...Suck it to them today!

When Wu Hao secretly planned, Jiang Han had already explained the steps to open Wu Yue's treasure house.

The treasure house restriction set by Zhenren Huanglong is called "the lock of heavenly stems and earthly branches and five elements", in which the heavenly stems determine the sequence, the earthly branches to determine the time, and the five elements to determine the attributes. All three must be met before the restriction can be opened.

However, each treasury's prohibition is not just one, but a total of eighty-one. This means that they need to open the five-element lock eighty-one times before they can open a treasure house.

The permutations and combinations are enough to derive countless possibilities. If there is no correct guidance, it is absolutely impossible to unlock successfully.

These eighty-one five-element locks cover almost all the earthly branches and the attributes of the five elements. So to crack a treasure house, they have to experience at least twelve hours.

To break the five-element lock, the five elements must be complete, which is why they are looking for five people.

In those days, the real Huanglong had complete five elements and possessed the cultivation base of Yuanshen, so he could naturally open the treasure trove by himself. But now they can only use quantity to compensate for quality.

Even so, their Golden Core Stage's true essence definitely does not meet the requirements of opening the five-element lock, so Xiaotao thought of a way, that is, to use the magical force of this world to increase them with the magical force to unlock it. Claim.

Xiaotao's idea was right, they were able to unlock the five-element lock with the help of the five magic weapons.

According to the requirements, the true essence of the five of them must have the attributes of the five elements respectively. However, Jiang Han had prepared before he came to Hao Cang Realm, and he brought a "Five Element Transformation Jade".

It is said that this jade is a secret treasure of the Great Zhou imperial family. It was refined by a Fuxi bloodline awakened person with his own stones. It possesses a trace of Fuxi's power, which can transform any true element into the power of the five elements needed.

In this way, they can use it in turn to meet the requirements of unlocking the five-element lock.

Unlocking the five-element lock is not only a technical job, but also a physical job. In twenty-four hours, they will be Jiachenmu for a while, and Xinhaijin for a while, and five people will open eighty-one locks, which means that each person has to input true yuan fifteen or six times on average.

Every time, they almost sucked up their true essence.

Even with the assistance of the gods, as well as the recovery of Jiang Han and Xiaotao's provider Star Stone, and the spirit pill, they would still be able to receive it.

But all this is worthwhile, because when the seventy five-element locks were opened, the atmosphere in the treasure house finally leaked out.

The stars are shining, the brilliance is shining, and the dazzling light shines brightly in the space at the bottom of the lake!

Although tired like a dead dog, this vision also makes them more energetic, more energetic, and more energetic.

Wu Hao's eyes flashed slightly.

There are still more than ten restrictions in front of him that have not been lifted, but he uses his own gods and souls to probe, and these restrictions can no longer hinder his "sky devil escape".

Heavenly Devil Escape was originally not something that ordinary restrictions could hinder. He had nothing to do when the eighty-one ways and five elements were all locked. Now there are only a few dozen ways left, and the time for him to act has arrived.

Wu Hao looked like standing here to cheer everyone, secretly the gods and spirits had already gone out of their bodies, and shuttled through the last remaining God entered the Wuyue treasury without knowing it.

Unsurprisingly, many of the medicines in the bottles and cans had already corroded, and the secret books of the classics were in ruins. Only a box of star stones was still shining with stars, shining with a seductive atmosphere.

Wu Hao knew that there was no delay, and immediately began to gain the stars and supernatural powers.

Now he wants to give Huang Long a special contribution award. It is so sweet to set the prohibition lock outside so complicated!

Suck **** suck **** suck **** suck **** suck **** suck **** suck **** suck suck...

"It seems something is wrong?" Xiaotao frowned slightly when she looked at the treasure house in front of her: "Do you feel that the treasure inside is weakening..."

Jiang Han tentatively probed with Divine Mind, but unfortunately there were several levels of restrictions, and he didn't get the result he wanted. I had to shook my head and said: "It will be successful immediately, let's go in and see if we know what's going on!"

Several people cheered up and drained their last energy. After a lot of hard work, they finally opened the last five-element lock.

At this time, the treasure house was no longer defending against them.

They couldn't wait to get back to their best condition, dragging their tired bodies into the treasure house anxiously.

After entering, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Why? Why are these star stone boxes empty!"

Jiang Han kicked a star-stone box to pieces, and roared with red eyes.

At this time, the three Hao Cang Realm natives had collapsed to the ground with a look of lovelessness.

But Xiao Tao keenly noticed Wu Hao, who was still calm, and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Xia, what do you think?"

Wu Hao thought a little, then opened his mouth as if he had discovered something.

"Everyone, have you ever heard of...A Mirage?"


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