Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 848: default

Wu Hao found out. The more you go back, the more amazing the treasures in the treasure house, even the number of star diamonds.

In the back, only two libraries have provided him with more than 400,000 gains.

However, when it came to the thirteenth library, Shen Kexin, who was inputting true yuan to crack the five-element lock, suddenly changed her face.

"What's the matter?" everyone who had been following her hurriedly asked.

Shen Kexin stared at the magical flute in his hand with an ugly expression, and muttered: "It is resisting me... very strong!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Kexin's Blurred Shenxiao trembled crazily, as if he was about to fly away, and there was no need for Shen Kexin's command at all, the Blurred Shenxiao began to make waves of depressive sounds.

Wu Hao just listened to a short syllable, and he felt distraught and hallucinations abound.

The devil's soul swept slightly, and this feeling disappeared without a trace. At this time, he went to see the crowd again, and it seemed that they were all affected by the divine flute.

Xiaotao regained her consciousness the second time. She saw the surroundings and played the Wangyouqin a few times. The elegant sound of the piano made people's desire disappear in a short while, and her mind was bright.

Everyone quickly woke up. Just as they were about to ask what was going on, they saw that Shen Kexin suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person quickly wilted.

But the instigator Mili Shenxiao suddenly got out of her control and wanted to fly through the air.

The sound of Xiaotao's piano suddenly became rush, and ripples visible to the naked eye appeared in the surrounding space, forming a vocal range to confine the blurred divine flute, and then was banned by Jiang Han with a few runes.

"What's wrong?" Wu Hao, who looked at the situation in front of him, was confused and couldn't help asking.

"Are you going to be unable to hold on so soon?" Xiaotao sighed quietly, looking at the remaining nine treasure houses that hadn't been opened, her eyes were full of unwillingness.

According to the law, these treasure houses behind are the essence. If they can't be fully opened, how can they be willing.

But now they are facing an unsustainable situation.

It turned out that they were able to control the five magic weapons not using the orthodox method of identifying the master, but using a certain magic method, the sword went slanting to suppress the spirituality of the magic weapons, and force the control of the magic weapons.

This way, of course, some of the powers of the gods can be exerted, but every time the original force of the gods is used, it is also a damage to the gods, and this damage is permanent.

Once the magic soldiers can't hold on, their journey to open the treasure house can only be suspended.

Originally, Xiao Tao thought it would be okay to stick to the five magic weapons until the treasure was opened, but she didn't expect that there was a problem with Misty Shenxiao just after halfway through.

This is the mysterious flute that is almost unable to hold up. The inspiration of the flute instrument is in a crisis of life and death, and it begins to desperately bite.

This means that their treasure digging operation can only end here.

Unless you find a new magic weapon, you can continue to open the treasure trove.

Basically, most of the magic soldiers of the Four Sects of the Demon Sect are in their hands. The only way to find a new magic soldier is to fight the three sects of the right way. It seems that they must fight the right way.

Undoubtedly, this will bring many variables to their actions.

But for Le Wuyou and Turing, even though there is a problem with Mili Shenxiao, they still have hope to continue.

Because they have a "substitute" in their team!

So they looked together in Wu Hao's direction and reminded him to replace Shen Kexin in breaking the five-element lock.

Wu Hao shrugged when he heard this. Now the magic weapon "Two Two" in his hand is a Xibei goods, it is strange to be able to replace it.

But continuing to open the treasure house is what Wu Hao needs, so he still has to find a way to solve the immediate predicament.

After thinking for a while, Wu Hao quietly gave Xiaotao a voice.

"What, are you still a refiner? Can you still repair the magic weapon?" Xiao Tao couldn't help exclaiming when she heard Wu Hao's voice transmission, making everyone's eyes look at this place all at once.

Being watched by them together, Wu Hao smiled generously and said: "After re-introducing himself, I am the master craftsman. The professional equipment is strengthened and upgraded, the second-hand pill stars are recovered, the magic weapons of the gods are overhauled, the puppet maintenance, the tool spirit adjustment... "

"Wait!" Xiao Tao hurriedly planned Wu Hao, and asked with a look of disbelief: "This senior brother Xia, isn't the equipment enhancement upgrade the secret of the public transmission family? How could your Qinglian Sword Sect disciple be? And the Pill God Stars are refined by alchemy techniques, right? It has nothing to do with refining tools!"

"Um..." Wu Hao spread out his hands: "It's okay, I just want to design a slogan. Now things are like this. You can either let me try it or find another magic weapon. Second choice One!"

At this time, let them go where to find magic soldiers. Even if they feel that Wu Hao is unreliable, they can only be a dead horse doctor.

"But after experiencing the previous suppression and outbreak, now the spirit of the Misty Shenxiao has been extremely violent, and has long been disconnected from my contract, how do you repair it?" Shen Kexin looked at the Misty Shenxiao with lingering fear, weak Asked.

"Shaoan, don't be impatient!" Wu Hao gently raised his hand, and said to the misty Shenxiao: "Come, come, come..."

In the next moment, everyone witnessed the miracle.

The misty **** flute flew into his hand with a swish, it was like a licking dog called by the goddess.

Now Wu Hao, the soul has already reached the strength comparable to the time in the star realm, and he can naturally use the method of the demon to confuse the mind freely. With the lessons learned from the White Rainbow Sword, it is now easy to get a magic weapon.

Wu Hao entered an empty warehouse that had just been opened and manipulated it alone, using his unique secret skills and it was not appropriate to watch. After leaving the sight of everyone, he took advantage of the spirit of the dizzy flute and was still under the influence of the devil's confusing mind, and quickly ordered it to sign the kneeling and licking It is easier to get it than to get the white rainbow sword, because The current Mili Shenxiao has long been strong outside.

After conquering the Mili Shenxiao, Wu Hao discovered that this magic weapon was basically about to be abolished.

To restore it, Wu Hao now has only one way, and that is to imitate the Bai Hongjian and upgrade it to a spirit treasure!

Anyway, now he is the true master of the magic weapon, even if he is promoted, he will not lose. And he also needs to rely on this thing to help him unlock the treasures behind, and a little investment is considered an investment.

Wu Hao is already familiar with the stone refining of the public transport family, and the operation is as fierce as a tiger. In a short while, the Lingbao-class blurred divine flute is released.

However, after so many overdrafts and insufficient background, it did not have any new characteristics when it became a Lingbao. Power is at the bottom of the Lingbao, which is only equivalent to the top-level spiritual weapon.

But it is more than enough to complete the mission of opening the remaining treasure house.

Wu Hao looked at the Lingbao in front of him, always feeling uncomfortable, as if something was wrong.

At this time, the lingering and charming voice of the blurred divine flute device came into his mind: "Gluck...Master?"

When Wu Hao raised his eyebrows, he immediately understood.

He still has one step left.

Regardless of the Qi Ling's struggle, screams, and groans, Wu Hao forcibly pulled it out as he did with the Baihong Sword Spirit, and then threw it out in a group.

Go reincarnation, you!

Wu Hao frowned slightly as he watched an aura piercing through the air.

"I didn't pay attention just now. Where did I locate it?"

"It seems to be chosen...default?"


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