Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 849: 6 births

When Wu Hao once again appeared in front of the five people with the blurry flute, he was facing the suspicious eyes of everyone.

For the sake of a few people who have been doing things for him before, Wu Hao decided to forgive them for their ignorance of Taishan. With a slight shrug, he handed the Misty Shenxiao to Shen Kexin, the host of Wanhua.

"This is..." Xiaotao moved slightly in her heart when she looked at the misty Shenxiao.

She practiced the secret method of divination, and her sensitivity was the most keen. At this time, she could feel that the current misty flute was no longer as depressed as just now, but full of vigor.

In her eyes, the blurry flute was like an active volcano that had not erupted for many years. Attracting but not sending, brewing earth-shaking power.

At this time, Shen Kexin, who had received the Misty Shenxiao, couldn't help but exclaimed: "Ah, what a strong force of the gods, and this degree of control... how is it possible?"

The magic weapon is in her hand, and her feeling is naturally clearer.

At this time, she felt that Shenxiao was almost like an arm in her hand, and it was easy to manipulate, and it was no longer the obstacles that were when forcibly suppressing the spirit of the device before.

She even had a feeling that the way she is now is the state that the master of the gods and soldiers should have.

Moreover, the original force of the gods cannot be whispered in the same day, it is like a new spring, not to mention opening the remaining nine treasure houses, it should be no problem to open another ninety.

Wu Hao glanced at this guy's expression of excitement and glanced at his mouth, now he was just giving Shen Kexin the sub-authority of a magic weapon. As long as he wants to, he can take it back at any time.

This is a basic function of Lingbao, which is similar to a bank card secondary card. The elders can lend the Lingbao to the younger generations who value it, but the possessor's core control power can be recovered in a single thought.

At this time, Shen Kexin seemed to want to communicate with the magic weapon spirit, but it was a pity that she did not succeed. So she raised her head suspiciously, and asked Wu Hao: "Dare to ask Venerable Xia, why I can't feel the spirit of the magic weapon now."

Wu Hao said nonchalantly: "The weapon spirit was too strong to resist the will, so I let it fall asleep with a secret method. Do you think that you are now using the magic weapon to help you. Don't worry, I spent a lot of resources to supplement the magic weapon. Originally, it is enough to support us to fully open the treasure trove."

It took a lot of resources and was bitten by Wu Hao.

Xiaotao heard the sound of the string and knew the elegance, and smiled at Wu Hao: "Since Brother Xia has made extra efforts to open the treasure, of course we have to make additional compensation. We are in the treasure, and I am afraid that we have no resources. ?"

As she said that, she glanced at the divine sword in Wu Hao's hand, "Two Two", and said, "When the distribution is for a while, Senior Brother Xia may choose a spiritual weapon that suits his heart."

Wu Hao nodded silently. He doesn't care if the spirit weapon is not the spirit weapon. But his attitude must be expressed. Can't let him do anything in vain, right?

Maybe if he was happy and in vain, people would suspect that he had any shameful conspiracy. On the contrary, his reaction is human nature, which makes these people more at ease.

If in the usual times, when it comes to the ownership of a spiritual weapon, these people may still have a few words. But it's not rare to see it in the treasure house a lot.

What they value more is to open the treasure house behind as soon as possible. Maybe there are more amazing gains in the future?

Besides, since Wu Hao has the ability to repair magic weapons. It is also impossible for them to offend Wu Hao because of a mere magic weapon. Who knew that the problems that happened to Shen Kexin wouldn't happen to him in the next moment?

Sure enough, when opening the treasury below, the magic soldiers on the remaining few people had problems one by one.

Wu Hao was also obliged to do the same for all of their remaining magic soldiers.

Within a few days, several inferior spirit treasures were born.

As for the spirits in the Lingbao, nothing said, pull them out and fly directly!

Whoosh whoosh...

When they opened the treasure house in an orderly manner, Director Bai Honggu had already been as big as a fight all his life.

But now his head is not the largest part of his body, the largest part is the belly that is like seven or eight months of pregnancy.

No, he has indeed been pregnant for seven or eight months.

The long time has allowed him to pass the initial discomfort long ago, and he can calmly accept the feeling of a little life inside his body.

Not to mention, the strange feeling of blood connection gave him a strange understanding of life. It was a sense of sacredness, a sense of mission.

But just a few days ago, he suddenly felt a cramp in his abdomen.

This made Master Ren Gu very panicked, worried about whether his rough man hadn't noticed somewhere, and it would be troublesome if it caused premature birth.

He hurried to find Elder Yao from the Medicine Hall to give him a pulse.

Since his awakening with embryonic talent, Elder Yao has become his personal doctor.

This has caused the relationship between the two to increase rapidly, from the relationship between research and being researched to indescribable.

Regarding this point, Lord Ren Gu is also happy to see the result.

After all, he has been bachelor for many years... Oh, no, this is not the main reason.

The more important reason is that he doesn't want a child to be born without a mother!

First prepare her (him) for the next mother-in-law.

No one can do this as a dad!

As his belly grows bigger day by day, Elder Yao has also been taking good care of him. Now that he just cried out, Elder Yao hurriedly came to check.

Upon checking, Elder Yao frowned. After a long while, she organized the language and said: "Old Ren, you have to be mentally prepared. Just now, you awakened again!"

"What do you mean?" Ren Pingsheng looked confused: "What is meant by awakening again?"

Elder Yao patted his belly and sighed, "Just be twins!"

Ren Pingsheng: "..."

The next Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao! "Ren Pingsheng clutched his stomach and shouted: "Quick, quick, it hurts again, it hurts again!" "

When Elder Yao arrived late, Ren Pingsheng couldn't help complaining: "Why have you gone? Why is it so long? My pain is almost gone!"

Elder Yao put the miscellaneous things he was holding on his hand, and said: "Isn't this plan to keep up with the changes? You suddenly have a baby. I need more clothes, quilts, diapers, and so on. Serving..."

With that, she felt Ren Pingsheng's pulse, and then she was stunned on the spot.

"What's wrong?" Ren Pingsheng asked nervously.

Elder Yao glanced at the baby supplies he had prepared, and said calmly, "Yes, I have to prepare another one!"

Ren Pingsheng: "..."

Seven days later...

Ren Pingsheng and Elder Yao stared at each other with red eyes. At this time, his stomach was already towering, like a soda ash blooming big steamed bun.

Ren Pingsheng's mouth trembled, and he whispered: "Let's talk about it, how many? I... can hold it!"

Elder Yao stretched out his left hand and spread it out completely. Then she paused again, bend the middle three fingers, and put out a "six"!

Ren Pingsheng gave a wry smile: "Six? I..."

Elder Yao covered his mouth and said softly: "You can raise your baby with peace of mind, you don't have to think about anything. I have everything!"

"I can't help you, but I can help you raise!"

"Did you see the diapers I prepared? Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, seven-color diapers. Let's not be afraid of one more!"

Ren Pingsheng: "..."


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