Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 850: Picture poor see

First is the Misty Shenxiao, then the Impermanence Thorn, Wangyouqin, Ten Thousand Soul Banner, and Bone Eruption Rod, until the problems of their five magic weapons are repaired and strengthened by Wu Hao. The surnames of these magic soldiers are also Wu.

Not only that, every time Wu Hao makes a shot, he will ask the team for a benefit. Now, compared to the others in the team, he already has five spiritual weapons in his account.

Of course, more is the harvest of Star Diamond.

The treasure house behind is indeed extremely valuable, almost every one has no less than 200,000 stars in the account.

At the back, the star diamonds in each treasure house were empty, and it was no longer what Haishichenlou could explain.

Fortunately, there is no need for Wu Hao to make up new reasons. The well-informed Mr. Jiang Han has already given a new explanation.

The structure of the star stone is extremely stable, even in a harsh environment, it is enough to guarantee ten thousand years of immortality. But this treasure house has been in Hao Cang Realm for more than ten thousand years, and that is a long time equivalent to twenty thousand years.

The so-called ten thousand years of immortality, this ten thousand years is a round number, used to describe the star stone is not easy to damage.

But no one can guarantee what the star stone will look like after 20,000 years of storage.

Because even in the star realm, I haven't heard of anyone who can live so long. There is also almost no power that can survive for 20,000 years.

Without sufficient evidence, they could only guess what the star stone would be like here.

Huang Liandao often comes into contact with the cemetery because he is good at refining corpses.

They sometimes find a phenomenon that some objects can be preserved for thousands of years without decay in the tomb. But once the tomb is opened and the contents inside are exposed to the atmosphere of the outside world, the contents in the tomb will quickly decay.

Even some things will directly turn into a pile of dust, which can be called death by sight.

So Jiang Han put forward such a conjecture.

Could those star stones also have a similar phenomenon. So they looked shining from the outside, but there was nothing after entering inside.

It must be the moment they opened the treasure house, the star stone dissipated in the world as pure vitality.

Because the star stone is extremely pure, there is no trace left.

What he said was very reasonable, making Wu Hao feel a little speechless.

If Wu Hao hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he had touched the star stones with his own hands. He almost believed it himself.

So empiricism is bad, sometimes people's experience can become a barrier to people's cognition.

Of course, now the good man Jiang has perfectly washed the ground for Wu Hao, and Wu Hao naturally has no reason not to support him.

His admiring gaze made Jiang secretly refreshed.

At the level of others, no matter how much compliments from the natives of the Hao Cang Realm, it is difficult to satisfy them. However, the recognition of the genius disciples who belonged to the Five Lotus Sects made Jiang Han feel comfortable and even more motivated to open the treasure house.

Open the treasure house behind, although these people have no gains from the Star Stone, but the gains in other aspects are not small.

In the eighteenth treasure house, they found more than a dozen inheritance steles. Each stone monument records a set of martial arts inheritance collected by the imperial clan of the Great Zhou.

What is recorded on the stele is not a single technique, but a comprehensive inheritance similar to the Red Lotus Sect's Blood Fire Shura Dao. Including a set of exercises from simple to common, easy to difficult, and related auxiliary methods for practicing the six arts.

Wu Hao glanced at it roughly, and the highest-level exercises above the stele were all Heaven-Rank exercises. It can be seen that the great Zhou royal family was very attentive when collecting these inheritances. The general inheritance may not even have the qualifications to enter here.

What is meant by Tianpin cultivation method, when legends can be met but cannot be sought. Heavenly rank cultivation technique is the highest level on the bright side of the star realm. It is the unspoken secret of many big forces.

The top inheritance among the five lotus sects now is nothing more than a heavenly rank technique.

And this kind of inheritance, there are actually more than a dozen sets here. Even if they get any of these steles, it is enough to serve as the foundation for the inheritance of the founding sect.

Even if it is not used to establish sects, bringing this thing back to their respective sects can greatly increase the sect's heritage, and the benefits are immeasurable.

It was precisely because this thing was too precious that after this treasure house was opened, several people were ready to move, almost facing each other.

It was Wu Hao who suddenly exploded the power of the sword soul, and forced the desire of these guys to suppress them with a fierce sword intent, which made them calm down temporarily. Reluctantly shelved the dispute and continued to open the treasure house.

As for the distribution of more than a dozen inheritance steles, they will slowly discuss them while opening the treasure house.

In fact, the best way to pass on this kind of thing is to rub out a few copies of all the stone tablets, and then make one copy by hand, so that everyone can gain something, and it's the fairest way.

What they discussed later was precisely this distribution method, which was unanimously approved by everyone.

However, this is only on the bright side.

In private, it is raging.

The three natives of the Hao Cang Realm Wu Hao didn't know, anyway, he kept receiving voice transmissions from Jiang Han and Xiao Tao to discuss the distribution of the stone tablets with him.

In the eyes of both of them, the three natives did not have the qualifications to sit on an equal footing with them. When the treasury is finished, it is the time to see. So the person who assigns the stele can only be three people in their star realm.

And unlike the people in the Hao Cang world who have not seen the profound inheritance, for them, they don't fully approve the concept of sharing the profound inheritance.

In their eyes, the importance of obtaining a secret inheritance that is unknown is far greater than obtaining several inheritances that have been known to others.

Therefore, what they discussed with Wu Hao was to directly allocate the steles and select them in accordance with the priority order of their discussions.

Regarding their proposal, Wu Hao lacked interest.

Because his gods and souls can enter the treasure house in advance. When Wu Hao Tianma Divine Soul sneaked in, he used Akrypton to scan all the stone tablets here. Since these inheritances have been filed with Akrypton, these steles no longer appeal to Wu Hao.

Therefore, he said to the two. He can give up the inheritance of the stele, but they must compensate him in other ways.

Regarding this, the two happily agreed.

Wu Hao would give up inheriting the stele, and the two were not surprised.

Because the Qinglian Sword Sect is the inheritance of the Sword Sect, if these inheritance steles are not the Sword Inheritance, the meaning of the Qinglian Sword Sect is very limited. It is not surprising that Wu Hao will give up.

With their own minds, they opened the three thrones one after another.

The more you open, the better Wu Hao's mood, because the number of star diamonds on his panel has approached three million. Once he returned to the star realm and started krypton gold, his strength was able to increase rapidly.

This time the demons came to the world and finally made a lot of money.

When the last library was opened, Wu Hao keenly discovered that everyone became extremely excited.

Could there be good things in it?

The finale is always extraordinary, right?

But why didn't you see Baoguang flashing for so long? Is it fetishism?

Thinking like this in his heart, Wu Hao waited until the Heavenly Demon Divine Soul could enter, and couldn't wait to get in. He wants to see what's in it, and then taste the soup again!

But after a while, he came out angrily.

What, this is an empty library at all, making him excited for nothing.

It didn't look like there was nothing inside, just some meaningless murals. Wu Hao used Akrypton to test around, but he didn't get any results.

He inspected it carefully for a long time, but he didn't find any secret doors or the like.

It's an out-and-out empty warehouse!

As soon as the gods and spirits turned around, Wu Hao realized that it was the last moment to open the treasury outside ~ I don't know what their expression would be when they found that there was nothing inside," Wu Hao thought to himself.

"Oh, yes, they are probably used to it!"

When the last five-element lock was slowly opened, something unexpected happened here.

The entire space shook crazily, and even the restrictions on the blockade of the blood lake began to become unstable, and the bright red blood dripped down like a torrential rain.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Tao's complexion changed.

"I'm afraid we are in trouble!"

Xiaotao raised her head, her gaze seemed to penetrate the lake of blood, and she saw the situation above: "If I'm not mistaken, the restriction of the Feng Devil Island Zhengdao suppressing Xing Na Luo is the branch of the prohibition of this treasure house. Now we put here. All of the restrictions have been opened, and Naluo may be out of the trap soon."

Suddenly, her eyes flashed to Le Wuyou, Turing and Shen Kexin.

"You have known it a long time ago?"

The three looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"Did you find it, it's too late!"

At the same time, the indigenous trio moved a distance from the Wu Hao trio, carefully urging them to protect them in front of them.

"I care if you are the Kuntai Realm or the Star Realm?" Le Wuyou sneered and said, "My Demon Sect has never believed you outsiders!"

Then he arched his hand at the blood lake above his head: "Congratulations to the devil for getting out of the cage, Long Teng for nine days!"

"Congratulations to the devil for getting out of the cage, Long Teng for nine days!"

Shen Kexin and Turing also yelled loudly at the same time, and the sound penetrated the destruction of the seven-seven-eight prohibition and spread far above the blood lake.

Suddenly, there was a long burst of laughter from above.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

This space vibrated even more violently.


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