Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 862: 1st generation running dog

  The reincarnation of Qi Ling is merely the growth of the reincarnated body, which is not perfect.

   also needs to find his own ontology to merge and advance.

   Before, whether it was Xing Naluo, Liu Yunyun, and Xun Ying, they all went through this process.

   The process is not complicated. Because as long as the reincarnation matures, they can easily perceive the position of the ontology.

  According to the general relationship between the magic weapon and the soldier owner, the soldier owner has no way to prevent the fusion of the reincarnation weapon spirit, and can only watch the promotion of Lingbao.

   However, today they met an unusual soldier.

   The six spirit treasures in Wu Hao's hand had already been formatted repeatedly by him. Except for the contract with him, they were almost a blank sheet of paper.

  So, even after their reincarnation, the artifact spirit itself has limited influence on the reincarnation body.

   What's even better is that Xun Ying also used Wu Hao's Azure Dragon blood to refine alchemy to ripen them.

   The six minors after ripening only reached the standard of a mature reincarnation by their divine mind and power. However, mental growth is very limited.

  Xunying wanted to achieve this effect before, and it’s a fool for mental insufficiency!

   did not expect that because of the blood of the blue dragon, apart from the kneeling contract in the previous life, the relationship between them and Wu Hao would have a strong feeling of blood connection.

  In this way, the powerful intuition of Qi Ling not only allows them to find the position of their own body, but also find their true "relatives"!

   Such a scene not only made Xing Na Luo and the others unprepared, but even Wu Hao himself was a little at a loss.

   What kind of nasty things, it's a little shameful.

   Looking at the ugly comparison of the Lord Baihonggu, Wu Hao really has no appetite at all.

   If Wu Hao only felt slightly uncomfortable, then Xing Naluo and others would be extremely upset.

In the process of fusion, the memories of Xing Naluo, Liu Yunyun, and Xun Ying began to communicate, and they gradually had a clear understanding of their origin and mission.

   In this process, Xun Ying was okay. Both Xing Naluo and Liu Yunyun were greatly impacted.

   Xing Naluo just wanted to cultivate his own team through the reincarnation of the magic weapon, establish a unified magic door, and completely put the Hao Cang world out of chaos.

   Liu Yunyun wanted to figure out the mystery of her own life experience, and by the way, she suppressed Xia Yuan in the aspect of practice and let him lick herself forever!

   However, the information that Xunying got is the most explosive. It has already known the ins and outs of all this, and it has already begun planning to become the boss after integration!

   Originally, they should wait until the conditions were met and the nine spirit treasures began to merge before unblocking the memory of Xiang Liu. Unexpectedly, it opened the seal of deep consciousness in advance because of the blood of the blue dragon, and made a corresponding plan.

   Fortunately, it became hasty and didn't let Xun Ying succeed. Otherwise, they will have to look down on others from now on.

   Xing Naluo and Liu Yunyun looked at each other, a little fear flashed in their eyes.

   However, they are in the process of fusion, what they think is easily perceived by Xun Ying.

   Xiangliu's nine heads have achieved the ultimate in seeking common ground while reserving differences.

   They have their own thoughts, and they don’t have any secrets between them. They can communicate with each other at the speed of light and reach a consensus quickly.

   Now in the process of integration, they are still slightly uncomfortable. After they run in for a period of time, their personal mark will gradually disappear, and they will become a complete willow!

   At this time, they are exchanging countless information with every breath. So while Wu Hao was still performing family ethics dramas, they had reached a consensus here.

   Now, for them, the most important thing is to help the remaining six brothers and sisters to get back the body. Complete integration to complete the resurrection of Xiang Liu.

   Now they only know their own history, and they don't have a complete memory of Xiang Liu. Only when the body and soul meet the conditions and the fusion is completed, they will be able to obtain a complete inheritance of Xiangliu memory.

   Now they have at best certain characteristics of the willow, for example, they already have the ability to control water. The lake of blood with a radius of thousands of miles is under their control.

   And the gods in the blood lake have finished listening to their orders. This is because the bloodline is suppressed, they are the ultimate bloodline of the gods.

   Now they are in this state, for the time being called the "three-headed willow"!

   The three-headed Sangyan glanced at Wu Hao's position, and then sent a mental wave to the super goddess who guarded them.

   The next moment, the super **** evil worshipped the three-headed willow that had just formed tamely, and let this "three-headed willow" put his hand on its huge body.

Suddenly, the super **** screamed sternly, the flesh and blood on its body were stripped, and the bone marrow was condensed, and it continued to flow into the "three-headed willow", and the breath of the three-headed willow began to be unlimited. Promote.

   Soon, the breath of the three-headed willow reached the limit of the world, but Liu Yunyun's head suddenly appeared a strange wave, and the world's original aura disappeared in a flash.

  After all, the catastrophe had never come, which made Wu Hao's mouth, who had been paying attention here, couldn't help but twitch.

   The protagonist's treatment is really speechless.

   Wu Hao is now carrying six spiritual treasures, and he has already touched the limits of this world. He can already faintly feel the rejection of this world.

   That kind of feeling is as if as long as he burst out with all his strength, it would attract the catastrophe.

   Although he doesn't mind using the identity of summer to harvest another wave of tribulations. But now this complicated situation is obviously not a good time to cross the catastrophe.

   was planning to find Liu Ruxu, and Wu Hao, who was going through another catastrophe, suddenly felt that he was locked in by a strong maliciousness.

   is the three-headed willow!

  Wu Hao hasn't had time to say anything? The three-headed willow appeared in front of him in a flash, quickly like a phantom.

   Wu Hao was shocked, and grabbed the six small children, and sent it to Director Bai Honggu with a gentle force.

   He still did not forget to say: "Take care of your child!"

   "Oh..." Ren Pingsheng answered the child instinctively, and then immediately reacted.

   "Fuck, who are you?"

   Wu Hao has no time to answer him, he has already met the tail of the three-headed willow containing the mighty power of the willow.

   After a hard hit the three-headed willow stayed steadily in place, but Wu Hao threw it away.

   After a series of changes in direction and unloading power in the middle, Wu Hao relieved the PS effect on himself, then turned to Ren Pingsheng and said, "You see who I am?"

At this time, the three-headed willow rushed up again. Wu Hao couldn't wait for the master Baihonggu to reply, and shouted at the head of Liu Yunyun in the middle of the three-headed willow: "Don’t open... Now!"

With a squeak, the three-headed willow made a sudden stop and stopped in front of Wu Hao.

   Xing Naluo glanced at Liu Yunyun: "He said he was his own!"

   Liu Yunyun took a closer look at Wu Hao, and then looked in the direction of the blood **** clone. The perception of the blood of the three-headed willow made it easy for her to judge that the essence of the blood **** clone was just a godly evil.

   So she explained to Xing Naluo through her spiritual connection: "He is indeed her own, a junior brother I like very much in Bai Honggu!"

   Xing Naluo showed the old driver's clear smile: "Then shall we discuss with him directly, or catch him before discussing?"

   Liu Yunyun smiled evilly.

   "No, go ahead!"

   "Break him, ravage him, conquer him! I want to play with him for ten thousand years, let him be a running dog for my life!"



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