Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 863: Go back and forth

   Xuantian Island.

This is a large island on the outskirts of Sealed Demon Island in the blood lake of the relics of gods and demons. It is not far from Sealed Demon Island. Because it is occupied by Xuantianzong and used to monitor the movements of Sealed Demon Island at any time, it was named Xuantian Island. .

Not long ago, there was a change in Demon Sealing Island. Most of the masters stationed on Xuantian Island went to the area of ​​Demon Island to prevent Demon Emperor Xing Na Luo from getting out of trouble. Now there are only a few guards on Xuantian Island, as well as some wounded. Fix it here.

   But today, two uninvited guests arrived on Xuantian Island, and they carried out a merciless massacre on the left-behind personnel of Xuantian Sect.

   With a boom, the ancestor's corpse's huge slap was pressed down, and the entire hall was completely crushed. The people of Xuantianzong who were guarded by the hall formation were undoubtedly crushed into masses of meat.

   Under the divine power of the ancestor corpse soul realm, these natives of the Hao Cang realm had no room to fight back.

   Not far from the ancestral corpse, Xiao Tao and Jiang Han watched this scene coldly, without the slightest fluctuation on their faces.

   It's just that they occasionally look at the direction of the Sealed Demon Island in the center of the blood lake with lingering fear, as if there is some scourge over there.

   "That person is not far away, a quick fight!" Xiaotao couldn't help but urged.

   Jiang Han slightly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, gritted his teeth again to fill the ancestral corpse with two states, and kept urging the ancestral corpse to end the battle as soon as possible.

   It stands to reason that they saw through Wu Hao's identity how far they should have run.

   But they came to Hao Cang Realm this time not just because of the treasure house, they also have other missions.

   The treasures in the treasury are secondary. Their main task is to explore the situation in the Hao Cang Realm.

   You must know that a thousand years ago, the real Huanglong had mastered the origin of the Hao Cang realm, which was equivalent to completely controlling this small world. For the power of practitioners, the benefits of mastering a world are immeasurable.

   At least in the Hao Cang world, there is an astonishing environment of evil spirits, which is of great benefit to martial arts fighters in the spirit stage.

   When fighting with the extraterritorial forces of Ansuke Dagan, the real Huanglong once detonated the origin of the Hao Cang realm and inflicted heavy damage on the enemy. At that time, she also lost the control of the Hao Cang realm.

   When she tried to enter the Hao Cang Realm again this time, she was able to conclude that the Hao Cang Realm must have formed a new world origin.

   Otherwise, this world wouldn't have such perfect rules, making Huang Long really unable to enter.

   If they manage to control the origin of the world again, they will be able to modify the rules to a certain extent, so that the martial spirit stage of their forces can also come to the Hao Cang realm to find the evil spirit environment for cultivation.

   Even if there is no way to control the origin of the world, they can also support the natives of the Hao Cang world, let them refine the crystals of evil spirits, and pay tribute on a regular basis.

   When the evil environment of the star realm is becoming less and less, such a small world is of great significance to the development of their power. Far beyond the value of a treasure.

   However, after the two of Xiaotao entered here, they found that the situation here was more complicated than imagined.

   Integrating all kinds of news in Wanhualou, Xiao Tao was surprised to find that there were traces of the activities of practitioners in other worlds. It is the so-called upper realm of the practitioners of the Hao Cang world!

   Based on the descriptions of the upper realm in various classics, Xiaotao can conclude that the so-called upper realm is not the star realm at all. And the practice environment there should not be inferior to the star realm.

   She even found the record about the envoy of the upper realm. In the mouth of the so-called envoy, she called the world "Kuntai Realm".

   A whole new world!

  The new world means opportunity and danger. Xiao Tao is extremely vigilant about this so-called upper bound.

   But she is really unwilling if she doesn't go there.

   Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the cultivation environment in the star realm is getting worse and worse. This makes the achievements of practitioners almost inferior to generations. It also gives people the illusion that today is inferior to the past.

   This situation must be changed, or it may be the end of the Dharma era in which the magical powers of ancient prophecies do not exist without waiting for everyone.

   Now, an opportunity that might change all of this is in front of her, how can Xiao Tao not be moved.

   It's better to take action if your heart is moving.

   But before the action, she has to make a decision and then move.

   She first persuaded Jiang Han to join her plan. To explore the new world, you always need a meat shield and a nanny, as long as there is Jiang Han alone, both are all there.

   Is there any better teammate?

  The other thing is that they need to dig out the treasure house of Tianshi first to improve their own strength.

   Well, some accidents did occur when digging the treasure house of the sky city, but this did not shake their determination to explore the new world.

   Just an hour before the ancestor's corpse was finished, they first swept Xuantian Island before talking.

  The reason why he wanted to hit Xuantian Island was because Xiaotao had calculated it through divination. This is the best place to open a passage to the new world.

   After finishing all the Xuantianzong people here, Xiao Tao caught two live interrogations, and she understood why she got that kind of divination result.

   This Xuantian Island is where Xuantianzong received the message from the Lord of the Lightsaber of the Upper Realm. They set up an altar here, and tried again and again to establish contact with the Upper Realm.

   Xiaotao searched the altar carefully, and she found information about Kuntai Realm.

"Found it! Hmph, the people of Kuntai Realm really left their way of positioning in the world to facilitate them to pay tribute on a regular basis. It is a pity that these indigenous people don't understand the principle of space at all, and arrange the altar like cats and tigers, which makes people laugh! "

   "But they have saved us a lot of things. We only need to make a little modification to lock the position of Kuntai Realm."

   The two got the desired result, very excited, and soon started to transform the altar.

   After the transformation was completed, Xiaotao carefully took out a shining orb.

   This is the Boundary Breaking Pearl.

   Locked the Kuntai Realm's coordinates, and the Kuntai Realm and Hao Cang Realm were in close proximity, the Boundary Breaking Pearl could help her open a temporary cross-border passage.

   This thing is extremely precious, and only a master refiner who is proficient in space supernatural powers can refine it. It is difficult to say whether anyone in the star realm can refine this kind of spiritual weapon.

   Xiaotao holds the stock in the hands of Real Huang Long, and now she and Jiang Han hold one.

   Boundary Breaking Orb is actually a one-time magic weapon, it is difficult to refining, and the materials are rather mediocre. The two world-breaking beads in the hands of Xiaotao and Jiang Han were actually used for them to return to the star realm.

   But now they decide to act together, first use one to explore the so-called Kuntai Realm. Just leave one to return to the star realm.

   After they finished transforming the altar, the ancestor's corpse was too early to be usable and was put away by Jiang Han.

   The two of them were slightly trimmed, and Jiang Han filled them up with various increase states, and then Xiao Tao activated the Boundary Breaking Orb.

   Boundary Breaking Pearl flew to the center of the altar, and as it became brighter and brighter, the surrounding space gradually became distorted.

   A **** hole slowly appeared on the altar.

   Xiaotao and Jiang Han looked at each other, and they were about to enter when they got up.

   screamed, but a person rushed out of it and almost hit them.

  The person here looks like 20 or 30 years old, with sword eyebrows, stars and eagle noses, looking very sharp. He roared as soon as he came out.

   "My Emperor Yunxuan is back again!"

   Then, when he saw Xiao Tao and Jiang Han, he couldn't help asking, "Who are you?"

   However, Ma God Yunxuan understood, because he had already seen a mess on Xuantian Island and dead bodies all over the ground.

   Emperor Yunxuan looked at the tragic situation here, his brows jumped, but he didn't immediately act. Instead, he stood on the and gave a fist to the dark space passage: "Big brother, found two demon thieves!"

   "Take it down!" A cold voice came from the space passage.

   "Yes!" A loud response sounded from the passage, like a mountain whistling a tsunami.

   Then, more than a dozen flying boats flew out of the space channel, and one by one cultivators jumped off the flying boats as they got off the dumplings, and they killed Xiaotao and Jiang Han.

   Seeing that Xiao Tao and Jiang Han are in a bad situation, they have already ran away first.

   It was too horrible, just opened a door, and as a result, thousands of practitioners were killed out by hula, all of them were no less than the strength of the gods.

   What are you doing? Have you stabbed a hornet's nest?

  The Buddhism practitioner is good for this. She found something wrong before others showed up, and then she dragged Jiang Han into a hurricane.

   Biao Biao Biao, Jiang Han feels something is wrong.

   "Sister Tao, where are we going?"

   Xiaotao had a slight meal.

   "Go to the Great Demon King, the Five-Colored God Sect, with the same spirit. We have been bullied. Isn't it natural to go to the Qinglian Sword Sect's brother to help boxing!"

   "Is there a safer place in the entire Hao Cang Realm than his side?"



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