Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 903: The start is a dead end

Kunwu Mountain is densely forested, with fierce beasts infested, and there are even traces of the activities of wise beasts.

Among the hundred ethnic groups in Lingnan, there are also several uncivilized wild ethnic groups living in them.

The practice resources here are extremely rich, and there are many natural spiritual materials and medicines. There are even natural evil spirit pools and star stone ore veins.

Because the danger level here is too high, the general sect does not recommend disciples below the congenital stage to enter the Kunwu Mountains.

For the cultivators of the innate stage and even the **** realm, this is a good place for trial and practice.

Wu Hao had something to do, so he ignored the environment of Kunwu Mountain. Flew straight to the top of the mountain and flew away.

The closer he gets to the top of the mountain, the heavier he feels.

Wu Hao had experienced this feeling before, and it was obvious that there was a forbidden air circle nearby.

Not only that, as he approached the top of the mountain, he could also feel the tremendous pressure from the top of the mountain.

The source of coercion is the stone stele standing on the top of the mountain.

Only halfway up the mountain, Wu Hao could already see the vigorous characters on the stele.

"Fengtian undertakes transportation, Yongzhen Nanjiang!"

The words are like dragons and tigers, arrogantly forever. Exudes a desolate and desolate atmosphere.

Wu Hao stopped to escape and fell on the mountain. Looking at the handwriting on the stone stele, he curled his lips slightly.

After seeing such a majestic and vast stone monument, it should have been agitated after seeing it, but as long as he thought that he belonged to the side of the town, Wu Hao couldn't be happy anyway.

Wu Hao knew that there should be three identical characters on the other side of the stele.

Absolutely Heavenly Pass!

After checking the relevant information about Juetian Pass in Red Lotus, Wu Hao realized that Juetian Pass is different from the important town of Xiongguan in the traditional sense.

It is not so much a male pass, as it is a big formation.

Zhong Shenxiu, the decorator of Juetian Pass, studied heaven and man, and was proficient in Qimen Dunjia, Yin and Yang and Five Elements, and astrological principles. He united with the Mohist school and spent a lot of nationwide effort to set up the Juetian Pass, which was actually based on a large formation.

Eight golden locks!

This formation is one of the ten oldest formations in the star realm. In the spiritual world, there are often eight golden lock formations. Even the deceived quack warlocks occasionally claimed to be able to put up eight golden locks.

But the older it is, the more perfect it is, the fewer loopholes, and the more invulnerable it is.

Unless the strength meets the corresponding requirements, it conforms to the original rationale of the formation. Otherwise, there is no possibility of breaking the array by tricks.

The eight gates of the Golden Lock Array, the eight gates are rest, birth, injury, du, king, death, startle, and open. If you enter from Shengmen, Jingmen, and open the door, you will be lucky; you will be injured if you enter from the wounded, shocked, and closed doors; and you will die if you enter from the Dumen or the dead.

But the bad luck is relatively speaking, if the strength can crush everything, then everyone is lucky.

If the strength is insufficient, even if you are in the line of life, you may be injured here and die here.

It's just that under normal circumstances, Shengmen Jingmen is the least difficult to open. The difficulty of the two is the most difficult.

Of the eight golden locks of Juetian Pass, none of them can be easily passed. Because Zhong Shenxiu's engraving of the above words has also changed, a turntable suddenly appeared in the area between the eight characters in Nanjiang, Fengtianchengyunyong Town.

With the rapid rotation of the turntable, Xiusheng's injury and Du Jing's death started to change the eight characters incessantly.

Finally, the turntable turned slower and slower, and the writing in the center gradually became fixed.

The display is impressive-death!

When the scene changes, Wu Hao sees the gray sky.

He knew that he had entered the small world.

Wu Hao stared at him, and there was loneliness everywhere.

Which one is this?

Why does it look a bit bad?

Wu Hao took a deep His face suddenly became difficult to look.

He didn't actually feel the slightest breath of the vitality of heaven and earth, which meant that this was an absolutely extraordinary place.

It's not a complete genius! Wu Hao keenly felt that the world was still full of an aura that disgusted him.

Wu Hao carefully took a wisp, pinched it at his fingertips and looked carefully.

After a short while, his fingers began to turn yellow slightly. A small piece of dead skin was formed.


Wu Hao's face completely became difficult to look. He already had a vague guess as to which door he entered.

You're not an ancestor, you are not awesome!


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