Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 904: Yasha Chariot

The world is falling apart!

Before Wu Hao had time to investigate the surrounding environment carefully, he felt the earth sway suddenly and violently.

The gray sky has also become overcast, as if unknown danger is brewing.

Soon he saw small black spots in the sky.

The black spot was still on the horizon at first, but in the blink of an eye, it came to a range less than one mile from Wu Hao.

At this time, Wu Hao also saw clearly what the black spots looked like.

It was actually an air regiment with three thousand staff.

This legion is not a human being, but an alien race.

They are graceful, with ribs and wings, are fast, and hold double prongs.

Wu Hao had just seen their appearance clearly, and the sky was raining like hail.

Each fork strikes like a heavy siege crossbow.

Wu Haotian demon escaped a certain distance, and easily avoided the attack of Chayu.

But his brows frowned.

There is no aura in this world, which means that he is a tree without roots, water without a source. One's own true essence, witch power and soul power were used a little less, and could not be supplemented by the slightest.

And the opposing legion was full of lifelessness, obviously very adaptable to this lifeless environment. Under the circumstances, the more procrastinated, the more disadvantaged it will be for him.

As Wu Hao thought about it, the earth also began to change. As the earth cracked one by one, huge monsters with a height of several feet crawled out of the ground.

The moment he saw these monsters, Wu Hao almost spit out the food overnight.

He had never seen a creature uglier than this monster.

They have beast heads with human bodies, evil behaviors, a long forehead with one eye, and one eye on the chin.

The ears are not on the left and right sides, but one is in front and the other is behind, squeezing the nose.

The eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and the other eye form a vertical centerline on the face.

The thick nostrils, one facing the sky and the other facing the ground. A soft flesh grows from each nostril, like the tentacles of a snail.

This is nothing, the most conspicuous thing is that there is a cloud of blue flames burning above their heads. The green mist shining the entire face of this monster gave Wu Hao a little sympathy for no reason.

I saw the look of the army in the sky and on the ground, and the dead environment here. Wu Hao had already recognized what kind of army he had encountered.


Wu Hao didn't expect to encounter a Yasha tribe army here.

Those graceful, charming and colorful petite air forces are undoubtedly female Yashas. Of course, the world prefers to call it dominatrix.

These green clouds on the ground are naturally male Yasha.

Wu Hao once heard that the situation of the Yasha tribe is similar to that of the Shura tribe. Both women are beautiful and men are extremely ugly, with serious differentiation. But he never thought it was so serious.

This is simply the Zixia Fairy with the Bull Demon King!

Looking at the pretty faces of the dominatrix, the curvaceous figure, and the group of ugly girls underneath, Wu Hao finally understood how the green cloud above their heads came from.

Tucao, Wu Hao didn't dare to take the Yasha Legion lightly.

If he didn't admit it was wrong, the name of the flame above these male Yaksha's heads is Bilin Youyan, and when it burns, it emits poisonous gas to the surroundings all the time.

It is difficult to breathe, and the intestines pierce through the lungs, and it will turn into a pool of pus in a moment.

Simply put, this is a biochemical weapon that releases respiratory toxins.

Even Wu Hao's Azure Emperor Longevity Body has extraordinary resistance to this toxin. In order to save his own consumption, Wu Hao still held his breath to avoid toxins entering the body.

Anyway, he can perform photosynthesis.

Although there is no aura in this world, light still exists.

As long as there is light, he will not panic.

However, seeing the Yasha Legion, Wu Hao was completely sure which door he had entered.

Unexpectedly, today's bad luck, facing the most difficult deadlock as soon as he entered the battlefield.

At this time, the Yasha Legion had completed the assembly.

Tens of thousands of men walked on the Yaksha and formed a battle on the ground. Three thousand female Tianxing Yasha hovered in the sky.

What attracted Wu Hao's attention most was the Yasha that appeared last.

She is three feet tall and has a pair of ugly black wings on her back. His figure appeared heavy and bloated, and he walked like a moving mountain of meat. The rumbling rumbling made the earth tremble.

This is a **** through and through.

As a female, he looks several times uglier than a male Yasha. His face is like a male Yasha who jumped off a cliff and died, with his face on the ground first.

So the question is, since he is so ugly, how can Wu Hao tell that she is a female at a glance?

Because she is the only unclothed creature in the audience.

Wu Hao secretly thought that it might be that their Yasha clan's standard equipment did not have this size.

I saw that huge dominatrix, holding the five-foot-long dung fork in her hand, yelling at Wu Hao "$%¥^0^#&" (Yasha language).

Wu Hao couldn't understand what she was shouting. He only knew that with her shout, the overwhelming Yasha army rushed towards him.

At the same time, hundreds of Tianxing Yashas and Terrain Yashas kept moving closer to the huge dominatrix.

Soon, they united together, using the Earth Xing Yaksha as the wheel and the Sky Xing Yaksha as the wings, forming a ten-foot-tall Yasha chariot.

Rumble, like a thunder, drove over to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao understood that he had no tricks to break the eight-door golden lock formation, he could only attack and smash the door directly!

In such a place of incomprehensible spirit, delaying in a roundabout way will only consume spiritual power in a plain manner.

This is not as good as an upright and reckless wave.

Give it a go!

As soon as his Azure Cloud Sword shines, he opens the Star Sucking Sword Domain first.

Whether the battle is won or lost, he can't lose money.

Without any worries, Wu Hao took the initiative to rush towards the Yasha Legion.

His goal is not to those Jixing Yasha in the grassland above his head. But those swift and fierce Yakshas in the sky.

No matter how you look at it, those sweet little ladies in the sky are better bullies than the ugly men on the ground.

As a result, when he was halfway through the flight, he felt a roar in his ears.

The huge Yasha chariot rolled over, making him feel as if he had hit a big mountain head-on.

With a bang, Wu Hao was knocked into the air by a dozen feet, staring at Venus.

Wu Hao was taken aback. He never expected that the chariot, with such a huge figure, could actually fly into the air to hit him.

Before Wu Hao had time to get up, the huge shadow of the chariot appeared in front of him again, rolling over without hesitation, and knocking Wu Hao several feet away.

Then there was no time for him to react at 咚咚咚咚咚咚咚咚...

Unlimited hitting!

As a result, Wu Hao used the two-person version of Jin Chan to escape the shell at the moment he was hit by a female Yasha, and only then did he gain some breathing time for himself.

"Damn, shrink the ground to an inch!" Wu Hao shook his groggy head and couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's still a version of unlimited firepower, this is a **** domain!"

At this time, the Yasha chariot roared, and the surrounding Yasha army responded.

At this time, Wu Hao could clearly see that the lifeless spirits formed a huge formation, connecting the entire Yasha Legion, and then concentrated on the huge Yasha chariot, forming a pattern of fierce ghosts.

This fierce ghost pattern is full of the essence of the world that is condensed as the substance, which is tens of thousands of times larger than that of Liu Yunyun in the Hao Cang Realm.

Wu Hao swallowed, and things seemed a bit big.


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