Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 101 The 100th chapter!!! (Please start giving out recommendation tickets and monthly tickets

"Damn, I didn't expect that Ge Xiaolun would be spoiled so quickly."

Luther read the entire dark plane information, which was equivalent to "watching" the process of the demon civilization and Ge Xiaolun.

This left Luther speechless, but it seemed to be normal. Ge Xiaolun originally had poor willpower, and with the "infatuation" gene, Du Qiangwei joined the demon civilization, and then had the reputation of protecting the earth with the help of demon civilization. exist.

Ge Xiaolun must have followed suit.

Of course, Ge Xiaolun did not do this in reality, but now the demonic civilization has subtly influenced Ge Xiaolun, making Ge Xiaolun have bad angels. When he sees an angel, he wants to go up and kill the other person's subconscious, and the demonic civilization has a negative influence on him. good.

There is also his happy life with Du Qiangwei on the Devil No. 1, where "lovers eventually get married."

I have to say that Heifeng is really good at playing, first rising and then suppressing. Without that period of "happy life", Ge Xiaolun would not have gone so completely crazy.

"With the addition of Ge Xiaolun, the angels will definitely suffer heavy casualties..."

Luther held a moment of silence for the following angels.

But they could be resurrected later anyway, so Luther did not observe silence for long.

Ge Xiaolun still has no way to exert his genetic ability, but just a "Silence" can subvert the dark energy and make all the angels lose control. In the original plot, Angel Yan was restricted by the dark energy, and was suddenly defeated by the sword demon Atuo. Counterattack.

Otherwise, even if Holy Kesha is disconnected, Angel Yan can still compete with the sword demon Atuo.

Grand Canyon, secret meeting.

The three permanent members of the United Nations are discussing via video conference.

The situation in the beautiful country is not good. Now they can only hide in the Pacific Ocean because there are too many demons and too many gluttons.

"Please see, about half a month ago, we observed a large number of black spots appearing in the outer reaches of the solar system. They slowly surrounded the entire solar system in a way that violated the motion of celestial bodies. After we zoomed in on the image through the super satellite, It is certain that they are spaceships..."

Hearing this, everyone present had unhappy expressions.

"Is it the spaceship of the Taotie civilization?"

One of the people with a hooked nose asked.

"Yes, judging from the shape of the images, they are consistent with the spacecraft of the Taotie civilization that once appeared on the Blue Star and are still invading and destroying it now, including Grand Cross ships, battleships, and floating gunboats. Our existing observation methods and technologies Their exact location cannot be detected."

Technicians enlarged the picture.

"Currently we can only judge their situation based on limited images. They don't seem to be continuing to move forward, but are establishing a front line. As for their number, the number of warships we observed alone is more than 300!"

This number gave everyone present a headache.

Not to mention the larger warships, the large cross-ships and floating gunboats alone were difficult for them to deal with, and the battle loss ratio reached 1:100 or more.

The beautiful country has lost most of its wealth, and even the Haters Alliance is gone.

Hearing that there were so many alien fleets watching eagerly, they all felt that Blue Star might not be doomed.

"Are they afraid of the Xiongbing Company?"

The representative of the Celestial Dynasty asked in confusion, what is the point of setting up a front in the universe?

It looked like he was afraid of something.

"No, according to the active detection reports of the Taotie civilization, they are afraid of the greatest evil in the known universe, the Demon Queen Morgana and her extremely evil civilization - the Demon Civilization, as well as the mysterious Krypton with unknown attitudes. Civilization, and angelic civilization.”

Ducao replied.

How could the Xiongbing Company be the object of fear of the Taotie Civilization? The Battle of Tianhe has already concluded. The Xiongbing Company could not defeat several large cross ships even after exhausting their efforts. If it were not for the special abilities of Di Leina and Du Qiangwei, The Xiongbing Company is probably gone.

The representatives of Blue Star didn't look very good-looking, and they had to rely on the intimidation of others to prevent the army of the Taotie Civilization from coming.

But now, compared with the fleets in the universe, the Taotie civilization on Blue Star seems like a small fight.

However, even such a small fight is not something humans can bear.

It is unimaginable that if the fleet of the Taotie civilization comes, it will probably be a disaster for mankind.

The meeting ended hastily. The beautiful country repeatedly asked China to disclose the super genetic technology of Xiongbinglian. Now at the time of human survival, China should not be so selfish.

Tianchao didn't bother to pay attention and refused politely.

"Hmph, I knew the people of China were unreliable!"

After the people from Beautiful Country ended the video conference, they said to their subordinates.

"So, join Queen Morgana's command, sir, Queen Morgana can protect us and give us eternal life!"

"...In this current environment, can't we catch up with the angel civilization?"

"No, the angelic civilization is not the god we believe in, and the City of Holy Lord has replaced God with the angel queen, but they have not received the protection of angels, and the City of Holy Lord has now become a land of demons. "

"Where's the Kryptonian civilization, that powerful god-king?"

"Kryptonian civilization is even harder to contact. We don't even know where they are."

"...If this is the case, then I have no choice. I hope the citizens of the beautiful country can forgive my decision!"

The beautiful country does not want to perish like this. After all, it is a joint-stock company disguised as a country. It is not surprising that there will be gangsters. They are capitalist countries and profit supremacists.

There is no point in the floating island that Holy Kesha transferred to. Next, we have to watch the growth of the power of the galaxy here, so of course there must be a good place to watch.

Hundreds of angel guards and soldiers are used to prevent the Kryptonian civilization from having any ideas, in other words, to keep track of it.

"Yan, Morgana dropped a demon warrior on Fraser, you go and destroy it."

Holy Kesha suddenly said to Angel Yan.

Naturally, Morgana's actions cannot be hidden from Holy Kesha.

"Yes, Queen!"

Angel Yan realized that Morgana planned to take action against Enisid, and he didn't know whether to kill Enixid or to use Enixid to draw the angel's attention.

"It is your old rival, Sword Demon Atuo, Morgana's general and a third-generation warrior. Be careful."

Holy Kesha warned Angel Yan.

This time she did not let Ge Xiaolun, the force of the Galaxy, follow her to cultivate feelings because she read Ge Xiaolun's dark plane information. Now Ge Xiaolun should hate angels and have murderous intentions towards angels.

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