Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 102 Powerful Black Hole Engine

But it doesn't matter, for Holy Kesha, it's just a lost opportunity to cultivate feelings.

There are plenty of opportunities like this ahead.

They have plenty of time.

Luther knew the news that Angel Yan was leaving for Fraser. In order to hold Angel Yan back, the sword demon Atuo would not show up at first. It would only appear after Holy Kesha went offline.

Even if the divine body is achieved, there is nothing special about the divine body of the demon civilization. It may be better at transporting wormholes, but it is simply impossible to be Angel Yan's opponent.

"Finally, we have waited for this time, waiting for the party's victory!"

Luther said.

Considering that there will be wars with the Triangle Civilization, the Sky Slag Legion, the Gluttonous Civilization, the Giant Wolf Civilization under the command of the God of Death, Carl, and other civilizations.

Luther is now working on producing the God-killing power that belongs to the Kryptonian civilization. After understanding what the God-killing power is and its technology, mass production will not be a problem.

And there is no need to rely on God-killing weapons to exert the God-killing power like the God-killing power of Promise Star. Now the Kryptonian vanguard soldiers with silver armor and silver wings created by Luther are all genetically equipped with God-killing power. Power, the super gene engine can drive the power of killing gods.

This allows them to add god-killing power even if they don't have god-killing weapons in their hands, displaying terrifying destructive power and pertinence.

All of them are third-generation super warriors. The ones with golden armor and golden wings have also been strengthened and upgraded, becoming third-generation divine bodies, not to mention the god-killing power, peak beast body, invincible body and god-killing martial arts.

As for the original ten Noxian Gods of War, they remained unchanged. Luther re-created two void warriors.

These two void warriors both use a large amount of void matter as the core of the void engine. Although it is not as high as the energy level of void particles, it is definitely stronger than Howl.

Anyway, Holy Kesha will be coming to an end soon, and the Void Warrior no longer needs to hide.

"The world of Super Seminary is really outrageous. Black hole algorithms can be developed. This is the key to the black hole engine..."

Even Luther himself built a black hole engine.

Study black holes, use supercomputers to calculate the formation of black holes, and then write algorithms, just like superpower algorithms. However, the algorithm of the black hole engine is too complex, and ordinary supercomputers and even celestial supercomputers cannot do it.

According to Luther, it only took him less than a day from calculation to completion. This super brain is also very useful.

His void engine is fully configured, and there are simply too many void particles to use up. Even if the deformed void particles consume more energy than anything else, Luther can recover more energy with one breath, so his void engine It’s also incredibly functional.

If the God of Death, Carl, does not have more advanced void technology, then this black hole engine that combines the anti-void ability of the Galaxy Power with the void technology of the Void Engine Sword of the Super Seminary and the secondary biological engine technology of the Angel will be the super Seminary. The most powerful void engine ever created.

A full 500-frequency high-frequency black hole engine!

If you include Luther's own biomass computer engine and super's impossible to calculate.

At least with this black hole engine, Luther already has the ability to completely explode the computing power of large clocks.

It's just that Luther doesn't know how to exercise and train his super brain. Humans have developed various methods for exercising the brain and training the way of thinking. The super brain is now in a completely primitive state. Luther has tried to use human methods to train the brain. Exercise, but the effect is average.

The super brain adapts to these methods in almost microseconds, which means that even Yiduidi cannot touch the potential of the super brain.

"Black hole engine program activated!"

[The black hole engine has additional black hole drive algorithm, additional void controller, additional anti-void ability, additional void ability, super defined matter, super concept rewriter, super space definition, super gene rewrite definition! 】

[Black hole driving algorithm: simulated black holes, miniature atomic black holes, medium-sized massive black holes, large supermassive black holes, galaxy-level black holes, the ultimate trick·black hole incarnation! 】

Luther felt the changes in his body instantly. His body itself was the most powerful body with unlimited potential.

However, the Kryptonian gene and the Doomsday gene are both castrated versions. If you get the Code of Life, you may be able to make up for the defects of your own genes and go further. However, this is impossible, so now he has worked hard to research it. black hole engine.

The super gene definition function is activated!

[Start detecting the target. The target belongs to the Kryptonian civilization life form. It is an advanced fourth-generation divine body shell. It comes with the Doomsday super gene, the legendary Super Saiyan super gene, the mutated Kryptonian super gene, the Galaxy Power super gene, and the Nox star. Ares Super Gene! 】

[Starting to analyze the target gene structure... The solution is extremely difficult, please apply for super brain computing power support...]

[The application was successful, redefining and rewriting the target super gene! 】

[Defined as completing the Doomsday super gene, completing the Kryptonian super gene, and completing the legendary Super Saiyan gene! 】

[Rewritten as three super genes fused into the super-destroying Kryptonian gene! 】

Luther issued two consecutive command procedures.

[Complete and rewritten in progress, progress 0.00001%...]

Then the progress got stuck there.

"No way, can this be stuck?"

Luther pondered, he didn't know how difficult this thing was, but the computing power of the super brain was still stuck there, which meant that this project was beyond imagination. Now it has only made a little progress, reaching 0.00002%.

However, at least it is still moving forward, although slowly, but Luther can feel that his body is undergoing earth-shaking changes, and more powerful forces are constantly pouring out.

"My idea is not wrong. In the current situation, unless we can create a more powerful void engine, we can only waste time."

Luther was thoughtful.

More powerful void technology can probably only be mined from the power of the galaxy, if the Super Seminary and Shenhe civilization have not reserved it.

As for the Death God Carl, he has been suppressed by the Holy Kesha for too long, and has not yet obtained the full authority of the Great Clock, and it is estimated that he has not obtained any advanced void technology.

Luther can only study it by himself. Fortunately, he has a super brain, not a rigid big clock, so it is impossible for him to progress slower than the Death God Carl.

At the same time, Morgana, who was ready, finally couldn't help but attack the Great Canyon.

Dukao was teaching the super soldiers of the Heroic Company on the deck of the Grand Canyon, when suddenly a bullet blew his head off!

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