Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 108 Situation

This is also the reason why I look down on Ge Xiaolun.

Having been a deserter, it can be said that he has never experienced a war. Then he has experienced a war. Blue Star is devastated, with no retreat and no escape. What is he doing when others are sacrificing their lives?

Luther thought it would be better to give this kind of thing to Morgana.

At worst, someone else could be responsible for the power of the galaxy, and Xin Zhao would be good.

Liu Chuang's words are too extravagant. How heroic is it to give two top super genes to one person?

Luther even thought about resisting Ge Xiaolun and Morgana, for example, to prevent Du Qiangwei from joining the demon civilization and not being acquired by the demon civilization.

Also, tell him in front of Ge Xiaolun.

"Watch out, Ge Xiaolun, this is what Du Qiangwei uses..."

But this went against his reputation as the nemesis of justice... no, the nemesis of sin, so Luther hesitated.

However, Luther still tried to send a signal to the remaining Black Wall base of the Deno civilization.

"Chief Lianfeng, we have received contacts from the Lieyang civilization and the Kryptonian civilization."

The Black Wall Base was activated after the Great Gap was destroyed.

The Mangdangshan spaceship made of dark alloy is also here, but it has no energy to start. At the same time, Sun Wukong's eighty-eight sets of dark alloy armor are also here.

It can be said that if some of these dark alloys are used to arm ordinary soldiers into a black-armored armored force, the casualties will not be so large.

Taotie, giant wolves, and little devils can all be killed by guns and cannons. What ordinary people lack is just armor that can withstand their attacks.

You must know that even tanks can be penetrated by these alien individual weapons with one shot.

"Kryptonian civilization?"

Lianfeng didn't expect that the Kryptonian civilization would send them a message. The only information that could be used at this time was dark communication. However, even if it was dark communication, not everyone could use it in the face of the blockade of Devil No. 1. .

The devil himself can use it, and anyone with a celestial computer can use it, but the Deno civilization... cannot.

Deno 3 is still far away. Morgana was already able to come and go freely on the Great Gorge before she teleported Demon 1. She could also invade the database of Deno 3 at will. You can imagine the gap. How big.

"What message did they send?"

Lianfeng asked quickly.

After Dukao died, she became the top person in charge of the Deno Civilization and Super Seminary. Lianfeng could be said to have been very busy recently, especially since she found that Dukao had too many things that he had not told her. .

"The information from the Lieyang Civilization indicates that if we are willing to become the subordinates of the Lieyang Civilization and join the Lieyang Civilization, Pan Zhen is willing to lead the heavenly soldiers and generals of the Lieyang Civilization to wipe out all the monsters and monsters in Blue Star!"

The staff of the Black Great Wall said quickly.

"General Du has already explained before that Lieyang Civilization is so ambitious that we cannot believe their lies. The Taotie Civilization at least made it clear that they want to destroy us, but Lieyang Civilization is doing one thing overtly and another secretly. They always want to To enslave us and experience in us the feeling of God’s sovereignty…”

Lianfeng sighed and said.

The conditions of the Lieyang Civilization seem to be very good, but Dukao has never believed in the Lieyang Civilization. After all, it is a civilization that can threaten Sun Wukong by massacring the city. Deep down, they want to enslave Blue Star.

"Where is the information about Kryptonian civilization?"

Lianfeng asked.

They still maintain a neutral attitude towards the Kryptonian civilization. After all, Dukao has not yet found any information about the Kryptonian civilization.

"They ask us to become the people of the Kryptonian civilization. In that case, the Kryptonian civilization will lead the magic weapons and generals to clean up all the monsters and monsters on the Blue Star."

The staff then said.

"Isn't this no different from the Lieyang Civilization?"

Lianfeng complained.

Well, now, a Sun civilization and a Kryptonian civilization both want Blue Star to join their ranks, and then they will definitely be able to keep Blue Star. The question is, what is the cost?

Logically speaking, they have no choice.

But from the perspective of the Deno Civilization and the Super Seminary, they have a choice, which is to use hundreds of millions of people as a melting pot to refine a true god, and then they can ignore the Lieyang Civilization and the Kryptonian Civilization.

As for these sacrifices, they are all worth it.

Luther kindly asked people to set up a broadcast to broadcast the conditions of Kryptonian civilization to humans all over the world.

Demonic civilization naturally cannot intercept or block the broadcasts from the Supreme Heaven. When Morgana found out, she just cursed a few times but said nothing.

If the Kryptonian civilization really fell in love with Blue Star, Morgana would have to find another place as her new home. Anyway, she didn't have the guts to provoke Luther.

Although it is not impossible to cooperate with the God of Death, Karl, to continue to destroy God King Luther, the problem is that Morgana's trust in the God of Death, Karl, is very limited. After solving the Holy Kesha, who was a serious problem, Morgana started to show off.

Can't you hide if you can't afford to offend?

Luther is not like her sister who would hunt her down across the universe.

Of course, before leaving, Morgana must take Du Qiangwei away.

After the Blue Star people heard the broadcast of the Kryptonian civilization, they became excited and wanted to join the Kryptonian civilization.

However, those who have the decision-making power are those who can contact the Kryptonian civilization, and even if the Black Great Wall Base knows about this, it is impossible to contact the Kryptonian civilization.

Luther didn't care either, he was just causing trouble for the people of Deno Civilization and Super Seminary.

In the original plot, Blue Star had no choice but to follow Denor Civilization and Super Seminary all the way to the end. Now, Luther just gave them a chance to choose.

Luther has always maintained his attention and care for Qilin, and has not been distracted by anything. Anyway, the super brain can operate multi-threaded easily.

He let his clone do other things, and only the one who accompanied Qilin was the real body, even when he went to find Dilena.

The situation in Juxia City is not very good now. When Morgana manipulated Dilena to destroy Juxia and the South China Sea Fleet, Juxia City was affected by the war between angels and demons. In the original plot, there was a shot of an angel falling from the sky and falling on a high-speed car.

Then the angel was killed by the demon who followed closely.

When the Holy Kesha was destroyed and the Kryptonian civilization seemed to not want to care about Blue Star's affairs, even the Celestial Empire inevitably fell into the situation of the original plot, or even worse, because the demons of the island country and several nearby small countries have spread over.

The demon destroyed the communication system, causing the stationed troops and weapons that needed signal calibration to lose signal, and the situation that was barely able to hold on collapsed instantly.

A large number of small demons poured in, and Luther and Qilin escaped with difficulty.

Qilin didn't expect Luther, an ordinary citizen, to be so powerful.

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