Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 109 Demand Relationship

Although it looks similar to the original plot of Liang Bing staying next to Du Qiangwei and pretending.

But at least Luther would not be like Liang Bing, who killed his father, destroyed the Grand Canyon, destroyed the Blue Star, caused so many casualties and still stayed with Du Qiangwei with peace of mind.

Luther has never done any of the above. At most, he chose to stand aside when he had the ability to intervene.

Anyway, he doesn't think that he is a Blue Star person in this world, so naturally there is no psychological pressure.

Luther also kept leading Qilin to run in the opposite direction of the Xiongbing Company. The most important thing was to prevent Qilin from falling into the hands of the Deno civilization.

He planned to choose a city at random when the Kryptonian civilization came. At that time, he and Qilin would become survivors in this city and accept the protection of the Kryptonian civilization. Then he could leave and do other things with peace of mind.

Although Qilin was worried about her parents' safety, there was nothing they could do under the current circumstances.

They can only barely protect themselves.

Of course, in order to avoid any bad emotions caused by Qilin knowing her true identity but not saving her parents, Luther still sent someone to protect her parents.

From the current point of view, Qilin's father is really brave. I can only say that like a daughter, like a father.

Luther was worried that Qilin would try her best to save people when she had the ability, and then Qilin and her old father would try his best to save people.

Fortunately, there are two gods-killing powers to protect him, otherwise he would have died long ago.

Morgana is annoyed now.

Ge Xiaolun clamored every day for Du Qiangwei to join the demon civilization. He felt that the order was wrong. It was obviously Du Qiangwei who joined the demon civilization first, and then he joined the demon civilization, but now he joined first.

Fortunately, Ge Xiaolun was controlled by desire and had no other brain space to think about this issue. He thought it was very simple, so just let Du Qiangwei join the demon civilization.

Their demon civilization will protect the safety of Blue Star from the invasion of the Taotie civilization and angel civilization!

How could Morgana make such a big show of asking Du Qiangwei to join? She couldn't guarantee anything.

So he could only appease Ge Xiaolun, and then look for opportunities to go to Du Qiangwei's side.

She has already thought about it. If things go wrong, she will immediately capture Du Qiangwei, and then spend thousands of years slowly polishing Du Qiangwei.

I don’t believe that Du Qiangwei cannot be softened.

Therefore, under this situation, Du Qiangwei remained unnoticed for several months. Angel Yan's search for Di Leina was not found, so he was looking for Du Qiangwei instead.

Luther thought that Morgana couldn't be cowarded. There was only one possibility, and that was that Morgana hadn't found Du Qiangwei yet.

In the original plot, it seemed that it took a long time for Demon No. 1 to locate Du Qiangwei's existence.

Then Angel Yan flew back to Earth and located Du Qiangwei.

Angel Yan had been dead for a long time, and lush green grass had grown out of the original wasteland, forming a meadow, and he was resurrected at this time.

Considering that the time estimates between Fraser and Earth are not consistent, a conservative estimate is that it will take more than half a year or a year.

Du Qiangwei has been keeping in touch with the Black Great Wall Base. There is a very magical plot where Du Qiangwei goes to the Black Great Wall Base in the morning and rushes back to the team heading to Yellowstone City in the evening. You must know that Du Qiangwei is riding a motorcycle. .

Is it possible that this Black Great Wall Base followed the team?

Can I use some snacks? ! !

After thinking about it carefully, Luther simply gave up on this idea. Why did he think so much? The original plot has now become unknown to his mother. In this case, he has nothing to worry about.

If you have strength, you will be willful. It's better to see if you can save a few short skirts, and maybe get a few guardian oaths.

Du Qiangwei has become accustomed to this kind of life in recent months, running around with survivors to build a defense line.

What is different from the original plot is that due to the large-scale invasion and proliferation of little devils, the defense line of the Celestial Empire was very small. Not to mention Yellowstone City, the angels on the North Star side were also affected, and Angel Leng had to bring Let the surviving angels find a place to hide, waiting for contact from the angel civilization.

She didn't know where her hope for the future lay. She couldn't contact Ge Xiaolun or anyone else. Du Qiangwei could only rely on her own efforts to protect her.

While she was collecting supplies, Du Qiangwei saw a man walking leisurely in the ruins and empty city, and then she also saw several little devils appearing.


Du Qiangwei immediately judged this, and she quickly used the wormhole to transport the black armor, and launched an attack on the little demons.

But then Du Qiangwei saw the man wave his hand, and the little devils screamed and turned into ashes.

"Who are you?"

Du Qiangwei was startled, and then her eyes changed when she looked at the man.

She recognized who this man was.

A few months ago, in the sky above the Juxia, the God King and the God King were facing each other.

In addition, the Kryptonian civilization broadcast to the world a few months ago, saying that as long as Blue Star is willing to join the Kryptonian civilization, the Kryptonian civilization can protect Blue Star and so on. Du Qiangwei's first reaction when seeing Luther was to relax her vigilance.

After all, she knew subconsciously that she could not be this person's opponent. This person's money-throwing attack method was beyond Du Qiangwei's reach.

It's also the wormhole transport technology (what Du Qiangwei thinks of it as), what did they lose?

God-killing weapon, flaming weapon, and the dark silver weapon that even the Denor civilization couldn't recognize. The latter one was not known until she looked up the information in the Super God Academy.

Anyway, no matter which one, she, who throws dark alloy flying knives, can compare.

"God King... Your Majesty, what do you want to do by appearing here?"

Du Qiangwei couldn't hide her excitement and asked Luther.

Luther looked at Du Qiangwei. The demand relationship was different. After the demand position and value changed, Du Qiangwei became like this.

He didn't even need telepathy to know what Du Qiangwei was thinking now. This performance was too obvious.

"Wandering around, I remember, you are the Time and Space Rose Super Soldier?"

Luther said with a smile, and he didn't look at all the majestic momentum he had seen before.

Du Qiangwei didn't expect that such a great god like Luther would appear in such a place, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

"I am."

She could only answer and think along with Luther's words, which led her thinking again, and at the same time decided that her brain would be led by Luther for the time being.

Luther felt that it was not difficult at all.

Of course, it was impossible to make Du Qiangwei agree to anything just by leading her.

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