Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 111 Return to Marvel

"This time is really messed up."

Luther looked at the angel Yan who descended in front of him. His appearance was not as embarrassing and shocking as in the original plot. The main reason was that Angel Yan's current condition was much better than in the original plot, but not much better.

The key point was that although she did not need to consume energy to send Ge Xiaolun back to Earth, she also lacked the energy shared by Di Lena to Ge Xiaolun.

Angel Yan shared a little bit before successfully building her own divine body.

Now, she did not get this kind of stellar energy, so she still used the remains of her third generation.

Although it was also a divine body, it was only a pseudo-divine body when the energy was insufficient, just like Su Mali's pseudo-third generation who could not use the genetic ability of the galaxy power.

"Du Qiangwei..."

Angel Yan breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Du Qiangwei, and then she was stunned when she saw Luther next to Du Qiangwei.

"God King... Luther... Galaxy Power..."

Angel Yan was stunned. She never expected to see Luther here.

Why would such a super god be here?


Du Qiangwei looked at the God King Luther, and her first reaction was that this angel might be looking for Luther, and then she realized that the angel had just called her name.

"Are you looking for me, or for... that person?"

Du Qiangwei said strangely.

Angel Yan didn't know what to say at this time. She planned to find Dilena to replenish the energy of the divine body by locating Du Qiangwei. Even though she knew that He Xi, the avatar of the Tianji King, was on Earth, Angel Yan didn't dare to contact her.

To put it bluntly, Angel Yan didn't understand this Tianji King and was worried that she had ideas about the throne of angels.

The new generation of angels only knew about the Tianji King from the previous records. The Tianji King retired, and the Holy Kesha cleaned up the tail of his old demon, including her behavior of letting Sumali go privately.

Angel Yan felt that the throne of angels was of great importance, and she couldn't gamble, nor could she afford to gamble the future of angel civilization.

It can only be said that Angel Yan is not suitable to be a king at all. It is also possible that Holy Kesha did not train her as a king, so Pan Zhen's tricks on Angel Yan later made He Xi refuse to fully open Holy Kesha's knowledge treasure house and arsenal to her.

Because Angel Yan's genes already have the elements of Lieyang civilization.

However, Angel Yan herself does not care about this kind of thing. Perhaps in her opinion, Enixid is the real king of the future, so she will abandon all affairs and commit herself to Fraser as Enixid's bodyguard.

Being a king is a stupid king, but when not a king, she is a qualified warrior.

"I'm looking for you, I need Dilena..." Angel Yan said to Du Qiangwei.

She didn't dare to contact Luther at all. After all, she now has the treasure of Angel Civilization. Queen Kesha has given her the data passwords of the sacred knowledge treasure house and the arsenal. As long as her divine body recovers energy, she can connect online immediately.

If she is noticed and caught by Luther, she will be a sinner of Angel Civilization.

"Reina is not here."

Du Qiangwei's attitude towards angels is average, after all, the impression left by the angels who are on edge is not good.

Now the contact between Blue Star and Angel Civilization is only like this, so Du Qiangwei's attitude towards angels is only a little better than that of demons.

In the eyes of the people of Blue Star, there may be demons provoked by Angel Civilization. If it weren't for the Angel Civilization surrounding the demons and not letting them leave, the Demon Civilization would have left long ago.

This kind of thinking is not strange. There are even people who surrender to the demons. What is this?

Angel Yan wants to leave, but she can't find Dilena by herself. In this situation, she can only use the mutual positioning of the dark alloy black armor of the Xiongbinglian to find the wandering Dilena.

Luther didn't care. He just came to show his face and then left.

I guess Angel Yan will regret not seeking his help at this time in the future.

After confirming that time here needs time to develop, Luther temporarily left the world of Super Seminary.

He wants to test whether the star engine and black hole engine can still operate normally in the Marvel and Dragon Ball worlds.

The stellar engine has been completed. After all, it is more difficult. The black hole engine can be completed from scratch. It would be strange if Luther, who has the stellar algorithm, cannot come up with a stellar engine.

The two void engines bring Luther a computing power of up to 1000 frequencies. The stellar engine can even help the black hole engine to accelerate the completion of the most important genetic engineering for Luther.

"Boss, welcome back."

Luther just appeared in his office, and the voice of Jing Potian rang.

"Jing Potian, start docking data."

Luther said to Jing Potian.

"It seems that you have gained a lot this time, boss."

Jing Potian said with some surprise, and then after docking data with Luther, Jing Potian was surprised.

Is this going to a world with very advanced technology?

"Stellar engine, black hole engine, void engine, super gene, celestial supercomputer... Boss, you really gave me a big surprise."

Jia Potian was even more surprised. He felt that absorbing these things would be of great benefit to him, especially the data code of the celestial supercomputer from Demon No. 1 and Denor No. 3. With this technology, Jia Potian could develop better ones.

"What happened recently?"

Luther looked at the time. The year, month and day were different by one-third from those at the Super Theological Seminary. In other words, some time had passed.

"Yes, boss, here's what happened after you left."

Galvatron presented multiple images in front of Luther at the same time. He knew that his boss had a strong thinking ability, and multi-threaded thinking and receiving information were nothing to him.

Luther then saw the earliest thing that happened after he left.

Super terrorist attack!

Before he left, he left ten artificial human materials for Galvatron. Basically, they all have different abilities and different shapes. Some of them are directly borrowed from DC's 18th-line villain characters, such as The Riddler, The Riddler, and Scarecrow, scarecrow, that sort of thing.

The villains of Gotham City are very suitable for this situation. The purpose of Luther is just to create the concept of super criminals and super villains. It does not necessarily have to be super powers. The main purpose is to bring a little villain shock to Marvel.

The effect is still very good. Now SHIELD is involved in investigating the matter, and then there are super-powerful terrorist attacks at different times.

And best of all, these supervillains announce the return of Hydra!

"If you cut off one head, two more will grow back. Hey, Hydra!"

Anyway, Snake and Shield's heart should be exploding right now.

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