Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 112 Pierce: In short, it was very explosive

Alexander Pierce's heart didn't just explode, it went nuclear.

"what is going on!!!"

He roared at the bald man in the office.

God knows what he went through during this time.

Alexander Pierce saw Nick Fury walking into his room with a serious expression one day, and then said.

"Hydra has revived."

At that time, Alexander Pierce's first reaction was to take out his gun and shoot the black braised egg to death and then escape!

Fortunately, he didn't do that, mainly because his body was old and couldn't keep up with the reaction speed of his brain. Fortunately, Nick Fury didn't make any excuses and directly said that the recent horrific super attacks were all related to Hydra.

While Alexander Pierce breathed a sigh of relief knowing that he had not been exposed, he also saw the video brought by Nick Fury of "Hydra" claiming responsibility for the recent super-powered terrorist attacks.

The man wearing a black mask in the video claims to be a disciple of the Red Skull of Hydra, who wants to restore Hydra and is the new leader of Hydra.

Nicknamed "Black Caesar".

The recent series of super-powerful terrorist attacks have all targeted the men of the Blue Flag Country, causing panic among the capitalists. Even the business of the Emperor Company's super bodyguards has improved a lot.

In the video, those with super powers who have carried out terrorist attacks are all standing behind Black Caesar. Anyway, the scene is very stylish and graphic. It can be seen that Hydra has sufficient funds and has found a person who can shoot blockbusters and grasp angles. of advanced cameras.

SHIELD's analysis team expressed great admiration for the lens language and scene design of this video, which led them to think that this was a new big-budget movie about Captain America, otherwise Alexander Pierce should actually be ahead of Nick Fury. Know this.

Galvatron doesn't understand movies, but he can learn. No matter he is a truck driver or a film master, as long as he can find the information, it is very simple for Galvatron to analyze and copy. Therefore, Nick Fury was very surprised.

Just from this promotional video, we can see the current background of Hydra. It is definitely not a trivial matter. A few mutants who have awakened superpowers call themselves Hydra because of their pure worship.

But it is absolutely organized, confident and talented.

And it can be seen from the precision of each of their attacks, and the fact that SHIELD has not been able to investigate any information about them until now.

Nick Fury said shakily to Alexander Pierce.

The trembling was not because of fear, but because of complicated emotions. I didn't expect that Hydra had not been completely extinct, and I didn't expect that Hydra's return would be so high-profile, directly challenging the most powerful country on the planet.

The pressure on S.H.I.E.L.D. is now very high. The Congress of the Blue Flag Country, the capitalists, and the blue flag country's underlings in the United Nations are all attacking SHIELD.

"Hydra is really back..."

Then Alexander Pierce looked at him and the video with mixed emotions.

What's going on!

Who is this Black Caesar?

Why have you never heard of it?

But it’s not surprising that Alexander Pierce didn’t immediately suspect that Black Caesar was not a member of Hydra, because the composition of the Hydra organization itself is very complex, and there are also old immortals who jumped out from World War II, and people who disappeared in the mix. , and then the snakehead appeared again.

As for those who became monks halfway and were developed by other smugglers, there are even more.

But Alexander Pierce is very confused, because he is the disciple of the Red Skull. Why haven't he heard that the Red Skull's faction also has a Black Caesar?

Judging from the analysis data given to him by Nick Fury, this Black Caesar is still very powerful and capitalized. He can be said to be a qualified snakehead and one of the supreme leaders of Hydra.

The problem is, Alexander Pierce is very sure that he has never heard of someone named Black Caesar. Of course, it does not rule out that the other party has changed his appearance and name. This is not strange in Hydra, so Alexander Pierce plans to go back and ask.

Now, of course, we need to appease Nick Fury first.

Because without checking, Alexander Pierce knew Nick Fury's level and ability very well, otherwise he would not have elected him as the chief in the first place, just because he valued his ability.

As expected, S.H.I.E.L.D. reached its peak under the hands of Nick Fury, and even broke away from the Blue Flag Country, truly becoming a world-class spy intelligence organization.

It is also thanks to Nick Fury that Hydra can grow to this extent.

"Fury, what do you want to do?"

Alexander Pierce asked.

"Of course, we launched an investigation immediately. Every action they took was not omitted. The people, things and resources involved are not that simple. If we investigate one by one, we can always find something."

Nick Fury said calmly.

Modern investigation is no longer the ancient way of judging only by traces and experience. Today's investigation has summarized various scientific empirical methods.

Because there are so many cases, sometimes it’s just a clue, and you basically know how to investigate.

Especially this kind of frequent attacks on capitalists and gentlemen. You must know that in order not to arouse the hatred of the common people and the covetousness of lawless elements, the identities of these capitalists and gentlemen are kept secret from the society and the public.

Sometimes Nick Fury may not be able to trace their whereabouts even if he wants to check, but Black Caesar and Hydra can snipe accurately every time.

This is either because the capitalists have moles around them, or they are supported by very broad and deep human resources and intelligence resources.

Nick Fury doesn't believe that Hydra can handle its traces so cleanly. The larger and astonishing the network of relationships, the more flaws and loopholes there will be!

Alexander Pierce's brows were twitching wildly. As expected of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. he had chosen, he was instantly stunned.

Hydra is now developing very rapidly in the new country of Blue Flag. The Hydra of the European and American branches has surpassed the Hydra of other branches. Relying on the relationship between SHIELD, I don’t know how many Hydras have developed. People come out.

So if Nick Fury really investigates, he might actually be able to find something.

"Being so radical will offend SHIELD a lot of people."

Pierce said.

"It doesn't matter, we can say we are the FBI, or we can say we are the CIA."

Nick Fury said nonchalantly, it is not uncommon for SHIELD to pretend to be the FBI, let alone the CIA. Although the CIA is external, do you still dare to be stubborn in the face of the CIA's investigation?

"Do you want me to be complained to by two directors again and again?"

Pierce cursed.

Nick Fury said that's your job.

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