Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 117 Target

The talent problem that troubled the Emperor Company was not a problem for Jing Potian at all. Now is the Internet information age. What can Jing Potian not find out?

He could check all the experiences of a person from birth to the present clearly. Even if the Blue Flag Country did not have monitoring equipment covering the Sky Eye system, it was not a problem for Jing Potian. As long as there was a record, He could find it out, whether it was paper information, local area network or hard disk.

Physical power off was useless for Jing Potian.

Not only did it meet the previous talent gap, but it also expanded to a scale of nearly 100,000 people, which has exceeded the positions provided by Stark Industries.

Now the Emperor Company is a well-deserved large-scale industry, except for those industries that have been developed longer than the Emperor Company and have accumulated a lot of capital.

And such a large-scale industry has become a giant that is difficult to shake. Jing Potian is sure that even if someone wants to make trouble, the unemployment rate and public opinion will kill the other party.

Besides, even if these can't kill the other party, he can still do something dirty.

Real business war!

And Galvatron has also learned the human way, supporting countless people to become district councilors and state councilors, and even contacted the current Secretary of State.

In the future, this position will belong to General Ross, the old father-in-law of the Hulk, but of course there is someone in this position now.

Galvatron also got in touch with the Vice President based on the fact that his daughter was disabled.

Although the Vice President seems to be less powerful than the President, in fact, the President and the Vice President are just watchdogs of the capitalists, and their power is the same, coming from that group of old men.

The Blue Flag Country is a company disguised as a country, and this situation is not surprising.

Galvatron won over the Vice President's daughter on the condition of helping her daughter to regenerate her broken limbs, and developed a huge network of relationships through her.

Luther couldn't help but sigh that an artificial intelligence played better than him. Of course, if Luther wanted to do this, he could do better, but he was not interested in playing this way. It was just a momentary idea to want to make the Imperial Company a second giant like the Shinra Company.

If it can succeed, it will be fun, and if it can't succeed, it doesn't matter.

After all, the Blue Flag Country is the most powerful country on the planet. Under the premise that Luther does not intend to cause any trouble, he can do things in the name of the Blue Flag Country, which means he will be successful.

He can even instruct the CIA and the FBI.

"For me, the most important thing now is to find a way to make my fusion faster and successful. The best thing is to go to the DC world and find Superman to get the Life Code from him."

After experiencing the fun, Luther began to get serious.

There is also Broly, the legendary Super Saiyan. Luther is now the new version of Broly, who can become infinitely stronger, with infinite potential, unlimited energy, and unlimited physical strength.

In the Dragon Ball world, there is also an old version of Broly, who automatically becomes stronger every year, and his combat power doubles, and he also has unlimited energy and unlimited physical strength.

Now it seems that the old version of Broly may be regarded as a parallel universe. If you can go to this parallel universe through the time machine invented by Bulma in the Dragon Ball world, or go to this parallel universe through the power of Dragon Ball, and obtain the genes of the old version of Broly, can you complete and make your own genes stronger?

At that time, not only will there be unlimited potential, but the combat power will automatically double every year without doing anything.

"Going to other parallel universes may not necessarily lead to the old version of Broly's universe. Alas, it's really a problem."

Luther felt that the two methods he thought of were temporarily unattainable. If he wanted to go to the DC universe, he had to bet that the next world he would travel to was the DC universe. Otherwise, it was unknown what universe he would travel to.

If it was an ordinary world, then for Luther, it would only be entertainment.

"Wait, there is actually a third method..."

Luther searched the super brain, and then suddenly thought of a method.

That is the Infinity Stone!

The classic treasure of the Marvel Universe is something that must be obtained by the traveler. If he can get the Time Stone and let himself experience 100,000 years of sunbathing, is it possible to become a golden Superman?

If he gets the Power Stone, can he stimulate the potential and power of the legendary Super Saiyan, Kryptonian, and Doomsday?

If he gets the Aether Reality Stone, can he let it repair his genes or even strengthen them?

After all, it is not an exaggeration to say that the ether particles can make your wish come true. They can modify reality and subvert logic. Although they have the disadvantage of consuming vitality, Luther has the most vitality now. Doomsday has as much vitality as he needs.

Without the power gem, using other infinite gems alone requires vitality as a price, and the power gem can charge other infinite gems and even enhance the effects of other infinite gems. It is the most important infinite gem.

The ether particles can be said to be Marvel's void engine, or a super invincible enhanced version. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dream come true and it is a law.

"Ether particles, I remember that the space sealed by the ether particles will appear when the nine realms are united. Now, except for the dead God King Baoer, no one knows where the ether particles are sealed, not even the dark elves know... The power gem knows which planet it is on."

Luther thought quickly and recalled the details he had seen.

Luther cannot do the astronomical phenomenon caused by the huge world tree system of the nine realms merging into one, and he cannot wait that long.

But Luther knows that the Cosmic Cube Space Gem can definitely do it!

After all, it is the Space Gem, which can control space, shift space, teleport space, and so on.

Captain Marvel can become Captain Marvel only after absorbing the power of the Space Gem.

"Why does it feel like it has suddenly become a Japanese RPG? I have to find the Space Gem first, then figure out how to merge the nine realms into one, and then get the ether particles? Or should I find the Power Gem first, and then find the Space Gem?"

Luther complained. He knew where the Space Gem was. In the underground base built by SHIELD, Galvatron could find the location of the Cosmic Cube.

"The Power Gem is too far away. Even if I build a spaceship now, I can't fly there, so the easiest thing to get is the Space Gem."

Luther decided, and at the same time, he was also very curious whether he, an outsider, would absorb the power of the Space Gem if he came into contact with it?

"Galvatron, search for SHIELD's secret items."

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