Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 118 Cosmic Cube

The setting of the Cosmic Cube is as follows.

At the beginning of the universe, the God of the Universe transformed six singularities with endless energy into six infinite gems.

The Cosmic Cube was created as a container for space gems.

In the Cosmic Cube, gems have been held and used by various civilizations to achieve their goals.

In March 1942, the Nazi mysterious scientific organization Hydra, led by Red Skull Schmidt, found the alien artifact Cosmic Cube from a church in Tønsberg, Norway, and wanted to use it to develop powerful weapons.

Later, he confronted Captain America Steve in the cockpit of the plane and accidentally crashed the energy machine. Red Skull disappeared in the wormhole, and Captain America unfortunately fell into the sea to prevent the plane from exploding.

In 2017, Thanos saw Red Skull on Vormir, where he was guarding the Soul Gem.

In 1945, Howard Stark, the father of "Iron Man" Tony Stark, did not find Steve in the Arctic Ocean, but salvaged the Cosmic Cube and handed it over to SHIELD for safekeeping.

1Will transformed into Dr. Lawson, an Earthling, and went to S.H.I.E.L.D. to participate in the Pegasus Project, using the Cosmic Cube to study the light speed engine.

1Will knew that the Kree oppressed the Skrulls, and did not want the light speed engine to fall into the hands of the Kree, and the Kree sent officer Yon-Rogg to hunt him down.

The person who took her to participate in the test flight mission that day was Carol Danvers, but was shot down by the fighter plane that appeared by Yon-Rogg. Mai-Will was seriously injured and killed by Yon-Rogg, while Carol Danvers shot and destroyed the engine, accidentally fused her body with energy, and gained superpowers.

The latter thing was swallowed into the stomach of the Devourer and then spit out.

It can be imagined that the Devourer is estimated to be far superior to the Infinity Stones, otherwise ordinary life forms dared to do this, and the energy of the Infinity Stones would have eroded it long ago.

Even Thanos can only withstand the energy erosion of an Infinity Stone for a short time.

Galvatron quickly found the list and location of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s mysterious items.

There is also an obelisk of the Inhumans inside, but Luther is not interested. The Inhumans are rubbish. He is a little interested in mutants, but there are no mutants in this universe. Otherwise, Luther would like to try X-gene fusion to see if he can awaken the powerful X-gene ability.

After all, according to the setting of the Super Seminary, the X-gene is a primitive super gene with unlimited potential, unlimited multiverse, and may not be able to defeat beasts such as tigers!

The Cosmic Cube belongs to the special code 084, which is a general term for mysterious items, not just one.

"Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. is the code name of the base where SHIELD secretly studies the Cosmic Cube."

Luther even saw the Dark Book in 084. In the comics, this is a banned book kept by the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One, but it is now also in SHIELD.

It was created for the ancient god Sithon, and records Sithon's black magic and the so-called "secret of immortality".

"It's really a suicidal idea. It looks like the plot of Agents of SHIELD has been integrated?"

Luther was browsing 084's things. He didn't dare to touch the Dark Book. Even though he became a magic master in the Dragon Ball world, he estimated that the magic given to him by Porunga was incomplete. Otherwise, he couldn't get the magic of the Great Kai, the God of Destruction, and the Angels, right?

The famous Sithon is the origin of all black magic. He is powerful in the multiverse and the dimensional demons. All those who use black magic, including Dormammu, the dark dimensional demon, have to borrow money from him. The Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One often pushed his debts with Sithon and other dimensional demons to Dormammu.

So, even if the original plot shows that the Dark Book doesn't seem to be very good, anyone can use it.

But Luther didn't have the idea of ​​suicidal idea.

"The stone, good stuff."

Luther looked at the records of the mysterious stone.

There are three mysterious monoliths, from the space monolith that first teleported Gemma to the Death Star where the "Hive" was imprisoned, to the time monolith that could travel through time and space, and the creation monolith that could create things out of nothing.

Whether it is the aliens, aliens or Hydra, they have fought with SHIELD many times because of these three monoliths. The monoliths that appeared since the second season have always been connected to the core plot of "Agents of SHIELD".

Unfortunately, due to the drastic reduction of the story in the last two seasons, the monolith stalk did not have a complete explanation until the end of the series.

So it became a real mysterious monolith.

Because of the unknown, Luther thought that he could get it to study in the future, but he would not use it.

Knowing where the base was, Luther set off immediately.

After all, it was about his own strengthening, so Luther was still very concerned.

SHIELD has been studying the Cosmic Cube for many years, but they have not made any progress. It is clear that they can study energy weapons and energy batteries in the hands of Hydra, but they are still using Hydra's energy weapons and energy batteries.

Luther didn't alert anyone. A hypnotic spell and Galvatron's invasion directly paralyzed the entire base. Then he walked in openly, and the iron gate blocking the way was directly decomposed by the biological force field.

He has been studying the biological force field. He didn't develop passively like Superman, and burst out at the critical moment, relying entirely on instinct or something.

Then Luther discovered that the bio-force field was really a magical superpower, just like telekinesis, but more versatile than telekinesis. After Luther's operation and control, he no longer needed to punch himself. The bio-force field could completely transmit his power and cover a very wide range, and then hit all targets within this range.

In short, it was an extra full-screen big move. He felt that this was very good. He didn't have to do it himself, and it was awesome.

"BOSS, this is the Cosmic Cube."

The people at the base brought Luther to a blue cube.

The dreamy light swam inside the blue cube, making it look like it must be an extraordinary thing, definitely priceless.

The Cosmic Cube should be calm and dim in its normal state, but it seemed that it sensed Luther, and the light inside began to shine.

Luther pondered the Cosmic Cube and did not approach it rashly.

This thing has a temper. Sometimes it doesn't move for tens of thousands of years, and sometimes it comes suddenly. Here we have to interview the Red Skull, who was punished by the Cosmic Cube to guard the door of the Soul Gem, until the Red Skull's heart is as calm as water and he only wants to die quickly.

It's terrible.

If Luther is treated like this, I don't know if his ability to travel through time can let him leave.

"I have no ill intentions, I just want to use your power to go to the ether particle, which is the spatial location of the reality gem."

Luther said.

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