Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 123: Iron Suit Birth

The only creature that can suppress Luther is probably the green giant created by General Ross and has been hunting.

There are so many superpowers in Hydra, and there are superpower terrorist attacks. Nick Fury thinks Luther should be able to deal with these superpowers. His super bodyguards can compete with these superpowers, forcing so many invisible rich people to hire super bodyguards to protect their safety.

Not to mention Luther himself, and he is so talented that he will definitely conduct research and countermeasures against the superpowers of Hydra.

Maybe Luther has upgraded his human body modification now.

The threat of Hydra is imminent, and Nick Fury doesn't think the Security Council will reject his Avengers plan.

But how to win over Luther to join the Avengers is still a problem.

He is so young and so talented, he must be arrogant, you can imagine Tony Stark specifically.

That is definitely not easy to deal with, and more importantly.

They can't establish a demand relationship.

Luther has such a strong strength at a young age, and he has established a wide network of contacts through the terrorist attacks of Hydra and the super bodyguards. Of course, the most important thing is his strength. America thinks that without an armored division, it is impossible to solve the problem.

Strength, technology and capital can give you such a voice. Otherwise, if you only have technology but no strength, it would have been divided up by the dark hands.

What is SHIELD worth for Luther? Instead, it is Nick Fury who is jealous of their technology and strength.

In the absence of a demand relationship, Nick Fury does not think that he can convince Luther with righteousness.

Luther relies on the terrorist attacks of Hydra to make a lot of money and is very happy. It is probably difficult to expect him to attack Hydra.

He does not care about public opinion. After all, it is not that no one has said that Luther should take the initiative to deal with the superpowers of Hydra if he is so powerful.

It can be seen from this that those invisible rich people and capitalists are launching their own public opinion offensive, but Luther still has to do what he should do.

Ordinary people are of course happy to eat melons, who makes the unlucky ones the rich and capitalists who are targeted.

They wish that as many people as possible will die.

"We can only try to contact them first."

Nick Fury thought.

On the other side.

Tony Stark's place of suffering.

Tony Stark used the materials of the Jericho missile to make him an iron suit.

It was a very simple Mark 1, and unlike the environment in the cave, he now had relatively advanced equipment, such as high-temperature furnaces, alloys, etc., so Tony Stark did not need to rely on simple manual forging to forge.

The strength of forged materials is not as good as that of high-temperature cast materials.

"Is it finally done? I was about to fall asleep."

Luther saw Tony Stark wearing the iron suit.

At this time, the iron suit already looked like Mark 2, not as simple as Mark 1 in the original plot.

Of course, if you want to say, it is closer to the shape of War Machine, and there are many hot weapons made by Tony Stark himself on the outside.

The chemical explosives used in the Jericho missiles became the charge of these hot weapons, so their power was naturally more terrifying.

After Tony Stark put on his iron suit, he kicked the door open. Several fully armed people stationed outside immediately looked over and were stunned when they saw Tony Stark in full iron armor.

But Tony Stark was not stunned. After being injected with Compound No. 1, he is now an ace pilot, and his reaction speed is far better than that of ordinary humans.

So Tony Stark directly fired a needle missile, which was the size of his ex-wife.


The entire passage was instantly engulfed by the explosion and shock wave. Even if these people were superhumans, they were killed without a complete body in such a shock wave and closed environment. Their bodies were directly torn apart by the shock wave.

Let alone humans, even steel would be very fragile in this situation.

Tony Stark was originally prepared to kill all the people and face the superpowers of Hydra, but he rushed out and found that only those few people were guarding the base, and there was no one else in the base.

He was a little surprised, but after thinking carefully, it seemed that it didn't take many people for several superhumans carrying thermal weapons to guard him, a superhuman without thermal weapons?

"This is just a den of Hydra..."

Tony Stark hurriedly ran out of the base and found that there was a vast desert outside, with no signs of life at all.

He almost thought he had come to a place like the Sahara Desert.

Fortunately, he prepared the power of flight, so Tony Stark pulled the joint structure behind him, and suddenly billowing smoke sprayed out from his feet, and he flew up, and his heavy body weighing more than hundreds of pounds flew into the sky!

Compared with the Mark I in the original plot, this iron suit has stronger power. After all, the prepared production materials are missiles, and the propulsion and distance are certainly not comparable to the original simple conditions.

So Tony Stark flew a long way, and even the main structure was not broken after falling to the ground, but only a few screws fell off.

Then he walked for hundreds of miles, and when the superhuman body was about to collapse, he encountered mold.

At this time, Tony Stark finally knew where he was.


Hydra's lair is in Afghanistan?

The news that Tony Stark was found shocked everyone. The falling stock market of Stark Industries also rebounded because of the news. It did not rise for the time being, but just stopped falling. The main reason was that Tony Stark had not shown up yet, and no one knew whether the news was true.

Galvatron had made a lot of money from the stock market of Stark Industries during this period, and also got a lot of shares given up by shareholders.

Although Obadiah was also recovering the shares from shareholders, he was not prepared this time. In addition, Galvatron was rich and powerful, and he embezzled the money in the unnamed accounts of banks such as Citibank. Obadiah was no match at all.

Now, Luther has become the second largest shareholder of Stark Industries in public, and even Obadiah does not have as many shares as him.

Although Monarch Company is now very rich, the shares of Stark Industries are also valuable.

In the opening of Iron Man 1, when Tony Stark was selling missiles to the American military, there was a shot where Stark opened a box of wine and said, "I will give you a box of this wine for every order over $500 million."

From this, we can see that the value of this transaction is over $500 million, let's just say $500 million.

Because it is a big order that Stark needs to personally take action on, we estimate that there should not be too many such orders, let's just say 12 orders per year.

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