Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 124 Tony Stark's Fear

The bulk weapons trade with America generates an annual revenue of US$6 billion.

In addition to large orders, there should be some small orders. According to the 28/20 principle, the overall proportion may be relatively small. It is believed that it is only 1/4 of the large orders, that is, 1.5 billion.

According to this, Stark gets $7.5 billion from America every year.

Considering that Stark Industries is America's largest partner, America's external military spending has reached approximately 85 billion in 2006, accounting for only 10%, which is still conservative enough. (The value of 85 billion is also based on estimates. Of the approximately 150 billion in weapons and equipment and research and development, procurement accounts for the majority, which should exceed 80 billion.)

In addition, Tony's business partner in Iron Man 1 secretly sold weapons to third parties, so there are also many Stark K Group customers in overseas markets.

Judging from the fact that the gathering place of Ten Rings is filled with weapons from the Stark Group, there is probably quite a lot of them.

Let us assume that this segment is relatively small, accounting for only 1/10 of weapons sales, about 800 million. Stark Group's military and industrial sector has revenue of approximately 8.3 billion.

Military and industrial enterprises are famous for their high profit margins. Generally, it is possible to achieve a gross profit margin of 60%-70%, and a net profit margin of 30% is not excessive. According to this, the company's military and industrial profits are approximately 2.5 billion.

In terms of net assets, based on an ROE estimate of 30%, Stark's net assets are about US$15 billion.

Of course, net worth is not a general measure of high-tech companies.

Although this company already has huge assets, in terms of its attributes, it is not considered an asset-heavy company. It should even be classified as asset-light, as you can see from the fact that it only has a few thousand employees.

The American stock market has always been known for its stable and reasonable valuations (mainly compared with A-shares...), but its preference for high technology is also obvious to all.

For such a military and energy company that constantly exudes innovative vitality, is it too much to value it at a price-to-earnings ratio of 20-25 times?

Just look at the growth rate of America's military expenditure every year.

Stark's market value is approximately US$90-112.5 billion, which is equivalent to when first went public.

For such a company worth hundreds of billions of dollars, doesn’t Tony Stark have a net worth of hundreds of billions?

Not really.

Stark Industries is a public company, and the public plays a large part in it.

One direct evidence is (it is said that I have not researched it) in the comics, Stark Company was secretly acquired by SHIELD until it became the company's controlling shareholder, forcing Stark Company to produce weapons for them.

Looking at it this way, Stark's own shareholding in the company may be less than 50%, and since the company's board of directors can also control Stark, I am afraid that the total of other major shareholders will exceed Stark's own share.

A rough estimate is that it holds 30% of the shares.

Of course, Obadiah holds 13% of the shares, which gives Tony a larger say in the company. As long as he has Obadiah's support, Tony can make most of the decisions.

The remaining third shareholders and other shareholders combined did not exceed single digits. Galvatron spent a little thought and money on the acquisition. After all, those shareholders could not bear the continued shrinkage of their shares worth hundreds of millions.

No matter how much they wait and see, several months have passed, and they will probably suffer a complete loss if they can't wait for Tony Stark to come back.

"I didn't expect that both the military and SHIELD would hold shares in Stark Industries. It's not easy to continue to acquire and increase their holdings."

Although Luther wanted Tony Stark to work for him, the problem was that the military seemed to be wavering, but SHIELD did not.

Using his connections in the military, Luther's current shareholding in Stark Industries has reached a terrifying figure of 25%. The military has sold almost all the shares to him, and the remaining ones who have not sold are all stubborn guys. , but it was so insignificant that Luther was too lazy to ask for it.

S.H.I.E.L.D. holds at least 10% of the shares.

It can be said that Luther and Galvatron have acquired everything they can.

Now, with Tony Stark back and Stark Industries' stock market recovering, they're about to make a killing.

Tony Stark returned to America on a military plane, and when he got off the plane, he saw Pepper Potts greeting him.

After some tenderness, Tony Stark couldn't wait to eat cheeseburger, which was his favorite.

At the same time, Tony Stark also has to deal with all kinds of troubles after his disappearance.

But this time Tony Stark did not announce that he would close the weapons department of Stark Industries.

The main reason is that Luther did not completely follow the original plot, and Tony Stark could not see that the Ten Rings used their own weapons to harm civilians in Afghanistan.

It can be said that Tony Stark has not yet awakened the heart of a hero. He is still the playboy. At most, he is the playboy who has developed the steel suit.

The great success of the Iron Suit made Tony Stark dive into the basement to conduct research after returning.

After the public appearance and confirmation of Tony Stark's return, Stark Industries' stock market immediately soared and returned to its original position, with not too much fluctuation.

"Even though he didn't have the materials to build an arc reactor, why did he still have the idea of ​​an arc reactor? I thought he would use superhuman power to drive the steel suit..."

Luther watched Tony Stark's progress through Galvatron as if he were watching a live broadcast.

He was very surprised when he saw Tony Stark knocking out the arc reactor.

In the "Hydra" base, Tony Stark did not obtain the materials for the arc reactor, so he relied entirely on his superhuman physique to drive the armor.

After the results came out, Tony Stark still developed the arc reactor.

But it seems normal. Tony Stark probably wouldn't just want a heavily armored unit that can only walk on the ground. Wouldn't that be a living target?

The reason why Tony Stark is so obsessed with the Iron Suit now is that, in addition to the fact that the Iron Suit itself is an obsession, he also sees the hope of surpassing Luther in the Iron Suit.

He couldn't even study Luther's No. 1 compound, let alone the human body modification technology Luther used on himself. In addition, there was the imminent threat of Hydra's superpowers, even if he returned to Amélie. The card cannot be secure either.

He was taken away in America and went as far away as Afghanistan.

So now Tony Stark is extremely insecure.

The steel suit was his only hope. Before that, Tony Stark even thought about asking Luther to transform his body. He did not ask Luther to use the most advanced technology to transform him. At least it would allow him to protect himself. ability.

Now, Tony Stark is confident that his steel suit can protect him and Peppa.

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