Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 129 Tony's Fate

It's just that Obadiah knows that he can't be considered to have joined Hydra now. At most, he is a tool of Hydra.

"Mr. Stark escaped from our control with this armor, and then we found his armor abandoned in the desert."

Luther asked someone to take Obadiah to see the Mark I.

After all, what you see in the video is not as good as what you see with your own eyes. Obadiah looked at this masterpiece and was confident that if he could take it back, he would definitely be able to imitate it!

"We have built a more powerful Steel Overlord, but it just lacks key technologies."

Luther then took Obadiah to see the newly released Steel Overlord. The larger size and streamlined armor with no traces of welding made Obadiah overturn his own ideas.

What made him feel even more powerful was Hydra's science and technology. How could they complete the replication so quickly?

"What key technology?"

Obadiah realizes that this may be the key to Hydra controlling itself.

"Arc reactor, or miniature ark reactor."

Luther waved his hand, and a screen appeared in front of them, and then it froze on the front of Tony's steel suit, with two flashing reactors.

"Incredible, he actually achieved it..."

Obadiah was even more surprised.

"The steel suit we developed lacks energy technology, so Mr. Stan, this Steel Overlord can be given to you. As long as you can get Tony's arc reactor technology, you can produce such armor."

Luther said to Obadiah.

"Is that so? I understand."

After Obadiah knew that this was Hydra's purpose, he finally knew what he should do next.

Looking at the behemoth in front of him, Obadiah was confident that he could deal with Tony's little iron man!

The kidnapping of Obadiah did not attract much attention. After Obadiah returned, everyone just thought that Obadiah had gone to play somewhere.

Only Obadiah himself knew what happened, and he sent Steel Overlord to the weapons department of Stark Industries to secretly study Steel Overlord.

He is not afraid of being discovered by Tony. The main reason is that Tony does not pay attention to the weapons department at all. In addition, the scientific researchers and technicians here are all from Obadiah. The confidentiality is very good, so there is no need to worry.

Then the research result is that many of the technologies on this Steel Overlord are incomprehensible to them. It is simply impossible to copy it. The last resort is to copy a castrated product.

And just as Hydra said, this thing lacks a key energy driver.

Obadiah naturally had to find a way to get the arc reactor from Tony, and at the same time abolish Tony's ability to continue using the Iron Suit.

In the original plot, after Obadiah took control of Tony, he didn't kill him but let him wait for death slowly. It can only be said that it was really a confusing operation.

Tony was of course defenseless when facing Obadiah. Even though he had some suspicions that there was a mole in Stark Industries, he did not yet suspect Pepper Potts and his uncle.

Although Obadiah was not his biological uncle, he treated him no differently than his biological uncle. Tony still valued and cared about his family.


Tony was a little surprised that Obadiah would come to him when he was fine.

"Tony, are you hiding something from me?"

Obadiah came up and said directly.

Tony suddenly looked around with a guilty conscience, praising Obadiah for dressing particularly tastefully today.

Obadiah, who knew Tony's character, took advantage of Tony's unwillingness to hide this situation from him and went directly to Tony's basement.

Tony yelled symbolically without stopping, and then Obadiah saw the Mark 2, Mark 3, and Mark 4 being produced.

"If I don't come, how long do you plan to keep this secret from me?"

Obadiah calmly saw the arc reactor on the table, and then said to Tony.

"Actually, I didn't plan to hide it from you in the first place. I planned to give you a surprise, Stan."

Tony said something dryly that he didn't even believe.

Obadiah talked to Tony for a while, and when Tony was unprepared, he activated a strong electromagnetic wave generator, which can paralyze people's entire body in a short period of time.

The two glowing objects on Obadiah's ears are shields.

Tony fell to the ground uncontrollably.

"Tony, I finally don't have to wipe your ass anymore. If you weren't talented, you would have died long ago."

Obadiah picked up the arc reactor on the table, put it away, and then said to Tony on the ground.

Tony's pupils shrank. At this time, his mind was flexible and he had figured out everything. The one who sold weapons to terrorists was Obadiah!

He never expected that his uncle would actually be the traitor, and he would also do something to him. It seemed that the target was his own arc reactor?

But why, why would he do this?

Tony couldn't understand it.

He then saw Obadiah pull out a handgun and point it at him.

"Goodbye, Tony."


Obadiah actually had no intention of shooting Tony. He knew that Tony had an artificial intelligence in his home. If he shot him, he would definitely attract attention. However, he got the Ark reactor, cooperated with Hydra, and Iron War. Such a weapon of war.

He felt that even if he killed Tony, nothing could happen. Hydra would solve the problem for him. Even if Hydra didn't take action, Obadiah could make America not hold him accountable by relying on the Iron Man suit.

So there was no reason for him not to kill Tony. Would he let him live and cause trouble for himself?

Of course, if it was Obadiah's nature, he would definitely do it more secretly, instead of directly shooting through Tony's chest like he did now.

Tony felt extremely cold all over, especially after the paralysis effect of the strong electromagnetic wave, he felt his pain and even colder.

Fortunately, at this time, Pepper Pepper came to find Tony and found Tony lying on the ground.


Pepper Pepper was shocked and rushed Tony to the hospital.

Then the doctor was in a dilemma, because the bullet Tony took was the infamous dum-dum bullet, or a special fragmentation bullet. The fragments flowed in his body and approached his heart. Tony's life was in danger.

This was of course not Luther's arrangement. Luther would not let Tony return to his original fate.

Anyway, no matter what he becomes, it is a good fun for him.

In the end, he did not expect that he would still become what he was before.

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