Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 130 Tony: I can't imagine how I lost

Tony did not receive good treatment. For example, Dr. Stephen, who was invincible in surgery, flew to a foreign country for an operation.

"Mr. Stark is in critical condition now. If he were not a superhuman, he would not have been able to hold on until now, so we must come up with a surgical plan as soon as possible!"

The hospital was also under great pressure. They were a private hospital of Stark Industries. Now their big boss was admitted to the hospital. If they did not do a good job, they would lose everything at best and their family would be destroyed at worst.

Fortunately, Obadiah underestimated the physical fitness of superhumans. Although he himself had also accepted the transformation of Compound No. 1, after all, as a man, after watching that advertisement, no one would not want to become a strong man who could fight five people at once.

But the one who worked best with Compound No. 1 was Tony, and no one else really brought out the effect of Compound No. 1.

Tony also saved his life because of this. His body automatically formed blood clots to block the fragments, and at the same time, it was frantically producing blood to recover from excessive blood loss.

However, while the blood clots prevented the fragments from flowing to the heart, they also endangered Tony's life.

However, Tony regained consciousness, and then he came up with a crazy and bold idea.

He planned to perform his own surgery!

Of course, it didn't mean that he would perform the surgery himself, but that he would design a plan himself.

The boldness of this plan was that he blocked his pain nerves, so that he didn't need to inject anesthesia, so that he could stay awake to command the operation, but it couldn't be considered an operation.

The doctors were shocked after hearing this, but Pepper had nothing to do with Tony now, and Tony, the patient, decided to do this while remaining conscious and awake. What could they do?

They could only listen to their boss.

Phil Coulson, the SHIELD agent who was sent after Tony's accident, wanted to stop him after hearing Tony's crazy idea. Director Nick Fury also planned to do so. He even thought about sending a fighter plane to bring Dr. Stephen back.

However, under Tony's own insistence, Coulson could only guard the door of the ward in the end.

"Oh my god, my Lord, please bless Tony..."

Pepper's persuasion was fruitless, and she could only pray to the Lord anxiously.

Luther said, you should pray to me.

He is in the ward now, but the people inside naturally did not find him.

"Is this the future you see, Master Ancient One?"

Luther suddenly spoke, but no one responded, as if no one else existed.

But Luther was sure that even if Ancient One was not here, he would be watching here, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why Stephen just happened to leave New York. You know, this guy has not moved for many years and has not accepted flying knives.

Suddenly a strange patient came, requiring extraordinary surgical techniques, plus the patient's wealth... everything seems reasonable.

Luther almost believed it.

"Has the future changed, or has it been twisted back to the right track?"

Luther continued to chat, and the Supreme Sorcerer never showed up.

Tony commanded the doctor to complete the operation in such an incredible way, including injecting the Ark reactor.

Luther didn't understand what he was thinking. Obviously, his own constitution had already generated blood clots to block the fragments, so the operation only needed to clean up these fragments and blood clots, but he was obsessed with implanting the Ark reactor to absorb these fragments.


It would be strange if Ancient One hadn't done anything. Luther could have thought of more than a dozen ways to deal with this situation.

Of course, it could also be Stan Lee's correction.

So, when Tony came out of the operation, there was a glowing halo on his chest, which looked very special.

Because of his superhuman physical fitness, Tony was able to get out of bed and walk in just a few hours, and his wounds had healed.

After implanting the Ark reactor, Tony cleaned up the blood clots in his blood vessels.

He knew that he was lucky this time because of the superhuman constitution brought to him by Compound No. 1. Otherwise, he would have died without a doubt after Obadiah's shot.

This insidious fragmentation bullet is a modified version of the dum-dum bullet, which is specially designed to attack soft targets. It is no joke to die after being hit by one bullet.

Tony naturally knew that he had to be grateful, but that was the product of the Monarch Company, and he was a consumer, so it was natural. At most, he would urge Luther to quickly launch Compound No. 2 or something.


After Tony and Pepper kissed passionately, Tony remembered what Obadiah had done before.

"Don't worry, Mr. Stark, we already know what happened."

Coulson said that his men had gone to capture Obadiah.

"No, you don't know what you are facing at all. Only I can stop Obadiah. Let your men leave quickly and don't die."

Tony shook his head. From Obadiah's actions, Tony suspected that Hydra had found his original Mark I, otherwise Obadiah would not have just taken his Ark reactor.

If the situation was really as he thought, it would be bad.

He had to get back as soon as possible.

Coulson was confused. In his opinion, his subordinates were all experienced agents. Even if Obadiah had mercenaries and he was a superhuman, he could not deal with his agents.

The director applied for a sum of money so that all SHIELD agents had superhuman drugs and compound No. 1 transformation benefits.

With the same physical fitness, how could it not be solved?

So he immediately contacted Nick Fury and told him what Tony said.

Nick Fury was silent for a while.

"Trust Tony, let them withdraw."

Nick Fury thought of the iron suit that Coulson found in Tony's basement. He didn't know what it was, but it couldn't be a large hand-made toy. Would Tony have such a childlike heart?

Tony knew that Luther had the ability to solve this matter, but he was confident that he also had the ability to solve this matter, so he had no idea of ​​notifying Luther.

He hurried back to his basement. Obadiah must have never thought that he could recover so quickly, and he didn't even know that he was still alive.

"Mark IV!"

Tony looked at his latest product, the battle suit developed for Luther, and couldn't think of how he could lose, except that he might not be able to beat Luther.

After he put it on, he flew out.

"Jarvis, locate Obadiah!"

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