Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 136 Tony dislikes the Avengers

"The Avengers Project."

Nick Fury took out a plan and showed it to Tony.

"What's that, your band?"

Tony said nonchalantly and did not take it. He would not take anything other than what Pepper, Pepa and Happy handed him.

To say it's a band is actually to make badmouth about Nick Fury's identity as a black man, a black band or something like that.

"No, this is a team that brings together all the elites in the world to fight threats. This universe is very big. Tony, decades ago, there was an alien fleet that invaded the earth, but it was stopped by a woman at that time. Yes, she is our world’s first superhero.”

Nick Fury said very seriously, and even in order to increase the attraction and the background of SHIELD, he did not hesitate to expose Carol and the Kree fleet.

There is no way, they are all forced. Luther is so good and powerful, and Tony himself can develop a powerful steel suit. If the two of them join forces, is Nick Fury going to bring out Black Widow and Hawkeye to tell them that they are team members? ?

Even if it weren't for being ignored by Tony and Luther.

Therefore, Nick Fury must develop a character with enough weight to restrain Tony and Luther.

"Why didn't I know about this?"

Tony said with some disbelief.

"How could this matter spread? Do you want to tell everyone that they were almost destroyed by alien invasion?"

Nick Fury said calmly.

Tony hesitated for a moment and picked up the files on the table.

"Who are the members?"

Tony looked through it and couldn't find any meaningful terms, so he asked.

"It's being kept secret for now. I won't tell you until you pass it."

Nick Fury pretended to be profound and said that in fact, the only team members he could give Tony now were Black Widow and Hawkeye. Captain America was still being salvaged, and it was impossible to release him now.

"That guy Luther is also your target, right?"

Tony thought for a moment and said.

"We are also evaluating him."

Nick Fury nodded. There was no need to hide his desire for Luther and Tony.

"That's good. If that brat Luther joins, I will too."

Tony dropped the file and said with a smile.

Nick Fury suddenly frowned. This was not a buy-one-get-one-free deal. Instead, it made it more difficult.

Because Tony is very conceited, and Nick Fury knows this very well. How could such a conceited person leave his choices to others?

Unless, he already knows something that Nick Fury doesn't know.

It was certain that Luther would not join them.

What information is the question?

After Nick Fury left with full of doubts, Tony became interested in investigating SHIELD and what Nick Fury had said before about alien invasion of the Earth and Earth's first superhero.

The concept of superheroes naturally does not need to be explained. DC comics are very popular in this world, so they all know the concept of superheroes.

"How many decades ago was the first superhero capable of dealing with an invading alien fleet?"

Tony pondered this question as he investigated.

He then also investigates what Nick Fury said about the Green Beast.

Of course Nick Fury knew that Tony would definitely investigate these things, but Nick Fury knew very well that he would not be able to investigate anything.

Pierce didn't even know Nick Fury could summon Carol back, let alone Tony?

Nick Fury's confidentiality measures are very outrageous.

For example, he hid a lot of things about the Skrulls that no one on earth knew about, which led to the fact that even after Rhodes was replaced, no one knew about it.

All I can say is that it is outrageous.

Tony also contacted Luther.

"What is it, Mr. Stark?"

Luther asked with a smile.

"Boy, please stop calling me Mr. Stark. I allow you to call me Mr. Tony."

Tony laughed too, and then said.

"Is this really okay, Mr. Tony?"

Luther remembered that the little spider seemed to have always been called Mr. Stark.

Of course, he was joking by calling him Mr. Stark, and Tony knew this, so he asked him to change his words.

"By the way, has a black man ever come to see you?"

Tony ignored Luther's teasing and asked directly.

"What black man?"

Luther asked rhetorically.

"That's the guy who claims to be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Tony explained to Luther about Nick Fury.

"I understand, Mr. Tony, do you have any ideas?"

Luther nodded. Nick Fury hadn't come to him yet, so maybe he didn't have the confidence to convince him?

Also, Black Widow has resigned. Probably something happened that prevented Nick Fury from continuing to evaluate him. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to say that Nick Fury will continue to look for him.

"I want to hear your thoughts."

Tony is still very patient with people he recognizes, especially since Luther is so much younger than him.

"This really surprises me, Mr. Tony. We should all be confident people and not listen to other people's opinions."

Luther said.

"This is not about listening to other people's opinions, boy Luther. This is just communication. Will you change your thoughts and decisions because you listened to my thoughts?"

Tony scoffed.

"Of course not, Mr. Tony, no one can influence my thoughts and decisions."

"You're more conceited than me."

"Nowhere, far worse than Mr. Tony."

Tony felt like he saw his younger self, arrogant, but he was not so arrogant.

Luther: I’m afraid you have some misunderstanding about yourself.

Tony didn't care about Luther's pretentious attitude. He still had a high tolerance for people he recognized.

Moreover, it is necessary to let this brat Luther know that Mr. Stark is much more talented than him!

"Of course I have the idea, Avengers plan? Who to take revenge on? It's meaningless."

Luther said.

"That's right."

Tony said in agreement, feeling that it was inexplicable or difficult to understand, not to mention that now Tony has been improved by Luther's worldview, unlike the original plot where he was led by the nose.

So in Tony's opinion, Nick Fury's Avengers plan is a little petty, and he doesn't like it.

"Kid Luther, although this Avengers plan is not very good, the situation at SHIELD is very wrong. Have you heard of the Pegasus plan?"

Tony said to Luther.

Luther was a little surprised that he actually found out about the Pegasus Project. Should I say that Tony is really powerful or a metaphysical person?

"I haven't heard of it, but I can investigate."

Luther said.

"According to the information I have investigated, the Tianma Project is a plan from the last century..."

Tony said directly.

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