Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 137 Who else but me?

Of course Luther knew what the Pegasus Project was.

The information Tony told was only a very superficial part.

It seems that Nick Fury is not idiot enough to put the information in the database.

The Pegasus Project must start from the end of Captain America 1: 1. Stark accidentally discovered the Cosmic Cube while searching for Captain America. Soon after, he and Carter, who was still an agent at the time, established S.H.I.E.L.D., with Carter as the The first director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

With the support of the American military, Stark Industries, together with NASA, the American Air Force and S.H.I.E.L.D., launched the Pegasus project, also known as P.E.G.A.S.U.S. important research object.

The name Project Pegasus first appeared in "Iron Man 2", but its specific content was not mentioned. Therefore, the earliest mention of its specific content on the timeline was at the end of "Captain America 1".

At the same time, the specific content of Project Pegasus has become a hidden plot throughout the entire series of "Iron Man", but there is still a hint, that is, Tony discovered the research notes about the Cosmic Cube left by Howard.

"That guy Nick Fury said that there was an alien invasion on Earth and it was stopped by the first superhero, who was also a female superhero."

Tony said.

This was the reason why he contacted Luther.

If it's just a matter on Earth, Tony is confident that he can solve it alone without relying on others. The same is true for Hydra's superpowers. Their superpowers will not change, that is, they will not increase variables.

And they don't know how to develop their own superpowers. It's equivalent to chimpanzees getting firearms. They can only pull the trigger, but they don't study the principles and how to improve them to make the weapons more deadly.

As long as Tony is given time, he can completely eliminate all Hydra superpowers!

But when it comes to issues outside the Earth, Tony doesn't have that confidence, and he even feels like he doesn't know where to start.

So at this time, he subconsciously contacted Luther, the guy he currently thinks is the strongest man on earth.

"Alien invasion?"

Luther would indeed grasp the key points, and Tony nodded.

"This thing should be true. SHIELD and the American military blocked an area for a long time. The locals said they saw huge burning things falling from the sky, but these reports disappeared soon. I It took a lot of effort to find out.”

Tony gave his statement and evidence, but it could also be a rocket experiment by the American military or something. However, he investigated the military records at the time and it showed that it was a "military exercise."

However, such a long military exercise is obviously abnormal.

Afterwards, the military blocked the area for a long time before evacuating.

"If it's an alien invasion issue, this is the key for you to find me, Mr. Tony."

Luther said with a tone of understanding.

"Yes, Luther, let's cooperate."

Tony said directly.

"Rather than working with Nick Fury, that mysterious agent leader, and joining his band of Avengers, it's better for the two of us to work together and use our wisdom to solve all problems!"

Tony continued.

Got it, the Illuminati, right? Do we need to get Mr. Fantastic Richard too?

Luther complained.

The Illuminati is the plot of the comics. Tony and several geniuses united to form an organization to solve all problems, and then the very classic Green Hulk was created by the Illuminati, beating the Sentinels into ordinary people.

But it seems pretty good?

Because Luther is too lazy to play with Nick Fury about joining the Avengers.

"Mr. Tony's idea is very good, so is it just the two of us?"

Luther said.

"Of course not. If there are suitable candidates, I will find them and invite them to join our team. We are not restricted by the government or the spy chief. We can do whatever we want."

Tony said shaking his head.

Luther thought that Tony's idea was actually quite normal. It was the daily operation of people in America not to trust America's government, let alone the capitalists who regarded America as a housekeeper and watchdog.

In the original plot, Tony's behavior was abnormal. According to the capitalist's operation, he should leave them alone and go it alone.

Just like the later real-name system plan, Tony fell out directly with Captain America.

It's outrageous. Captain America should be on Tony's side, and then Tony should be on Captain America's side.

The result was completely the opposite.

"Tony, you should know that the world will not allow a group of so-called superheroes to be above their laws. Batman does not exist in reality."

Luther said.

"But we have Batman and Superman."

Tony shook his head. Batman alone was certainly not enough, but what if they also had Superman?

"Besides, the law is just our toy, Luther."

Tony had already mentioned this, and Luther thought about it, and it seemed that it would be interesting for them to cooperate.

"So, what is the name of our team? If people join us, we can't be said to be the Emperor Stark team, right?"

Luther said.

Tony is a genius, so he has a conceited attitude towards the world.

After Luther and Tony no longer had the gap in wisdom, they actually had something in common, that is, if I want something, I will find a way to get it, instead of relying on others.

Maybe there will be differences in details and handling methods, but this commonality makes it okay for the two of them to chat.

"Illuminati, how about this name?"

The name Tony gave was full of lofty style, perhaps related to the education he received, geniuses guide the direction of human evolution and progress.

"Parliamentary system?"

Luther raised his eyebrows.

"Of course it's a parliamentary system. Can you accept my leadership? Impossible, so we will set up an organization that is above the government, not regulated and controlled by the government, and completely self-made by heroes, just like the round table meeting, which is a completely equal organization for heroes."

Tony rolled his eyes and said.

"That's true, after all, I still have a little confidence in my wisdom."

Luther smiled.


The meaning of this word is "inspirer", or it represents those who light the way for people in the dark.

"That's it, so, do you agree?"

Tony leaned forward, and even through the projection, one could see Tony's attitude, and he was very serious now.

"It's a crazy idea, but it's just right for me. After all, who else can bring peace to this world? It's none other than me!"

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