Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 171 Big Event

The soldier who was enjoying the fire suppression was soon torn apart by the lizard man's bullets.

The M60 squad machine gun cooperates with the armor-piercing belt. If the bullet hits a person, only one bullet can tear one-third of the human body!

The cavity effect of the bullet is too weak in the movie. In reality, such machine guns and bullets are completely a nightmare for infantry and lightly armored targets!

Not to mention that there are several particularly strong guys among the lizard men, carrying an ammunition box on their backs, and the belt is connected to the M2 machine gun in their hands.

This fires 12.7G) large-caliber ammunition, which is commonly used in infantry-set fire positions and military vehicles such as tanks and armored personnel carriers. The main purpose is to attack lightly armored targets, annihilate living targets and low-altitude air defense.

This is a vehicle-mounted machine gun, a tank's co-pilot machine gun weapon, you can imagine how brutal it is.

The lizard man's counterattack was so fierce and exaggerated that the anti-super-terrorist troops were caught off guard, and dozens of soldiers went directly to hell.

Their bloody bodies were so messy that they couldn't even be identified. Even with dog tags, it was impossible to tell who was who in this pile of flesh and blood.

The machine guns of the Stryker armored vehicles fired, and the lizardmen were caught off guard and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the armor-like bulletproof vests on their bodies saved their lives.

Even if the machine guns of these unmanned turrets could penetrate the average armor of 110 mm, after breaking through the armor of 50 mm, the remaining bullet power would only tear the lizardmen's internal organs and roll over to create cavities. For the size and regeneration ability of the lizardmen, it was equivalent to a boxer taking a few heavy punches.

As long as they were not hit in the head, they would not die.

"Damn it!"

The lizardmen knew that the Stryker armored vehicles were already threatening their lives.


A lizardman shouted, and they all used code names to call each other to avoid exposing their true identities.

The lizardman called Warhead raised the anti-tank missile.

The full name is "Javelin" anti-tank missile!

For the lizardmen, the size of this weapon is not worth mentioning.

The lizardmen locked onto a Stryker armored vehicle, then chose the dive attack mode and fired the missile.

After the missile was fired, the guidance system automatically analyzed the infrared rays that were invisible to the naked eye, continuously identified and tracked the target, and then corrected the flight route and posture to rush towards the target.

The huge tail flame attracted the attention of both sides of the battlefield.

During the launch of the "Javelin", its tail flame will cause certain damage to the personnel in the rear.

The missile tail nozzle is 30 degrees to the left and right, and the rear is about 26 meters. The "danger zone".

Such a small tail flame is very dangerous to humans, and for the lizardmen, it can't even let him move.

The whistling javelin did not give them time to react, and the Stryker armored vehicle was hit on the top and then exploded.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The loud noise was deafening, and the people in the surrounding houses trembled and hugged their families and covered their ears.

As Americans, they never thought that one day, in New York City, they would hear the roar and explosion from the battlefield!

The Lizardmen did not come to fight with America, their purpose was only to rob the bank, so after completing the operation of robbing the bank vault, they hurried away.

They prepared a 50-kilogram heavy bomb for the bank vault, ready to blow up the security door directly if there was any accident.

They specially chose a bank with a sewer nearby, and even the ammunition was transported in the sewer.

In this encounter, they poured thousands of bullets, destroyed a Stryker armored vehicle, and killed dozens of soldiers.

It seems that the results of the battle are not very good, but in fact it has shocked the whole United States.

For the first time, they realized that their status as the world hegemon and the world police was challenged, and countless people marched and protested.

There are also timid people who plan to return to their farms and leave New York with their families.

They have a hunch that if the federal government cannot solve the problem this time, the situation in New York will only get worse in the future!

"We robbed a total of more than 40 million this time!"

"Hahahaha, if you look at it this way, we will be able to pay off the loan from Hydra soon."

"No, we have too many competitors, and other banks have been robbed."

The most powerful group of lizard robbers are celebrating today's harvest, but the leading lizard man is very calmly watching the actions of his peers on the TV news.

Even with the weapons and equipment provided by Hydra for free, and the tactics of Hydra's tactical experts to guide their tactics, the lizards are inevitably injured and killed. After all, not all the desperate people here are professional fighters.

Nine out of ten people succeed, and this success rate is very exaggerated. The major banks will definitely be affected in the future, and it is estimated that many will declare bankruptcy.

He wished that most of his peers died, so that there would be no competitors, but it is not possible now.

There are too many people and too few banks in New York. They are just the first big harvest, and it will definitely be more difficult later.

"Shit, how many people did Hydra find?"

A lizard man cursed after seeing it.

He originally thought that they were the only ones there, but when he watched the news on TV, he saw that hundreds of banks were robbed in one day?

Damn, are there so many banks in New York? This is the first time he knows about this.

Of course, not all of them are banks. There are also ignorant lizardmen who choose to rob places like jewelry stores. It is easy to rob those things, but it is not easy to cash them out.

A reinforced battalion of anti-super-terrorist troops was divided into so many battlefields, and naturally they were no match for the lizardmen. The big men did not expect that the troops they thought were sufficient would be almost destroyed in one day.

Even if only dozens of soldiers died in one place, and the casualties of soldiers in other places were only in the single digits, it would be enough to wipe out a reinforced battalion.

"We have to change places next. We can't continue to stay in New York. New York has Iron Man, Emperor, and Hulk, and the Federation is expected to go crazy next, and we will be in danger at that time."

The leading lizardman said coldly.

"Then where should we go? If there is no sewer, we will be in danger, right?"

The other lizardmen hesitated.

"Idiot, anywhere is fine. New York isn't the only place in America that has money. Los Angeles is fine, too. There are a lot of banks there!"

"I think we should leave, too. We seem to have made too much of a fuss."

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