Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 172 Interview

Then only a small number of lizardmen chose to leave overnight. As humans, it was difficult for them to be detected, as long as they did not deliberately expose their identities.

In addition, America is a place that respects personal privacy. There are cameras only on highways and at the entrances of some stores, which makes it more difficult to track these lizard people.

They play hide-and-seek with America in the sewers, and they can get away from them by turning a corner and regain their identities.

America was completely angered this time and even implemented unprecedented martial law.

You know, they have never done this before, even when there were many zero-dollar purchases.

The main reason is that the seriousness of the problem is different. In the past, zero-yuan purchases were mostly caused by smashing, smashing, and looting. Now they are on their own territory, and their money is robbed with guns and cannons, and their soldiers are killed!

"It's such a big fuss."

Luther clicked his tongue and said, but it would be unreasonable to not implement military control at this level.

Luther was even interviewed by representatives of the American military.

Of course, this interview was not because they discovered that Luther was Black Caesar. It was because the American military felt the pressure on Hydra to spread the lizardman serum wantonly.

They have seen how powerful the Lizardmen are. In this kind of positional warfare and street fighting, the advantage they can exert is too great. One person can suppress hundreds of people. If it were not for the firepower superiority of the modern army, a Lizard People can completely massacre these hundreds of soldiers.

Just look at the news.

"New York has become a battlefield! Our army is no match for those monsters!"

"You ask why we want to leave New York? Then first tell me where the current mayor is? Oh, he is on vacation in his private estate now. He can run away, why can't we run away? Anyway, New York has become This is it.”

"Hey, Lord Mayor, don't go on vacation, come back and promote the majesty of the law!"

The mayor of New York also has something to say. You ask me to promote the majesty of the law. Do I have the fists to promote it? Do I have the force? Aren’t those bosses on Wall Street the final say?

This is why America's military sent representatives to find Luther.

"Mr. Luther, I believe you are also aware of the terrible situation that happened in New York City yesterday."

Lieutenant General Alvin Hogg, the plenipotentiary representative sent by the American military this time, said to Luther.

"Yes, it's very bad. It makes me doubt the capabilities of the Federation."

Luther was also unceremonious, scolding others and exposing their shortcomings first, making Lieutenant General Alvin Hogg feel very uncomfortable and annoyed.

"Mr. Luther, I am here precisely for this mission."

However, Lieutenant General Alvin Hogg can be sent to be responsible for this arms sale, and he is also the plenipotentiary representative, so he will definitely not be emotional because of such a small matter, otherwise he would not be able to achieve this position.

Arms sales representative, this is a very lucrative position. As for how abundant it is, Luther already knew through Galvatron that Lieutenant General Alvin Hogg privately had an unnamed bank account with a deposit starting with one billion. .

The annual salary of a lieutenant general is obviously not that much money even if it takes a hundred years.

"This time, I have brought a special mission, Mr. Luther."

Lieutenant General Alvin took out a blue envelope that looked different, and Luther already knew what was inside.

"Mission? That's not a good word, Mr. Lieutenant General."

Luther didn't mean to open the envelope, but looked at Lieutenant General Alvin and said.

"This is an order from the president himself, this is a document signed by the president."

Lieutenant General Alvin didn't pay attention. The document only contained Mr. President's signature and not the actual mission content. It was mainly for confidentiality.

"Forget it, Mr. Lieutenant General, you and I both know that in this country, the President is only the spokesperson, so the legal effect of this document... No, I shouldn't talk to you about the law."

Luther laughed.

"Mr. Luther, I think as a businessman, you wouldn't mind hearing about this deal first?"

Lieutenant General Alvin also laughed and said nonchalantly.


Luther nodded.

"Because of the influence of the Lizardmen and the resurgence of Hydra, we need super soldiers."

Lieutenant General Alvin repeated the goal this time.

The general meaning is that they want super soldiers, but they don’t want Compound No. 1. What they want is something more powerful, for example, Compound No. 2!

The No. 2 compound is the type of super bodyguard injection. You will die only if you hit the head. If you don't hit the head, you can regenerate and recover. It is just like the lizard people. The difference is that they will not become ugly.

Compound No. 2 was originally a by-product of Luther's own research on Kryptonians. It had nothing to do with Kryptonian genes. It was just that he discovered factors that strengthened the human body and then used them.

The upper limit of compound No. 2 is the S-level in the movie "The Witch". Although Luther injected the super bodyguard with the blocked compound No. 2, this does not mean that he will not be lucky enough to encounter a mutation directly. Unlocked the blockade of Compound Two.

After all, the mutation rates in the Marvel world and DC world are much higher than in other worlds. The main theme is that the poor rely on mutation and the rich rely on technology.

The same super soldier serum can mutate into hundreds of different superheroes and super criminals. This is not Luther exaggerating. Most superheroes and super criminals come from the research and experiments of Captain America's super soldier serum by America or other organizations and countries.

The genetic abilities that the super bodyguards have not yet unlocked are telekinesis and the final immortality. The superpower of the movie heroine's sister is that she will not die even if her head is shot. It is speculated that it should be a cellular or even molecular regeneration ability.

Luther made something similar.

The performance of the super bodyguards is also very good. They can resist the superpowers of Hydra with a large number of people. This is a real record.

Luther remembered that this was also his plan, but he no longer needs the effect of the success of this plan.

Now Luther has a Buddhist feeling. Anyway, he can become stronger by lying down, so why should he work hard?

Isn't it good to have fun?

The American military took a fancy to Compound No. 2, but it was obvious that Compound No. 2 would be more expensive than Compound No. 1. Compound No. 1 was already 10 million U.S. dollars, so it was simply impossible to put it into production in large quantities.

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