Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 186: America wakes up and experiences a massive earthquake

Moreover, the searchlight was destroyed in advance by Hydra, and other searchlights could not shine here. In the dark night, with only the light of the vehicle, the werewolf soldiers were like ghosts, walking like the wind, changing positions at any time, making the soldiers think There is no way to fight back.

Although they do not have night blindness, in this environment, it is too difficult to lock down these werewolf soldiers who move so fast.

Soon, these infantry-tank coordinated soldiers were wiped out. At this time, a werewolf soldier took out the "Tank Killer".

They must have been well prepared before coming, including how to target these tanks.

A tank killer shot hit the tank, but the tank's reactive armor immediately exploded, canceling out the tank killer's explosion.

This is the effect of reactive armor.

But the two infantry fighting vehicles could not hold up and encountered more tank killers.

They were directly scrapped, and the remaining tank could only fight and retreat. In this case, there was definitely no way to maintain accuracy. A tank shell came out with a rumble, but no one knew where it flew.

As a result, when retreating, there was only a deafening "boom" sound, and the heavy tank was directly blown over.

It turned out that werewolf soldiers had placed several anti-tank mines on its retreat route. A single anti-tank mine could paralyze the tank and break the tracks, let alone so many anti-tank mines.

At this time, the Hydra soldiers who had been looking for the obelisk in the mysterious warehouse finally found the obelisk.

However, after losing the signal from the supporting mobile company again, the commander of this base could not sit still and directly dispatched air units.

Three Longbow Apache helicopter gunships flew over, and armored units on the ground also arrived.

These Hydra soldiers are just flesh and blood and cannot withstand the gunship of the armed helicopter. That is the M-230E-1 30mm single-barreled chain gun!

What kind of concept is this? Coupled with the Hellfire missiles it carries, the armored truck's defenses were quickly completely leveled!

The Apache emptied all the ammunition it carried before returning. The remaining ground troops continued to advance. Neither werewolf soldiers nor lizard soldiers could stop them, even if they laid anti-tank mines in advance.

Although Hydra's operation failed, the impact it caused can be said to be an unprecedented earthquake in America!

The last time America was shaken was September 11th. Even the lizard man robbery was nothing. September 11th was a blatant provocation and a slap in the face to America, and it also made America see the horror. Organizational madness.

This time it is completely "even worse". This is America's own US military base. As for why SHIELD's mysterious warehouse is here, how novel it is. The predecessor of SHIELD, the "Scientific Strategic Forces", is Started and trained by America.

How long has it been since America was provoked like this? She openly attacked a US military base and caused the casualties and annihilation of multiple companies.

This is no longer a major bad incident, this is a war!

"Gentlemen, what I want to know is, what happened to America and why such a thing happened? Isn't America no longer America?"

In the Congress, the elders also got angry. Is it possible that the church can no longer do it? Outsiders have stepped over the border to plant flags. What happened to the deaths and losses of multiple companies? My eldest America has fallen to this. To what extent?

"The attackers were lizards and werewolves, the work of Hydra. We were caught off guard, but we already know that their target should be SHIELD's mysterious warehouse."

The base commander must be held accountable. He quickly reported what happened last night, hoping to reduce his guilt a little, so that the connections behind him might make him guilty.

The opponents are all super soldiers, but their soldiers are still ordinary people. How to fight?

Originally, there was a cooperation with Emperor Corporation, which allowed them to obtain superhuman medicine and No. 1 compound to cultivate their own super soldiers. However, after Emperor Industries declared bankruptcy and ran away, this order was in vain.

America could only give Aldridge Killian part of the batch of compound No. 1 and superhuman medicine she had recently acquired to see if anything could be researched.

"Damn HYDRA!"

Of course the Congressmen know where these lizardmen and werewolves come from.


Besides Hydra, who else could come up with so many werewolves and lizardmen?

Even if they did buy some, they were all for their bodyguards and confidants, and the quantity was not that large.

"We must fight against Hydra. What is going on with SHIELD? Why is Hydra so active now?"

So some big bosses pointed their guns at SHIELD. This was a good opportunity. SHIELD's excessive power and duplication of powers made them have great opinions on SHIELD.

Originally, the emergence of Hydra could divert conflicts and relieve the pressure on S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, that was when Hydra was exposed in the original plot but nothing major happened.

The current situation is that Hydra is resurrected, and the major incidents it has done again and again are terrible, especially this time, which can be called a war.

So this seems like SHIELD is very derelict in its duties.

Faced with the strong condemnation from America and the opinions expressed by the Security Council, Nick Fury accepted it calmly and then acted like it.

Anyway, you can't remove him from his position, and you can't find someone who can replace Nick Fury for a while.

Nick Fury's poor performance is just that he doesn't care about the various accusations against him by the Security Council and America. Nick Fury has never stopped his actions against the madness of Hydra.

It's a pity that he really can't find anything!

Who is Nick Fury? He is a level 10 agent. There are less than a dozen people in the world who can be called level 10 agents.

There has been no trace of Hydra, and the big things Hydra has done are bigger and bigger, which also makes Nick Fury start to think and doubt the direction of his investigation.

Could it be that the reason why he can't find Hydra is that Hydra is not hidden so deeply, and they have always been under his nose?

Nick Fury's many years of experience told him that when the investigation is deadlocked and even no progress and results are obtained, then it must be that his investigation direction is wrong.

He couldn't help but think, what did he overlook?

"America? This must be there. If you want to investigate, you have to spend a lot of time and effort..."

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