Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 187 Nick Fury's Brainstorm

After checking one by one, Nick Fury found a target that he had always ignored or that he subconsciously thought was impossible, absolutely impossible.


Is it you? My God!

After Nick Fury noticed SHIELD, he felt that he could not ignore it.

Yes, there is no way to find anything. Hydra, which comes and goes without a trace, makes such a big fuss, and sells lizard serum and werewolf serum unscrupulously, but SHIELD can't find anything at all. Is this possible?

You know, the current SHIELD is a global united world peace agent intelligence organization with huge power, countless talents, and intelligence networks all over the world. Even those non-UN members and countries that refuse SHIELD entry cannot do without SHIELD people.

In front of such an intelligence network built by SHIELD for so many years, Hydra has not found any traces so far. Shouldn't it feel wrong from the beginning?

Why do I always feel that Hydra is hidden very deeply?

"SHIELD... If that's the case, then we're in big trouble."

Nick Fury is deeply aware of this, and he doesn't want to think about it, probably for this reason.

Hydra is hiding in SHIELD?

It's terrible!

This idea is crazy, but full of reasonable possibilities.

"Let Hydra investigate Hydra, and naturally they won't find anything. They come and go without a trace not because of their intelligence capabilities and connections, but because someone helps them deal with these traces. I should have guessed it long ago."

Nick Fury feels that he is old, and his mind is not as flexible and sharp as before.

It's a pity that Emperor International now does not accept American nationals to buy their products. I heard that their new compound No. 2 can even cure Alzheimer's disease. Many rich people have paid deposits and lined up to inject compound No. 2. It can be said that the supply exceeds the demand.

"Is Emperor Luther's departure also a conspiracy of Hydra?"

Once people start to imagine and doubt, they will also doubt other things. This is a link reaction, especially agents, who are more suspicious than Cao A Man.

To put it bluntly, it is to be cautious. The careless agents have all died.

After Hydra reappeared, in so many operations, the only one who suffered was Luther. Others, including Tony Stark and Hulk, failed to make them suffer. Instead, it was Luther. Every time Luther appeared, Hydra suffered.

What if Hydra targeted Luther because of this, and could not kill him, but could get rid of him?

Nick Fury felt that if it were him, facing a man like Luther who had no weaknesses at all, he would definitely think of driving him away or sending him away.

Thinking of it this way, the incident at the beginning revealed something strange. America suddenly found a competitor of Emperor Industries and said that the other party was very powerful. They should consider the order of ant serum from Emperor Industries.

Where did America find a strong competitor?

Before the rise of Imperial Industries and the emergence of Luther, a genius, and after Red Skull and Captain America, there was only one Hulk in so many years, and he was still a product that could not be controlled. As a result, two appeared in such a short time?

Yes, if the competitor is called Hydra, all this makes sense. Hydra's biochemical technology is very powerful. After the lizard man that appeared was captured by them, they quickly cracked and mass-produced lizard serum. Now there are lizard men all over the world.

America's horror legend Lizard Man has become a reality, and even werewolves have been studied by Hydra, and they are very close to the legend, except that they will not transform on a full moon and lose control.

This technological version of werewolf is undoubtedly more powerful and better, and has no weakness of fearing Silver.

With such technological strength, taking out a super soldier serum to fool the American military, plus the assistance of the insider, isn't it the best competitor of Imperial Industries?

Nick Fury brainstormed by himself, and the more he thought about it, the more scared he became. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Hydra was so terrifying.

Of course, Luther himself guided this, and he even prepared a composite video of Alexander Pierce, such as Alexander Pierce saying "hail hydra (Long live Hydra)!" to the vice president.

Or Alexander Pierce saying "hail hydra (Long live Hydra)!" to a group of congressional masters.

When he saw this composite video, Nick Fury's expression would definitely be very exciting.

Anyway, even with the technology of SHIELD, it is impossible to analyze the authenticity of the composite video of Galvatron.

Of course, a version of the Security Council can also be arranged.

With this speculation, Nick Fury naturally began to investigate the internal SHIELD.

In this regard, the only agents Nick Fury can trust are Coulson, Black Widow and Hawkeye.

Alexander Pierce is of course also considered, after all, he is his immediate superior, and Nick Fury does not think he will be Hydra.

However, Nick Fury did not inform Alexander Pierce of this action. He planned to investigate first to verify whether his idea was true, so as to avoid making them feel like they were facing a great enemy if he guessed wrong, which would be bad for Pierce.

After appreciating a good show, Luther looked up at the sky. With his super vision, the entire solar system was within his observation range.

The super vision of Kryptonians is no longer an observation ability that normal people can understand, and even super hearing is hearing without a medium. He can hear the sounds of the entire solar system here, including the conversations of aliens in the vacuum spacecraft.

So, what he saw was not light, but real-time observation of all aspects of the entire solar system, but Luther was too lazy to look at it at ordinary times, even if his super brain could easily process the collected information, it would not even occupy one percent of his brain power.

But he was too lazy to look.

Now he looked because a special power came.


Luther saw a hammer falling from the sky, and also saw the very majestic God King Odin wearing a golden single eye mask.

The temperament and strength that the actor could not show, Odin seemed to be aware of his observation, but he could not see Luther, and the only one who could look at Luther was Heimdall.

But Heimdall did not notice Luther, he just stared at Thor.

"Thor's plot has begun."

Luther remembered that there was such a thing.

Breaking Point: Thor has come to Earth, and now there is something fun to do.

"The samples of new humans can be referenced from the Asgardian gods."

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