Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 214: Crazy Sheep-grabbing from the Dark Dimension

This material dimension is called "Empire" by Luther.

The plane where the real empire is located can completely abandon Mars.

However, Luther thinks that the existence of the Martian Empire is still necessary, and not everyone can enter the Empire dimension.

"With the Empire, I can directly travel through the world with other people and things in the future."

Luther is very satisfied. As a portable space, the dimension space is definitely much more advanced than any storage type of space, and the dimension space will not lose its effect like the space gem.

"It's time to capture Broly into the Empire and let the Empire digest it, so that I can become the real legendary Super Saiyan."

Luther couldn't catch the Ancient Doomsday, but Broly is ready.

There is also Mystic Gohan and Beast Gohan's Son Gohan, the strongest single warrior in Dragon Ball.

In addition, Luther also plans to try to use the power gem to transfer energy to the material dimension. Can it make the material dimension stronger?

In order to make his own dimension space stronger, the dimensional demon used everything.

Their purpose is energy, soul and other dimensional space.

After Luther found a material dimension, the Space Gem never stopped searching for the dimensional space, but it was impossible to find it again for a while.

Luther felt that he was possessed by the emperor of Europe for being able to find one so quickly.

So he could only use the next-level method to make his dimension stronger.

The Power Gem can easily mobilize the cosmic energy. The cosmic energy here is not the so-called radiation or something like that.

The cosmic energy in Marvel is basically the standard ability of the god-level bosses. If they can't perceive and control the cosmic energy, at most they are the limit of ordinary things like the swordsman who is invincible below the god level.

The upper limit of cosmic energy is very high. In Marvel comics, Thanos absorbed a lot of cosmic energy and then broke through to the multiverse level, so this setting is really confusing, but if it is replaced by Thanos absorbing more than 900 million primordial purple qi and chaos qi, it is probably not difficult to understand.

The highest level of cosmic energy is the energy that can help people break through the upper limit. It is the most essential part of cosmic energy born from the Big Bang. However, this part of cosmic energy can't be counted on, as it has been divided up by the god-level bosses.

Unless Luther can kill these god-level bosses and throw them into the empire dimension for the empire to absorb, there is no need to count on these cosmic energies.

The second-level cosmic energy is the energy in the dimensional space of the dimensional demons of various dimensions, that is, the original energy of the energy dimension.

These energies also have very powerful characteristics, otherwise why would the Ancient One cheat Dormammu's dark energy to make himself immortal and have power far beyond others? The Ancient One is not completely dependent on the Eye of Agamotto to make Odin ignore Midgard, the nine realms within his rule.

She is the most capable supreme wizard besides Agamotto. At the world's first wizard conference held by Vishanti, the Ancient One was re-elected as the Supreme Wizard for N consecutive terms.

This wizard conference has all kinds of evil gods. After all, becoming a supreme wizard and obtaining this title can get the bonus of Vishanti's power.

In this competition, the Eye of Agamotto cannot be used. It can be said that the Ancient One won completely by relying on hard power.

Doctor Stephen Strange is much worse and often loses.

The Power Stone can control all power and energy, but it cannot create something out of nothing, even if it has endless energy and power.

Fortunately, Luther can steal... no, he can borrow.

At this time, he has to find the Space Stone again. His study in Kamar-Taj is not in vain. He memorized the contracts of the demon gods of various dimensions.

These contracts have the breath of the demon gods of dimensions. Although it is not enough to locate their dimensional space, Luther has the Space Stone!

The Space Stone can forcibly locate the coordinate space of the demon gods of dimensions according to the breath.

At that time, just borrow energy to get it done.

"Dormammu should not mind, after all, he has been fleeced by the Supreme Sorcerer for so many years."

Luther decided to pick the soft persimmon first, such as Dormammu.

Luther can't find other dimensional demon gods as weak as him.

If he finds them, do he still need to borrow energy? They came to the door to rob the dimensional space directly.

The space gem opened a vortex with a blue edge and a black main body, and then Luther felt it.

On the other side was an endless dark void.

Luther did not rush in, even though he had been teasing Dormammu, but in the dark dimension, Dormammu was a god, and only the multiverse-level bosses could compete with Dormammu in the dark dimension, well, the kind of competition that pressed Dormammu to the ground and rubbed him.

"Power Gem!"

The power gem in Luther's hand lit up with a purple light, and then a large group of terrifying dark energy came out from the dark dimension.

Dark energy has an owner, not to mention the dark energy in the dark dimension. If Dormammu does not nod, Luther can't drag it over even if he pulls it hard with his hands, but once the power gem is lit, the dark energy will come over obediently.

An ominous and cold breath came from the dark dimension, and the terrifying dark energy was wantonly rampant with evil, destruction, corrosion, depravity, and a sense of oppression of fear!

"What a powerful energy."

Luther touched his chin. Such a ball of dark energy made Luther feel that Dormammu was difficult to deal with. With such a dark dimension, Dormammu was the God of the dark dimension!

Time, space, matter, energy, cause and effect, fate, death, life... These rules are meaningless in front of Dormammu. Unless he can surpass the level of a single universe, even if the single universe demon who has mastered these rules enters the dark dimension, he will not get any benefit.

The Empire Dimension greedily absorbed and decomposed the ball of dark energy in front of Luther, and then Luther found that his Empire Dimension had actually become one tenth larger!

"This trick really works!"

Luther nodded.

If the Empire Dimension itself becomes stronger, it is estimated that it will not increase by one cubic centimeter in tens of millions of years, but it has increased so much just by absorbing a ball of dark energy equivalent to the planetary level from the dark dimension...

So, the power gem inlaid on the chest armor of the God of Destruction by Luther shone again. This time the purple light was particularly dazzling, almost rendering the Empire Dimension purple!

Then, the dark dimension sent over enough dark energy to drown the entire empire dimension!

Even if the empire dimension was madly digesting it, it couldn't keep up with the amount of dark energy controlled by the power gem!

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