Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 215 Return

But Luther thought of a way to let the space gem collect the surging dark energy into a space.

Then he used the superpower of compressing space to compress the space into the size of a mustard seed.

Of course you have to do this job quickly, otherwise Dormammu will be dead before he reacts.

Although with three Infinity Stones in hand, Luther should be able to enter the dark dimension to compete with Dormammu, but he is not someone who is willing to take risks, so it is better to borrow power this way.

This lasted for less than an hour before Dormammu came to the door.

"Who! Who dares to steal the energy of the dark dimension!!!"

Dormammu is going crazy. Who the hell is this person? Is that bastard Ancient One here again?

In the blink of an eye, the dark energy equivalent to a solar system in the real dimension is gone.

Even if the dark dimension is comparable to the real dimension universe, it is only a negligible amount of energy that is worthless, but for Dormammu, it is no different than killing him.

God knows how long it would take him to deceive and kidnap him to make up for his losses, so he came directly to find him.

However, Dormammu who came over also noticed something was wrong. This space door didn't look like Karma Taj's style, and Ancient One was not such a rough person. He would not take things by force so directly. She flattered him. The name says "borrow", and then just use magic.

It's not like this space gate, which is sucking in the surrounding dark energy like a whale swallowing the sea, and the stars formed by the dark energy are sucked in.

Dormammu was annoyed and tried to stop him, but he found that he could only control the dark energy to stagnate for a moment, and then he felt that the power of swallowing suddenly increased by more than ten times, and then more dark energy was swallowed. past.

Luther felt that the Power Stone seemed to have stagnated for a while, but after he increased the output of the Power Stone, more dark energy was sucked in.

Now Luther has packed several mustard spaces.

At this moment, a terrifying dark energy wave passed from the other side of the channel.

Silent fluctuations exploded in space, shaking the entire empire dimension.

"Dormammu found out?"

Luther raised his fists and faced off against the dark energy fluctuations head-on.

“Boom, boom, boom!!!”

There was a terrifying movement that was unprecedented in the world. After Luther defeated the dark energy wave, he closed the door in one breath! Kick people! hang up!

Dormammu looked confused. After a tentative blow, the space gate disappeared without a trace. It couldn't even find the target based on its dark energy.

"Who is it!!!"

Dormammu was very angry.

The Imperial dimension exploded into chaos, and the physical dimension almost collapsed.

"After absorbing so much dark energy, I still can't withstand the aftermath of the battle."

Luther shook his head. He didn't feel anything about his own punch. On the one hand, he had the gauntlet of the God of Destruction, and on the other hand, he was already strong enough to beat a god-level boss to death, so there was nothing wrong with him at all.

But it’s okay to be like this now, break and then build.

He released the dark energy in the compressed space, and then reshaped the material dimension according to his own ideas.

The material dimension after reshaping is already the size of a planet, and this planet is still several times larger than the earth.

This is the difference between the material dimension and the energy dimension. The material dimension formed by huge energy generally does not have the breadth of energy.

Being able to reach the size of a planet is already pretty good, and Luther's strength is soaring like a rocket.

"Yes, it should be the weakest single universe now."

Luther nodded. Although he was at the bottom of 0.000... I don't know how many zeros there are in the single universe level, but because he is the lord of gods and demons in the material dimension, his strength is still acceptable.

If Asgard hadn't been backed by the World Tree, Odin would definitely not be as brilliant as Luther now. After all, the material dimension of Asgard is only the size of a piece of land.

Now the two are considered equals. Luther may kill Odin, and Odin may kill Luther.

Luther also suffered from the same troubles as Odin. Divine power will continue to grow stronger over time, never ending, as long as the empire dimension remains.

The difference is that Luther's body can always withstand stronger divine power. As the divine power becomes stronger, Luther's body will evolve and become stronger, never ending, and there will never be a body like Odin. A situation that cannot bear the divine power.

As for Luther's divine power, his divine power was already formed the moment the material dimension was finalized, and he had no choice at all.

destroy! destroy! sun! strength! war!

This is the attribute of his divine power. The divine power created in the material dimension based on Luther's origin. Luther is naturally omniscient and omnipotent in the imperial dimension. He can grasp all the rules at his fingertips. But after leaving the imperial dimension, he can only rely on divine power.

However, Luther himself does not rely on divine power. Without divine power, he still has his own body, but the energy level of divine power is high, has a high priority, and is easier to use.

"I wonder if Igo would become stronger if I threw him into the empire dimension and absorbed it?"

Luther began to think about how to make his empire dimension stronger. The long-term goal was naturally to continue to harvest the wool of the demon gods in all major dimensions and find other dimensions. The short-term goal was to fight against the autumn wind and defeat all kinds of powerful enemies and send them into the empire. The dimension is swallowed up by the empire and contracts are signed with people everywhere.

The world of super seminary!

Luther didn't go to Ego and stayed there.

Now that he has the ability, of course he plans to take Qilin away.

The Empire Dimension is a world of its own, and Qilin can live safely in it.

In the future, he doesn't have to worry about the safety of people and things when traveling through the world.

He tried it, and he was relieved that he could still open the Empire Dimension in the world of Super Seminary.

Before he left, Qilin was arranged by him to a city far away from Xiongbinglian, and this city was protected by Kryptonian civilization.

Qilin's parents are also here.


Luther's clone has been with Qilin, so Qilin didn't have any special reaction when she saw Luther.

"What's wrong?"

The relationship between the two has heated up rapidly during this period of time.

If it weren't for the clone, Qilin would have matured.

"I have something to tell you."

Luther said to Qilin. He has protected so many Blue Star people, and he has explained to Qilin.

"What's the matter?"

Qilin asked with a smile, thinking that it might be a proposal, what should I do, I haven't put on makeup yet.

"Actually, I am Luther, the God King of the Kryptonian civilization."

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