Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 222 Liang Bing is in a panic

Liang Bing and Tian Shi Yan stared at each other.

Without Du Qiangwei, the two women who didn't get along with each other just left.

Luther lazily leaned aside. Knowing that he was a special soldier, the soldiers didn't dare to disturb him. Du Qiangwei had told him before leaving.

"Um, Your Majesty Luther, are you really interested in Lan Xing?"

Liang Bing felt that Luther couldn't recognize her identity, and she was really curious about Luther's thoughts, so she couldn't help but come over.

Luther knew that Liang Bing wanted to find out what he was thinking, but he didn't expect that he would be so bold after killing her several times.

It's still not cruel enough.

However, when he came back this time, Luther had changed his mind and thoughts, and he didn't want to kill Liang Bing.

"Do you want to figure out what I think?"

Luther stretched out his hand, controlled Liang Bing in the air, and then pulled Liang Bing into his arms.

"Hey hey hey!"

Liang Bing was panicked. She wanted to struggle, but she was afraid that if she was exposed, she would be killed by Luther.

After all, Luther's attitude towards her has always been that there is no room for negotiation, and he will kill anyone he sees, so Liang Bing doesn't know how she offended Luther.

In this situation, Liang Bing certainly didn't dare to reveal her identity. In addition, she couldn't beat Luther, and was held in Luther's arms, so Liang Bing could only beg for mercy.

"Your Majesty, don't..."

Liang Bing didn't know if anyone had dared to treat her like this before and contacted her like this. Hua Ye might have had such an idea, but he was beaten to death by Kaisha before he could implement it.

As for Carl, he didn't even dare to hold her hand. It was quite interesting. Liang Bing also felt that she had feelings for Carl, but this grandson turned herself into an illusion without saying a word.

It was equivalent to being a widow before getting married, and Liang Bing turned her face directly.

Now, feeling Luther's hands "I will search up and down", Liang Bing's divine body seemed to be leaking electricity, and there was a numb feeling of electric current stimulation everywhere, and then there was a special feeling permeating.

This feeling is something that no one can give. In simple terms, it is the suspension bridge effect. A person who can kill you at any time, such a "close and zero-distance" contact.

Liang Bing was of course nervous, trembling, and thrilling, and then this kind of seemingly true illusion and feeling would appear.

"Not bad, you are quite smooth, you can be a bonus."

Luther patted Liang Bing's August 15th round plate and said with satisfaction.

Liang Bing wanted to cry but had no tears. Could she bear it?


"Your Majesty the God King, Blue Star...hiss...Blue Star is not worth it. Look at the angels over there, in short skirts...oh oh...Angel Nebula, Angel Civilization, there are tens of thousands of them in Melo Heaven...ah!"

Liang Bing began to speak incoherently, and her two hands crawled on her body like a snake. Isn't it the habit of snakes to get in wherever they can get in?

Angel Yan looked at Liang Bing with contempt. This spy suspected of being a demon civilization actually wanted to divert the trouble?

If the Angel Civilization was still alive, it would be able to hold on, and not be afraid of God King Luther and Krypton Civilization, even though God King Luther and the Holy Kesha seemed to be evenly matched.

But now that the Holy Kesha has been destroyed, only one Tianji King Hexi is left. Angel Yan has heard of the stories and legends of Tianji King Hexi, but she is a scientific research god, not a fighting god. Who knows if Tianji King Hexi can fight?

If Luther is eyeing this, it will not be a double whammy for the Angel Civilization, but an avalanche on top of the snow.

However, Angel Yan is also helpless about being trapped on Earth. In this situation, if she does not return to the Angel Civilization as soon as possible to take charge of the overall situation, the situation may be so rotten that it cannot be handled. Morgana and the Demon Civilization have been developing their military forces, and no one knows what they want to do.

I am afraid they want to attack the Melo Heavenly Court?

Liang Bing said that how could she lead millions of little demons to attack the Melo Heavenly Court, and she is not Hua Ye.

Luther likes Liang Bing's helpless look of wanting to resist and struggle.

Relying on the fear he created for Liang Bing before, he was sure to take advantage of Liang Bing.

Angel Yan fell into deep thought. If she asked Luther for help, she would be able to achieve her wish. The problem was that a god king like Luther would definitely not exchange equal value and provide unconditional assistance. It was normal to win a small victory with a big one.

However, her identity was not exposed. In Luther's information, she should still be just the Holy Left Wing Guard of Angel Civilization, not the King of Angels.

Therefore, even if Luther had any conditions, they should be based on this identity.

Liang Bing was dragged into the tent by Luther with a confused look on her face.

No, don't be so arrogant!

If I don't resist, you will treat me as if I don't exist, right!

Liang Bing was angry. She mobilized the wormhole for transportation, but found that nothing happened.

"What's going on?"

Liang Bing was even more panicked. She wanted to contact Devil No. 1, but found that there was no response to the dark communication.

This is the absolute magic ban that Luther completed with his own biological force field, which can also be called the absolute domain. Anyway, there is no difference between the biological force field and the absolute domain. They are all my domains and I have the final say. As long as I don’t want to, your ability will not be effective.

It is too simple to prohibit wormhole transportation and dark communication.

In this case, Liang Bing has realized something.

Could it be that Luther has already known the identity of this queen?

What should I do now?

Liang Bing didn't know whether Luther knew her identity but was just playing around, or whether he knew something was wrong with him but didn't know he was Morgana?

There was a big difference between the two. If it was the first case, Luther probably wouldn't do anything to her if Liang Bing told him her identity now, after all, he could pretend he didn't know he was teasing her.

If it was the second case, then she would be courting death by revealing her identity.

However, compared to her own purity, death didn't seem to matter.

"Wait, Luther, I'm Morgana!"

Liang Bing was ready to die after she finished speaking. Fortunately, she had left behind enough dark data and gene engines, so it was easy to revive. Moreover, because she was a fourth-generation divine body, Liang Bing didn't have the overbearing aggregation effect of the divine body, but her atoms could be reborn.

In other words, her atoms recovered faster than the divine body. The divine atoms of the divine body were indestructible and could only be destroyed by black holes. Supernova explosions could only scatter but not destroy the divine atoms, so there was no need to study the recovery ability.

Liang Bing is different. Her fourth-generation divine body is more like a space-time divine body that is transported by wormholes, so the atoms are very fragile, which makes them easy to transport. In return, the atoms have a terrifying regeneration speed and ability. As long as there is enough energy, an atom can regenerate a complete Liang Bing.

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