Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 223 Du Qiangwei is in a hurry

Luther seemed to have not heard Liang Bing's words, turned a deaf ear and took off Liang Bing's clothes.


Liang Bing already knew what kind of situation Luther was in, so she quickly wanted to stop him.

But it was too late.

Angel Yan originally thought it was impossible for Luther and Liang Bing to roll together, but when she heard the high-pitched screams inside, she was stunned.

At this time, Du Qiangwei came back, in a hurry, as if she had come back all the way, her hair was messy.

"Where's Luther?"

Du Qiangwei asked when she saw Angel Yan.


Angel Yan glanced at the tent nearby.

Du Qiangwei was stunned for a moment and looked at the tent. After hearing the movement inside the tent, she pulled her hair frantically.

Are they all thrown together?

With whom?


When she thought of Liang Bing, a "social butterfly", Du Qiangwei felt that she was not surprised at all. It was Luther who played so freely that made Du Qiangwei a little surprised.

In this case, can I do it myself?

No matter how you look at it, her advantage is greater than Liang Bing's. If she can exchange genetic resources for Blue Star, Du Qiangwei will not hesitate to sacrifice herself.

It can only be said that Du Qiangwei's character is a bit too much. It's not that you can't have this kind of consciousness, but that this kind of consciousness comes too suddenly and artificially.

Of course, if the character is like this, it cannot be said that Du Qiangwei is contrived. It can only be said that the screenwriting level is not good enough, which makes it appear contrived.

Du Qiangwei walked around anxiously outside, but didn't dare to go in and disturb her.

"Sit down, the fighting power of the divine body is very long-lasting."

Angel Yanyun Siji's instinct activated and he said to Du Qiangwei with a smile.

"Then, will Liang Bing be okay?"

Du Qiangwei still didn't know what was going on. Liang Bing couldn't have taken the initiative to seduce Luther, so what was Liang Bing's purpose? For Blue Star?

Or is it for the demonic civilization behind her?

Du Qiangwei is not stupid. Of course she noticed something was wrong with Liang Bing, and also verified that Liang Bing was not afraid of bullets. In addition, Liang Bing said that she was Morgana from the beginning. Even if Du Qiangwei thought it was impossible, she would still tell her that she was not afraid of bullets. Liang Bing thought about the background of demon civilization.

However, if Liang Bing is for Blue Star, Du Qiangwei will not accept Liang Bing's sacrifice with peace of mind. Du Qiangwei cannot do such things as generosity to others.

"That woman is not simple, she should be fine."

Angel Yan shook his head.

It is okay for super warriors to fight gods, unless they are mortals fighting gods. However, from the back, you can see that the angel Qingqing and the blacksmith's children are running all over the ground. There is probably no problem between super warriors and mortals. It may also be Qingqing. The demand in this area is not as strong as that of ordinary mortal women.

Otherwise, how could an ordinary human male satisfy a female super soldier, who is still a second-generation super soldier?

Du Qiangwei didn't know what to do, so she sat next to Angel Yan.

"Looking at you, there is a result. Are you Blue Star really planning to fully surrender to the Kryptonian civilization?"

Angel Yan then asked. She herself actually didn't know what to do, especially since Luther and Liang Bing were involved in the inheritance of the royal family.

"We have no choice."

Du Qiangwei nodded and said.

Angel Yan didn’t know what to say. If the angel civilization was still alive, she could still say that there was an angel civilization, which was definitely better than the Kryptonian civilization.

But now, Angel Yan no longer has the confidence to say so. Although she is still obsessed with the strength of the angel civilization, it can be seen from the original plot that Angel Yan immediately launched a "holy war" after returning.

Then he recruited a large number of young angels and the civilization under the order of angels to start a war with the demon civilization and the Taotie civilization. After being sniped and annihilated by Hua Ye's Tianzha Legion.

Only then did Angel Yan realize that with the destruction of Holy Kesha, many things had changed, and the angel civilization was not as dominant as she had imagined.

In other words, the angel civilization in her hands is no different from other super-divine civilizations and does not have dominance.

If she could raise her arms and all the retired old angels respond, she might still have that kind of absolute dominance. Now, of course, it's impossible.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

Luther and Liang Bing also concluded their discussion on the inheritance of the Kryptonian royal family.

After Du Qiangwei saw Luther and Liang Bing finally coming out, Du Qiangwei was dumbfounded and felt uneasy.

After such a long time, Liang Bing can still walk? ? ?

I'm afraid the size and shape of the container have not been permanently expanded for such a long time.

After seeing Du Qiangwei's expression and eyes, Liang Bing's rosy and shiny expression turned gloomy.

She originally wanted to self-destruct this divine body, but I don’t want this divine body anymore!

As long as you rebuild your divine body on Demon No. 1 after destroying it and delete the dark plane information, then this incident will be as if it never happened.

However, Luther showed her what it meant to be resurrected casually. If she really destroyed herself and then rebuilt herself on Demon One, then there would be two Demon Queen Morgana in this universe.

Of course, this thing mainly depends on the permissions. The reshaped Morgana must have all the permissions of the demon civilization and Demon One, as well as the dark plane of the demon queen Morgana, although she has a password.

But it is not ruled out that Morgana will change the password and kill her after discovering this.

Logically speaking, Liang Bing could not understand, but how could a person accept being destroyed by another self?

In this case, he will only become Liang Bing by then.

Liang Bing's hair stood on end. It was not that she had not thought of such a situation, and it was not that the gods and super warriors of the known universe had not thought of such a situation. But the most important thing was that the information from the dark plane would not leave any trace behind when it was transmitted. Dark plane information data.

Therefore, in theory, the possibility of giving birth to a second self is eliminated. However, Luther's ability is completely unreasonable. Not to mention directly resurrecting her divine body, even the information and data of the dark plane are directly restored. These should have been random. Formatted along with self-destruction.

She felt that she couldn't understand Luther's technology at all. In the past, there were traces of it. At least she knew what technology Luther used. Now, it's like primitive people looking at super soldiers and gods. They can't understand it at all and can only Blind worship of the power of God.

"Liang Bing..."

Du Qiangwei didn't know what to say. What did Liang Bing mean when she looked like this?

"You're back, Du Qiangwei, it seems you have made a decision."

Luther sat down. Although Liang Bing wanted to sit with Du Qiangwei, he couldn't help but sit next to Luther.

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