Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 228 Angel Cold

Fortunately, Liang Bing came out with Luther and Du Qiangwei. After knowing that Luther was going to take action, she asked her men to transfer the demon army.

With millions of little demons in short supply now, Liang Bing certainly couldn't give up on them.

However, it was not easy for the demon civilization to transfer such a large number of troops, so this led to the death of hundreds of thousands of little demons.

There were really corpses everywhere, mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and floating corpses for thousands of miles.

Liang Bing felt distressed. Hundreds of thousands of little demons were gone. Even if the little demons infected by Atuo in Fraser were added, this number could not be made up. After all, it was only the barbarian kingdom that was infected, not as many people as the kingdom of Enesid.

And this is Xiao Baga, Xiao Xiba, Xiao Fake, Xiao Bitch, so many people, there are millions of little demons.

Even the lowest level of demon genes depends on the tolerance of the gene carrier. It doesn't mean that everyone can become a super gene warrior.

Even the weakest little demons can resist bullets, ignore small-caliber rifles, have great strength, and can break steel with bare hands.

More importantly, they are still flying types, which gives them the advantage of kite flying and running away.

Liang Bing said that everyone is a family, and Luther knows her identity as the Demon Queen. Can't he wait until she transfers the demon army before taking action?

Sure enough, Luther still has opinions about her and the demon civilization. Liang Bing was originally forced to follow Luther because he was held by Luther. Now seeing Luther like this, Liang Bing feels that she still needs to find a way out and a way to get out of Luther's control.

Hua Ye and Ruoning were both frightened. Tens of thousands of third-generation super soldiers swept through everything that was not convinced. The silver armor and silver wings and the gold armor and gold wings were obviously what the death god Carl had shown them, the standard configuration of Kryptonian civilization.

"These are the heavenly soldiers and generals of Krypton civilization, much more powerful than those of Lieyang civilization."

While Hua Ye was exclaiming repeatedly, he also had a feeling that a real man should be like this. If he had so many third-generation super soldiers under his command, he would be more arrogant and domineering than Luther.

"Even if you get the Heavenly Scum Corps and unify the Angel Civilization, it is estimated that you can only lose both sides with the Krypton civilization. Hua Ye, you must be calm."

Ruo Ning couldn't help but say to Hua Ye. She was worried that Hua Ye would get too excited and really fight Luther to death.

"Don't worry, Ruo Ning, I'm not that stupid. Carl's grandson wants me to fight to death with this Krypton civilization and Luther, but I can just pretend at that time."

Of course, Hua Ye couldn't do this. If there was no benefit, he would fight to death with Luther. If Luther became the King of Angels, it would be fine. After all, there was no way to avoid it.

You know, Hua Ye even wanted to cooperate with Angel Yan to deal with the God of Death Carl later, but the super gene was left a backdoor by the God of Death Carl, so there was nothing he could do.

"It's good that you know. Su Mali was exiled to Blue Star by He Xi, and I don't know where he is."

Ruoning then told Hua Ye that there was only so much information about Su Mali. Ruoning knew that Su Mali was on Blue Star, but it was impossible for her to come to Su Mali openly, and she didn't need to find Su Mali.

"I will find her myself."

Hua Ye knew what Ruoning meant, it was nothing more than getting rid of him, and Hua Ye didn't point it out.

Ruoning saw Hua Ye leaving with a few scumbags, so she went to find her little apprentice.

To increase her voice, she must find a few female angels. After reading the dark information and finding that her little apprentice was actually on Blue Star, Ruoning was ecstatic. If her little apprentice joined, her voice would increase a lot.

After all, Angel Leng is a high-level guard angel. Although he doesn't have a divine body, he is also a demigod. In addition, he has rich combat experience. As long as he continues to train, it is not a problem for him to become his right-hand man.

Angel Leng brought several sisters with him. Because they did not receive any information from the sacred network, they could only wait for arrangements. The main reason was that the network was disconnected, and they could not leave Blue Star even if they wanted to.

However, without Angel Yan's order to defend the North Star, and the situation of Krypton civilization protecting Blue Star, Angel Leng and her friends would certainly not stay in the North Star.

"Sister Leng, are we really not going to ask for help from Krypton civilization?"

Angel Yitian said to Angel Leng.

"Humph, we are angels, and we are going to ask for help from Krypton civilization? Are you not smart?"

Angel Leng said unhappily. Although it was a shame to die for face and suffer in life, and there was no way to replenish energy, who was Angel Leng? He was famous for his second son.

However, looking at the heavenly soldiers and generals who whizzed past and swept everything, Angel Leng's expression was full of fear.

The military strength of Krypton civilization was so strong that Angel civilization wanted to go to war with Krypton civilization before. If they really started fighting, they would probably suffer a great loss.

Unfortunately, they couldn't contact Melo Heaven now. Even if Angel Leng wanted to tell Melo Heaven about the situation here, he was powerless and could only worry.

"My silly apprentice, it seems that you haven't forgotten the pride of angels."

A voice made Angel Leng tremble all over, and the other angels looked over curiously.

"Black wings? Could it be someone from Kryptonian civilization?"

Angel Lingxi said puzzledly.

Although they knew that the wings of angels who were not registered in Melo Heaven were black, just like Ge Xiaolun who had not been contaminated before, but that was a special case. Only Kryptonian civilization had wings of different colors from theirs.

Not to mention that Krypton civilization also has a god of war with black armor and black wings. Who knows if this woman with black wings is the female god of war of Krypton civilization?

"It's you..."

Angel Leng looked at Ruoning with a complicated expression.



Angel Lingxi, Angel Yitian and several other angels who survived and were different from the original plot were all surprised.

Is this Sister Leng's master?

Doesn't that mean she is also a female angel? Why haven't they met?

Then they didn't agree on anything and soon started fighting. Ruoning didn't take these little angels seriously at all, and Angel Leng, who lacked most of the energy and the computing power bonus of the sacred knowledge treasure house, was not Ruoning's opponent.

In order not to alarm the heavenly soldiers and generals, Ruoning did not dare to give Angel Leng too many opportunities to struggle. After he beat Angel Leng with all his strength, he came to persuade him slowly.

However, Angel Leng naturally could not agree to join her master and welcome the Tiangong era together. She had not experienced that era, but looking at the text and the legend of Queen Kesha, she knew how dark the past was.

"If that's the case, then Master, I can only let you leave."

Ruoning persuaded her for a long time and imprisoned Tianshi Leng for a long time, but she didn't give in and was ready to die.

So Ruoning gave up.

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