Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 229 Keep the Oath

"I will remember you in the dark information and data, Leng."

Ruoning raised his sword.

Angel Leng knew that in the next moment, Ruoning would hit her fatal part, but it would not kill her directly, giving her time to upload the data.

She was suddenly very curious. She wondered how many years later, what would the younger generations of angels who read her data think of her?

If she did this, she should be considered a heroic death, right?

He just didn't die the way he wanted.

"Hey, that angel over there, if you want to die, just wait a moment."

A voice broke into Angel Leng's revolving door, interrupting her fantasy. Then when she came back to her senses, she was surprised to find that someone else had appeared at some point, and her master Ruoning was being captured by him. Lifting his neck off the ground, he was struggling continuously.

Then after taking a closer look, Angel Leng recognized who this person was.

She had seen his unbridled domineering power, his undoubted power when he fought with Queen Kesa and forced Queen Kesa to give in for Blue Star.

God King Luther!

Now that Queen Keisha has been destroyed, he is the largest god in the known universe. There is no other god. Tianji King Hexi is probably not comparable to him. Otherwise, the three kings will not rule together and become Queen Kesha alone. King Tianji Retired.

Such a great god, king level, actually appears here?

Angel Leng didn't even know if he was dreaming.


Ruoning was even more horrified, why would Luther appear here?

It doesn’t make sense!

The key is that her scumbag men who went after the female angel were also brought back.

Well, their bodies were brought back.

The female angels were intact, and they were surrounded by heavenly soldiers and generals in silver armor and silver wings, which made people feel terrified.

"Can you call him Luther?"

Luther casually evaporated Ruoning's body. Of course, the actual operation was to disintegrate her.

Seeing Ruoning die like this, Angel Leng's heart didn't waver at all.

After all, she had despaired of her master. She once thought that it was Angel Yan who became the Holy Left Wing that caused her master to betray him. This was also the reason why she targeted Angel Yan in the first place.

Although after so many years, Angel Yan and Angel Yan have become happy enemies, Angel Leng still maintains an uncomfortable and uncomfortable attitude towards Angel Yan.

Now, Angel Leng is relieved and reconciled with himself.

She always felt that Queen Kesha didn't trust her and didn't allow herself to become the Holy Left Wing because of Ruoning's betrayal and her being Ruoning's disciple. She was obviously more qualified than Yan.

However, Angel Leng will not complain, she will only try to express herself.

"Thank you... His Majesty the God King..."

Angel Leng said with difficulty.

Luther looked at Angel Leng, Zhonger Leng, and he had a reputation that was as thunderous as ever.

Then Luther still likes Angel Leng, especially since she has a single ponytail and who doesn't like a girl with a heroic appearance.

For example, isn't Zhao Yun, the Yun girl who transformed into a girl from Zhao Yunniang, also very popular?

That's why he took time out of his busy schedule to save people.

"You're welcome. I know that you angels have a guardianship oath. Come and swear to me one by one."

Luther hugged Angel Leng and said.

Angel Leng and Angel Lingxi's eyes widened immediately. Although they had a good impression of Luther, the hero who saved the beauty, after all, this god-king was a very standard male god, and even exceeded the standard.

But it is impossible for so many sisters to swear an oath of protection to one person at the same time.

Angel Leng was even more confused. She was already surprised that she was saved by Luther, but what was even more surprising was that Luther asked them to take an oath of protection.

"It is impossible for us to betray Merlo Heaven."

Then Angel Leng quickly thought of a possibility and immediately said decisively.

"What are you thinking about? I don't need you yet, and I heard the old woman just now say that the evil god Hua Ye has come out of the mountain. It seems that you angels will have too much to take care of yourself next. I have no interest in this aspect, but I want some angels.”

After Luther finished speaking, he left with the others without giving Angel Leng and the others a chance to repent.

Just kidding, he is the king, he is not just playing house, getting whatever he wants.

Angel Leng and the others were of course very anxious. They had to report Hua Ye's birth to Merlo Heavenly Court. Otherwise, Merlo Heavenly Court would easily suffer a loss if they were not prepared.

But now that they have been taken away by Luther, this God-King is not an easy person to talk to, so naturally he cannot be afraid of the intimidating power of their angelic civilization.

Moreover, in this case, they should not provoke new enemies for the Merlot Heavenly Court. Originally, the Merlot Heavenly Court was more than enough to deal with the demon civilization and Death Song Academy, but if the Sky Slag Army also joined in, it would not be so easy to deal with.

If the Kryptonian civilization also joins because of them, the angel civilization will be almost in visible despair.

Therefore, Angel Leng can only keep others calm.

"Sister Leng, what should we do?"

Angel Lingxi was very weak and helpless and said pitifully.

"What else can be done... Now that Blue Star has joined the Kryptonian civilization, we are equivalent to being on their territory."

Angel Leng didn’t know what to do. She had never experienced such a thing, and she had not needed to experience such a thing before. Angel Leng was not interested in intrigues, nor was she interested in commanding operations. She felt that as long as she fought well for the queen That's it.

And now she was at a loss.

"Then can we only wait for other sisters to save us?"

Angel Yitian was very straightforward, and died the fastest. Although it was much better than other sisters who died fighting against Taotie and demons, it was not much better.

"We have to find a way to save ourselves."

Angel Leng shook her head. Yan would definitely not come to save her!

Angel Leng was very sure of this.

However, it was better to say that she subconsciously did not want Angel Yan to come.

"Okay, tonight I will choose someone to take a guardian oath. Who wants to come?"

Luther said to them.

It was obvious that this was not serious. It must be more than just taking a guardian oath.

Angel Lingxi and Angel Yitian looked at each other, and Angel Leng took the initiative to stand up.

"I'll do it!"

Angel Leng said fearlessly.

If sacrificing her can save the happiness of other sisters, it doesn't matter to Angel Leng.

She was not interested in finding a male god and living a happy life.

"Sister Leng!"

Angel Lingxi and the others were greatly shocked and deeply touched.

Although Sister Leng often scolded them for being useless, she would really stand up when something happened!

"Okay, all of you stay."

Angel Leng walked towards Luther.

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