Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 242 Galaxy Power Zhao Xin

Chapter 242 Galaxy Power·Zhao Xin

However, they are now a subsidiary civilization of Krypton civilization. If they do not give the backup of Galaxy Power to Krypton civilization, it is unreasonable.

Therefore, the transfer of divine power cannot be handed over to an ordinary person. It must be someone who was a super soldier before, so that it can be said that the other party's gene engine has been upgraded.

The candidate was Liu Chuang at first, but Liu Chuang did not pass in the end.

On the one hand, Liu Chuang is already the God of War of No Star. If Liu Chuang is equipped with the super gene of Galaxy Power, it will be a huge waste of resources. Combining a God of War with a main god is also a strong enhancement, but it is too wasteful.

And compatibility is also a problem. Neither the gene engine of the God of War of No Star nor the gene engine of Galaxy Power is so compatible with other things.

On the other hand, of course, Liu Chuang's review was not passed. Some things will always exist after they are done. Even if Liu Chuang has changed his face and started a new life, it does not mean that what he did before does not exist.

Especially, now that Blue Star has become a subsidiary of Krypton Civilization, for some indescribable reasons, Blue Star has temporarily become an alliance system led by Dahua. Dahua has no intention of monopolizing power, but has set up a parliament.

Representatives of hundreds of countries have one seat for a member of parliament, while Dahua has ten seats for a member of parliament, and the chairman of the parliament is held by a representative of Dahua for life.

Dahua has never been too greedy. If it were other countries, it would have to let half of the seats in the parliament be representatives of its own country.

With the support of Krypton Civilization, Dahua is finally no longer able to rely on Denor Civilization like before, and completely does not understand the order and various things of the known universe, how strong the enemy is, how strong the angels are, and how strong the Krypton Civilization is.

I don’t know whether this decision is right or wrong, and I don’t know how to analyze the situation.

Krypton Civilization shared part of the information of the known universe with Blue Star, and Dahua had its own view of the situation and intelligence model.

Denor Civilization cannot bypass Blue Star to privately decide the ownership of the galactic power, unless what they said about being completely integrated into Blue Star is false.

Moreover, the will of the super soldiers is mainly based on Dahua, and they even hate calling themselves by their genetic code names.

Therefore, after Liu Chuang's choice was rejected by Dahua, considering the special identity of Cheng Yaowen, the final candidate became Zhao Xin!

Galaxy Power · Zhao Xin!

Approved, Zhao Xin's performance is very good. The street urchin in the past was just chivalrous, but he didn't commit any crimes. And when it comes to fighting... it can only be said that there is no harm without comparison.

Compared with others, he is not lacking in courage at all, and is even much stronger than the Galaxy Power, which contains courage and fearlessness. People can't help but wonder whether the definition of courage and fearlessness of the Angel Civilization is different from the courage of the Dexing Gun of the Denor Civilization.

If Zhao Xin becomes the Galaxy Power, there is no need to worry that he will be a deserter. You have to arrange someone to watch him and don't let him, a leader, run to the enemy camp and lead the charge.

Du Qiangwei, the chairman of the Blue Star Parliament, visited the Supreme Heaven of the Krypton Civilization at nine o'clock in the evening.

As for Du Qiangwei becoming the Speaker of the Parliament instead of Qilin, on the one hand, Qilin herself felt that she did not have the ability to be the Speaker of the Parliament, and on the other hand, it was because of the special identity of Du Qiangwei.

She was from the Denor civilization, and she was the woman of the God King Luther. Even though it seemed that she could not even have the position of a princess, after all, Du Qiangwei thought she was just a bonus, but based on this special identity.

In the end, Dahua decided to let Du Qiangwei serve as the lifelong Speaker of the Blue Star Parliament, which was considered to express trust in the Denor civilization and further strengthen the connection between the two sides.

"Your Majesty the God King."

Du Qiangwei said very respectfully after seeing Luther.

The part of information shared by the Krypton civilization made Du Qiangwei and Blue Star clearly understand what gods and super warriors are, and the disasters on their Blue Star were just minor fights.

If these gods get serious, what star-destroying weapons, what blasting the solar system, and instantly extinguishing thousands of stars in the galaxy are all trivial.

And these things are fatal to them, no matter which one.

After clearly recognizing that the gap was so big that it was not enough to win with a will to die, but that even if the whole world was willing to die and perish together, people might not even glance at it, Blue Star had quickly changed its positioning and thinking.

Du Qiangwei knew very well that the original situation on Blue Star would probably last for hundreds of years, because Luther told her that Blue Star was the training ground for the gods, so there would be no weapons of mass destruction, and the means of the gods were relatively mild and within the tolerance range.

Hundreds of years of blood and fire, forging the future gods and super soldiers, such a big move shocked Du Qiangwei and made her feel powerless.

Du Qiangwei was grateful from the bottom of her heart to the God King Luther and Kryptonian civilization who saved Blue Star from this quagmire.

But the only thing she could repay was this body and some information.

"What's the matter?"

Luther stretched out his hand, and Du Qiangwei consciously stepped forward and sat in his arms.

"…The Super Seminary is cooperating with us and intends to transplant the Galaxy Power super gene into Zhao Xin. If your majesty wishes, we can arrange for Zhao Xin to come to the Supreme Heaven for testing."

Du Qiangwei said without any hesitation.

Luther was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, it seemed normal. Dahua probably felt that it was impossible to hide it from Kryptonian civilization, so it was better to show loyalty. Du Qiangwei, on the other hand, could not convince herself to hide this matter.

As for Zhao Xin, they felt that Kryptonian civilization would not cut Zhao Xin into pieces for the super gene of Galaxy Power.

At that time, Zhao Xin only needed to cooperate with the research, and they did not have the resources to cultivate Zhao Xin's growth. If Kryptonian civilization could look up to Zhao Xin, it would be better to cultivate Zhao Xin.

After understanding the situation of the known universe and what the Angel Civilization and Kryptonian civilization represented, Dahua lay down very skillfully.

After discussing with the world's high IQ talents, they finally came to the conclusion that they should be obedient, obedient, and obedient.

Don't hide anything. Kryptonian civilization is now the thickest thigh in the known universe, and Blue Star is so lucky that it can hold such a thigh that even Taotie civilization cannot compare with.

Just get whatever you want and don't worry about anything else, as that will only give people a bad impression that you are indecisive.

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