Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 243 Small shock and big shock

Du Qiangwei thought so too, so she said such things directly.

"very nice."

Luther opened a screen, and Du Qiangwei was shocked when she saw the screen.

She saw on the screen that they were discussing the transfer of the divine power of the Galaxy Power and the candidates, as well as deciding whether to tell the Kryptonian civilization, and Lianfeng, who planned to hide the Kryptonian civilization, and their private conversations.

There were no secrets, everything was seen through the screen in detail by Du Qiangwei.

It also made Du Qiangwei deeply aware of the gap between them and the advanced super-god civilization.

This gap is a huge gap in information, just like the Gulf War.

"You haven't learned to block your own dark plane information. Even if the Deno civilization has Deno No. 3, this technology is just a toy in front of me."

Luther said calmly.

Just kidding, Liang Bing can often enter and leave the Juxia without Demon No. 1 and under the surveillance of Deno No. 3, let alone him.

The Deno civilization was very strong back then, but their technology has lagged far behind, because they were more serious than seclusion. Dukao even thought that they were still the pinnacle of the universe. With the power of the Milky Way, the Nuo Star God of War and the Light of the Sun could I want to use "God-killing Deterrence" to scare Holy Kesha.

This kind of behavior is just like the indigenous civilization that has just lit up firearms and is confident that it is standing at the top of the universe, and then threatens the aliens coming across the star sea with firearms.

The most fatal thing is that Dukao doesn't feel that way yet, and he doesn't know where his confidence comes from.

The entire Super Seminary universe has always emphasized the idea of ​​being closed to the outside world and being beaten if you fall behind.

Including the Fierce Sun Civilization, which took one step at a time, ate melons until it was gone, advocated degenerate freedom, did not research any technology, destroyed the Holy Kesha and left it to pieces, leading to the Demonic Civilization that was suppressed as soon as the Void Age came out.

Dukao was first frozen for so many years, and then stayed on the Blue Star. He did not lead the development of the Blue Star civilization. He just watched that for thousands of years, only the God of Death, Karl, had been studying the void and various advanced knowledge.

Therefore, it is not without reason that the heroic companies later are called Angel Company and Carl Company. They deserve to win because they have been working hard.

If Ge Xiaolun hadn't been so big as the Galaxy Power, he would have been suppressed to death. With tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years of study and accumulation, why can you surpass and defeat them all at once?

Even the power of the Galaxy was created through the accumulation of the Kamigawa Civilization and the Angelic Civilization.

Du Qiangwei didn't know what to say. She could only be glad that they made the right choice and did not hide the Kryptonian civilization.

Otherwise, if nothing is said and the Kryptonian civilization knows everything about it, what will happen then?

"What would you have done, Your Majesty, if we hadn't said anything?"

Du Qiangwei couldn't help but ask.

"It won't do anything. The most it can do is exclude Blue Star."

Luther said with a smile, Du Qiangwei has become very good now, she must have learned a lot.

Du Qiangwei worked hard in obscurity.

Without even thinking about it, Du Qiangwei knew that this kind of thing would definitely not be beneficial to the Blue Star civilization. Maybe the technical poverty alleviation of the Kryptonian civilization would be cancelled, or maybe the Kryptonian civilization planned to unify the known universe and put the Blue Star civilization under control. exclude.

After all, why should a civilization with alien intentions help them?

"Have we passed the test?"

Du Qiangwei asked.

"God, there is no shortage of time."

Luther just said, Du Qiangwei understood that God has a lot of time, so there will be many tests.

If you make the wrong move in these tests, it will probably be unacceptable to Blue Star.

Fortunately, I can listen to the heavens, face the Holy Master directly, and even listen to the government behind the curtain with the God King.

This is the biggest advantage. I can bring the God King's information back and let a group of people analyze the God King's joys and sorrows. Even if the God King knows that they are doing this, they will not care.

Luther contacted Liang Bing.

"What is it, my respected King of Gods?"

Liang Bing's gentle tone came, and then Luther changed the angle of the secret communication.

"Depend on!"

Liang Bing suddenly became extremely powerful, this guy is picking weeds again!

rose! My rose!

pain! The pain penetrates the heavenly spirit!

Heart! Heartbreaking!

Although this is not the first time for Liang Bing, and he has played the Ice Sculpture Rose game with Luther and Du Qiangwei, Liang Bing still finds it difficult to accept every time he sees it, let alone from this perspective.

Du Qiangwei said hello to Liang Bing indifferently.

"What are you doing? I'm very busy."

Liang Bing calmed down his emotions and said speechlessly.

Qiangwei doesn't care anymore, she's just hanging on to it.

"Nothing, I just want you to help me tell Ge Xiaolun that this is how Du Qiangwei uses it..."

Before Luther finished speaking, Liang Bing hung up the secret communication with a sigh.

How could you tell Ge Xiaolun about this kind of thing? Wouldn't that stimulate Ge Xiaolun's betrayal?

Although Ge Xiaolun has fallen now and the angel's thought genes have been contaminated into demon genes, Liang Bing can't say that Ge Xiaolun has no feelings for Du Qiangwei at all.

Not to mention letting Ge Xiaolun see it, telling Ge Xiaolun might irritate Ge Xiaolun.

Du Qiangwei said nothing.

She had no thoughts about Ge Xiaolun for a long time. She might have had them at first, but they were all wiped out by Ge Xiaolun's performance again and again.

What's more, Luther didn't let Ge Xiaolun hear or see him. He just contacted Liang Bing, which was probably just a tease.

It is impossible for Liang Bing to relay Luther's words.

Luther said, Ge Xiaolun still wants to hear the voice? He thinks beautifully!

Just make up your own mind, but Liang Bing will definitely not tell Ge Xiaolun about this, and Luther is not in a hurry.

"I have already realized the mass production technology of Nuoxing God of War, and the next step is the mass production technology of Galaxy Power, so you don't need to worry about what I will do to Xin Zhao, because soon, Galaxy Power will be worthless."

Luther said to Du Qiangwei.

Du Qiangwei's eyes widened as she heard such an amazing thing.

"Your Majesty, is this it...didn't you mean..."

Du Qiangwei couldn't react for a moment and said with difficulty.

"Of course it is true. To you, the three major god-making projects of Galaxy Power may be very high-end, but to me, they are just things that can be easily analyzed."

Luther said with the corner of his mouth raised, this news may bring a small shock to the Deno civilization.

The reason why I say Xiaoxiao is, of course, because they may doubt the authenticity of this matter. After the Galaxy Power is actually implemented, they will be greatly shocked.

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