Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 28 Flesh and Blood VS Thermal Weapons

With the bio-force field, Luther's arms were not stained with blood. Facing the violent storm of bullets, Luther stood still and let them attack him. His clothes and face were not damaged by bullets.

They didn't come to their senses until everyone had emptied their magazines.

"It's over. You no longer have lethal force."

A light flashed in Luther's palm.

"This one is called a howitzer."

Qigong bullet!

A Qigong bullet comparable to a howitzer hit the group of Hydras. Suddenly, there was a loud bang. They were blown to pieces, their bodies were shattered, and their flesh and blood were splattered everywhere, but it was impossible to find a complete body.

Luther patted the non-existent dust on his expensive suit. With the bio-force field, Luther could keep his hair straight even in the center of a nuclear bomb explosion, not to mention the rain of bullets.

After the incident, the New York Police Department acted quickly. There was no way they would not act quickly. Luther was attacked on their territory. If they didn't act quickly, he was afraid that the military and his own senior officials would tear him apart.

In fact, in just ten minutes, the phone of the New York City Police Department's chief's office and his own mobile phone were blown up. The police chief, who was scolded, had the idea of ​​committing suicide by shooting himself, because he might not be able to keep his current position and might even go to jail.

This is New York, and the incident happened near the wealthy area. As a result, a group of armed thugs tried to kidnap a capitalist with a very powerful status and capital. The stun grenades they threw also caused injuries to people on the scene and caused chaos. There were also many people trampled and injured.

There were also black people who took the opportunity to buy for free in the chaos.

The capitalists were very angry, and the Wall Street masters were even more furious. They were in their own country, on their own territory, but capitalists were attacked. What about them?

Will they also encounter such a situation?

All the capitalists were excited, and the energy that burst out was beyond imagination. They were afraid that such a thing would happen to them, so they had to prevent it from happening! ! !

Anyway, such a big responsibility cannot be borne by a police chief, and it is estimated that many people will have to take the blame.

But after they understood the situation at the scene, everyone focused on Luther.

Automatic rifles could not break through the defense, and even Luther was not repelled by close-range direct shooting!

Even if it is possible that the handmade suit Luther wore was a bulletproof suit, the effect was also very good, but there was surveillance at the scene. They clearly saw that the bullets hit Luther's face and hands, and the places not covered by the suit were still... intact!

The close-range energy explosion made them even more excited.

"After the traces and analysis of the energy destruction at the scene, the destructive power of this energy is equivalent to that of a 105mm howitzer!"

"What? It's so powerful?"

The gentlemen were very excited. Isn't this equivalent to a humanoid self-propelled howitzer?

The most important thing is that this is an energy attack, and it is an energy attack of living organisms. They have only seen it in various science fiction movies.

The closest energy attack to humans is only laser weapons.

"This is incredible. How can biological energy be comparable to thermal energy? Where does he get such a huge amount of energy?"

The researchers were puzzled and could not imagine how far Luther's human body enhancement technology had reached. This energy attack alone was far ahead of modern biology by many years.

"How did Luther solve this problem? Unless he has a cold nuclear fusion reactor from Stark Industries in his body!"

"He looks like he can continue to use this energy attack. This is crazy. If you want to deal with him, you can only send out an army. If automatic rifles cannot cause damage, machine guns may be able to deal with him."

"But he has been in the streets and New York all the time. We have no chance to deal with him. Those heavy weapons you mentioned are impossible to use."


Although most of the scene was destroyed, they still found some of the warheads.

The trajectory of the refracted warheads sometimes exceeds expectations. For example, there was a warhead that was fired more than five times and flew hundreds of meters away.

So there were quite a few bullets that were not destroyed. After analysis, they came to the conclusion that Luther really ignored the attack of the bullets from the automatic rifle with his flesh and blood at close range!

You should know that the close-range strafing of the automatic rifle can even penetrate a standard steel plate with a thickness of two centimeters, not to mention the metal fatigue. He allowed the opponent to attack until the magazine was empty without breaking the defense, which shows that the automatic rifle is not Luther's limit.

It is very likely that even machine guns cannot break the defense unless armor-piercing bullets or full-power bullets are used.

Sniper rifles may also be able to break the defense, but the problem is that Luther can catch the bullet with his hands. He has supersonic nerve reflex speed, which includes his reaction speed and body movement speed.

The weird thing is that even if Luther performed such a supersonic action, there was no sonic boom!

But he did move his hand after the bullet was fired, but it was so fast that the monitoring could not capture it at all, as if the frame was skipped, and he raised his hand and caught the bullet in an instant.

Apart from anything else, the sonic boom caused by the speed of the bullet, which exceeds the speed of a supersonic bullet, is enough to blow these armed thugs away.

Half a day after the incident, Emperor Company received many calls for visit appointments, and the masters couldn't sit still.

They didn't expect that Emperor Company had such good things. No wonder Luther didn't bring bodyguards when he went out. With such power, does the bodyguard protect himself, or does he protect the bodyguard?

Such good things can't be owned by Luther alone. They also want it. Isn't it just money? The masters are not short of money!

For the masters who are afraid of death, what Luther showed is what they want.

Luther showed his strength through Hydra and had expected such a thing to happen, but he didn't care about the pressure and desire exerted by these masters. If he had the ability, he would drive a tank into Emperor Company to steal his human body enhancement technology.

Iron Man can keep his iron suit, let alone Luther.

For others who want to buy such products, Luther asked Michelle to reply that it is "the cutting-edge technology of Emperor Company" and has not yet solved the problem of mass production, so there is no idea of ​​selling it.

The masters definitely don't believe such rhetoric, but they have no choice.

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