Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 29 My boss is Superman?

Whitehall didn't expect Luther to have such power.

All the men he sent out died, and they also attracted the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D.

SHIELD has been paying close attention to Luther recently, and Nick Fury's attitude towards Luther has gradually changed. He feels that Luther may not be able to become a member of his plan. After all, he is a genius like Tony.

So naturally there will be SHIELD agents staring at Luther. Of course, these SHIELD agents are all Hydra people, and their staring is equivalent to making Hydra act at will.

If it succeeded, everyone would be happy, but now that it failed, Alexander Pierce called.

"What are you doing? Who gave you the power to mobilize my agents?"

Pierce angrily scolded Whitehall.

"Don't get excited, Pierce."

Whitehall was already very annoyed, but he still held back and said.

"You asked me not to get excited? Do you know what you did? You actually attacked Luther. Nick Fury has been paying attention to Luther recently..."

Pierce became even more furious after hearing this. If this exposed Hydra, what would happen to his plan?

It is true that he was not unaware of this matter, and even had a tacit attitude of approval, but now that the matter has failed, of course he will hold Whitehall accountable.

"This matter will not be discovered, and your Hydra will not be exposed. The identities of my men are all mercenaries. The most Nick Fury can find out is that they were hired to kidnap Luther."

Whitehall naturally knew that Pierce must have known about it, otherwise he would not have been able to ask SHIELD's Hydra to assist. That was Pierce's territory.

But this kind of thing is that you know and I know everything, but it's impossible to figure it out.

"Then, why should I help you?"

Pierce crossed his legs and said.

"Don't forget, Reinhardt, you owe me one more time."

"You're not helping me, you're also helping yourself."

Whitehall knew what Pierce wanted, but he couldn't hand it over. Pierce was not Baron Strucker. There was still the possibility of cooperation between him and Baron Strucker. Everyone was studying and capturing Inhumans.

It's just that Whitehall is definitely not as good as Baron Strucker's research and collection of Inhumans.

"Are you threatening me?"

Pierce laughed.

"No, don't get me wrong, Pierce."

Whitehall said.

"Have you provoked Luther and seen his power? Do you think he will let you go next?"

Pierce said disdainfully, even he was shocked by Luther's power, and he didn't know if the super gun on the Insight Battleship of the Insight Project could kill Luther?

Otherwise, it would be very troublesome for him to let a superhuman like Luther survive.

Whitehall stopped talking. He was also regretting his rash action. Although Luther had no evidence to prove that he did it, Whitehall thought from his perspective. He didn't think he would let such a suspected person go and would rather kill him. Don’t let go of mistakes!

So he had already moved his position after the incident.

"That's exactly what I'm trying to say, Pierce, don't you think it would be nice to bring him into HYDRA?"

Whitehall said immediately.

"Pull in Hydra?"

Pierce's eyes widened. He had never thought about this kind of operation. Whitehall's thoughts seemed to have opened a door for him.

"Is Hydra attractive to him?"

"He is not America, nor is he from the Allies. Does he have any hatred for Hydra?"

Whitehall said.

Hydra is certainly a well-known villain organization, but that is for a country like America.

Judging from Luther's performance, we know that he has no interest or idea in becoming an American. In this case, why not try to let him join Hydra, even if he becomes the new leader of Hydra, that is, the snakehead One of them is fine!

Pierce hesitated, wavered.

"What if he doesn't want to? Hydra will be exposed!"

Pierce asked.

"Exposed is exposed."

Whitehall said nonchalantly.

"What's the meaning?"

Pierce frowned. His plan had reached a critical moment. If Hydra was exposed, how could it continue?

"We can't handle Luther alone. It doesn't matter if Hydra is exposed. We can send people to lurk beside him and cooperate with him in another way."

Whitehall continued.

"You mean, Swallow?"

Pierce got it.

"Yes, it exposed that we can throw a target for your people to investigate, and if there is a way to control Luther, what will happen to Hydra?"

Whitehall said calmly.

Human body enhancement technology!

Mass-produced super soldiers!

Pierce paused for a moment. In fact, he didn't care about this very much, but what he wanted was stability, so that his plan could be carried out stably. In this way, he could directly rule the world by then.

Nick Fury frowned as he watched the video, which showed footage of Luther fighting the armed thugs again and again.

"How could something like this happen?"

Nick Fury felt a headache. He didn't expect Luther to make a big news for him. Not to mention anything else, in terms of the strength Luther showed, he was completely like a controllable Hulk in human form!

Hulk had been born at this time, and SHIELD naturally knew of Hulk's existence. If it weren't for Hulk being uncontrollable, they would have sent people to contact him long ago.

The invulnerable and powerful Hulk made America, a country with a strong military strength, helpless. Although Luther could not match the Hulk, his identity and position made him even more troublesome.

He contacted the Black Widow, but the Black Widow, who was busy day and night, obviously didn't know what happened. Michelle naturally knew it immediately, but she had no obligation to tell the Black Widow.

So after knowing this, Black Widow was confused.

What the hell, my boss is a superman who is invulnerable and can fire a howitzer at will?

After watching the video, Black Widow looked confused.

"How's the Imperial Company investigation going?"

Nick Fury cares more about this.

"...It's only one day."

Black Widow said helplessly that even if she was a super agent, it would be impossible for her to find what she wanted in one day.

"You have to come back as soon as possible. If there is no problem, then you can come back first."

Nick Fury feels something is wrong with this kidnapping, but he doesn't know what is wrong, so he needs Black Widow to investigate.

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