Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 310 DC Protoss

"No, I am a male god."

Luther said in Chinese.

Then Diana looked at Luther with a confused expression.

"Didn't it say that Amazons can speak hundreds of languages? Chinese is not among the Amazons' language range?"

Luther complained.

"Do you speak other languages?"

Diana also felt why she couldn't understand Luther's words. It was obvious that the Amazons were created by Zeus so that humans could communicate with each other.

"Luther, this is my name."

Luther said in English.

"Diana Prince, I am the daughter of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons..."

Luther saw that Diana was about to introduce herself at length like in the movie, so he interrupted her.

"Okay, okay, I know who you are."

Luther said looking at the enhanced version of Gal Gadot in front of him.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an enhanced version. It is a very faithful reproduction of the Wonder Woman in the comics. The original plot of Gal Gadot was only B at best, but the one in front of me has a D. At the same time, the details of the skin are also flawless. After all, it is Gods.

The legs are long, the waist is thin and plump. Luther is so tall, but Diana almost reaches his nose.

The height of 183cm can be said to be very restored, with this pair of long legs.

"Then who are you? The name Luther feels strange. What about your last name?"

Diana asked Luther full of curiosity.

"My name is Luther, Lu is my last name, De is my name, and as for who I am, I am God."

Luther said.

"God? Then you are Ares' subordinate?"

Diana suddenly felt like she was facing an enemy.

"Relax, I'm not from the same god as you."

Luther's words did not make Diana relax her vigilance. Despite her original appearance of being ignorant of world affairs, she was actually very smart and could draw inferences from one instance to another.

For her, Luther naturally made her wary. After all, Luther appeared out of thin air, unlike Steve Trevor who was rescued by her.


Diana's narrow view of life did not know that there were other pantheons.

So she saw Luther conjure a book out of thin air.

"This is the mythology of the outside world, including your Greek mythology and my mythology. Take a look."

Luther threw it to Diana, who took it. She hesitated and opened the book.

Gods receive information very quickly, especially the DC protoss.

This is a creationist universe, where the Supreme God is supreme, the most awesome and the most capable guy.

Even a group of gods are awesome beings, and Darkseid is also a god.

The new god race where Darkseid belongs is a big attraction, because compared to the original old god system of the DC universe, DC's later new god system has stronger attractions and derivative plot capabilities.

What is a new god?

The New Gods refer to the humanoid creatures on New Creation Star and Apokolips. Both New Creation Star and Apokolips are outside time and space and are called the fourth world.

These new gods evolved into gods because of their proximity to the Source, the ultimate basis for the expression of energy in the universe.

And the advanced technology of the New Gods gives them stable genetics and perfect evolution.

The New Gods are stronger, smarter, and faster than humans, but there are also many inferior beings on Apokolips.

The origins of the New Gods are millions of years ago in the God Realm, a world outside of reality, inhabited by the Old Gods (Old Gods).

However, under the instigation of the evil god Loki, the War of Gods occurred. The divine world was torn apart, the old gods were destroyed, and huge divine waves were released that swept across the entire universe, creating countless gods and superpowers.

As time passed, the ruins of the God Realm evolved into two planets, New Creation Star and Apokolips Star, and new gods were born.

The new gods of the New Creation Star are kind and just.

Apokolips' new god is evil and warlike.

The two planets have completely different destinies. New Creation is peaceful and beautiful, while Apokolips is ruled by tyranny and dedicated to war.

The two sides broke into a truce because of a big war and then exchanged heirs.

But then Darkseid broke the truce in order to find the Anti-Life Equation that could control the minds of all sentient beings in the universe.

The war between New Creation Star and Apokolips breaks out again, and the battlefield is the earth.

The New Gods' abilities are also novel. The New Gods are functionally immortal. They stop aging after the age of 30 and are immune to the ravages of time unless they are killed in battle.

The strength, endurance, speed, resistance, immunity, reaction and other physical functions of the New God are far beyond those of ordinary people.

And many of the new gods have their own unique superpowers.

In the 2010 comic "Batman" #702, Batman said that the Fourth World of the New Gods corresponds to Plato's Republic.

Mister Miracle is the physical representation of free thought, Darkseid represents evil, Orion represents war, Lightray represents joy, and so on.

Anyway, in the DC world, as long as it involves gods, they are awesome.

Diana didn't spend much time reading this history of world mythology.

Various myths, legends and stories opened Diana's eyes.

"Then what kind of god are you?"

Diana asked Luther curiously. This was the first time she had seen a living god. Diana still didn't know that she was a god.

Luther thought for a moment, what kind of god is he?

After the Empire Dimension from the Marvel Universe entered the DC Universe, it felt strange, and the concept of the Luther God Clan created by Luther was also recognized.

So, now Luther is the God King, the God King of the Luther God Clan.

However, due to the lack of God Waves and Sources, Luther's divine power is naturally not as good as the new and old gods.

Of course, because he is an alien god, he can be regarded as an "outer god" and "the adventer".

This means that Luther can obtain and exercise completely different divine powers.

Marvel's divine power is naturally very different from DC's divine power.

"Magic and divine arts and superpowers and the god of destruction and destruction and power."

Luther thought about it and said that magic is of course based on the magic of the Dragon Ball world, and the emphasis is on being unreasonable, just like the magic of deformation.

Divine arts are the abilities used by the gods of Dragon Ball, but Luther did not get them, but it doesn't matter, he just has a concept.

The same is true for superpowers, and as for the latter, it is the concept of divine power formed by Luther's own source of power.

Destruction comes from Broly, destruction comes from Doomsday, and power comes from Kryptonians.

The Trinity, the combination of the three, is Luther's most important and basic power.

This makes Luther have the conditions to become a god in the DC universe, Doomsday and Kryptonians are both locals!

The essence and origin of the Outer Gods, plus the concept and origin of the locals, Luther will become the most special god in DC.

The premise is that he is not kicked out by the Supreme God.

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