Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 311 Studying Diana

Diana listened to the name of God Luther said with a confused look on her face. What the hell is this?

She could understand the first part, but the latter part was about destruction, devastation, and power. It didn't sound like a good God.

"What is your purpose in coming to Paradise Island?"

Diana asked seriously.

"No purpose."

Luther was not surprised that Diana's attitude towards him was completely different from that towards Steve. One was an ordinary person who could be controlled, and the other was a god. It was strange that Diana had the same attitude.

He was not interested in developing any relationship with Diana. It was well known that women and female superheroes in American comics were all unruly. It was not strange that they would fight with you today and others tomorrow.

He had a group of angels and the kind, gentle, sensible and lovely Qilin. There was no need to find grassland for his head.

"Then please leave here."

Diana said to Luther.


Luther did not have the inviolable majesty of God and King at all. He left as he pleased, but he did not leave completely. He just didn't want to start a meaningless battle and study Diana, a god.

If it is a comic setting, then Diana's birth is from the God Wave. If it is a movie setting...

It is still worth studying.

After all, it is too early now. World War I, Batman and others have not been born yet, and even Supergirl has not come to Earth yet.

The good things in DC that Luther can think of are things like Speed ​​Force and Mother Box, but they are not easy to get.

"But I am the God of Power. As long as I come into contact with that power, I can get and control that power."

Luther certainly wants Speed ​​Force. Although his own super speed is also very fast, it is not as attractive as Speed ​​Force.

That is the power to rage against the rules of physics and reverse the universe.

After Diana found that Luther disappeared out of thin air, she did not relax her vigilance. She searched around and did not find Luther. However, Luther still left a deep impression on Diana.

Not only because he was the first man and the first god Diana saw, but also because of the influence of Luther's divine charm that he himself had forgotten.

In the universe of the Super Seminary, divine charm is only the effect of super genes. For example, the super gene of sunlight will give those super soldiers who need light energy a feeling of sunshine and warmth. This is divine charm.

After coming to the DC universe, this divine charm was endowed with mysterious power and concept because of Luther's identity as an outer god.

In other words, he now has the identity of the god of charm.

It is insignificant, but it can seduce a lot of women and men to fall for it.

At first, Diana was alert and vigilant. Now that Luther left, Diana's psychological defense line was relaxed, and the effect of this divine charm began to subtly affect Diana.

It can be roughly understood as similar to the charm mole of the brush, but the effect is stronger.

Diana's mother Hippolyta appeared, and Diana didn't know why, but she didn't tell Luther.

Hippolyta didn't care.

In the following days, Luther studied Diana while admiring Diana's frequent dreams at midnight.

That night, Diana woke up again. She held her forehead in confusion. She dreamed of the god who called himself Luther again.

Not knowing why this happened, Diana suspected that she might have been cursed to cause such a situation.

But she was fine.

Luther mastered the situation of Diana, a god, by studying Diana.

"There are references, but not many."

Luther was a little disappointed, wondering if he had to go to find Darkseid?

Those who were knocked down by Da were all clones and projections, and they might not be able to study anything.

But it can be listed as a reference option.

Then, Luther heard the roar of the propellers crushing the air.

"The plot has begun."

Luther saw a German plane that had lost control and crashed into the sea.

Paradise Island has no barrier protection. It is just a special weather cover. You only need to pass through the storm to see Paradise Island.

The problem is that people on the sea will avoid the storm instead of going to the location of the storm after seeing it, which is to seek death.

The German army in the original plot made such an incredible operation.

Diana saw someone fall into the sea and didn't show up, so she jumped into the sea to save him.

Steve Trevor was rescued, and Luther saw a group of German soldiers following in.

Then the Amazons and the Germans clashed, and it seemed that there was no change because of Luther's appearance.

After all, Luther's behavior of not wanting to get involved made the plot not change.

However, seeing that Antiope was going to block the bullet for Diana like in the original plot, Luther still took action.


Diana could see the trajectory of the bullet clearly, but Antiope didn't know. She only knew that the arrows used by these foreign humans had killed many Amazons.

Although the Amazons' physical fitness far exceeded that of humans, and they could even float and descend quickly from a high altitude on a rope, the human body could not bear that kind of pulling force. However, facing bullets, they could only suffer regret even if their physical fitness was comparable to that of lions and tigers.

Not to mention that this was a full-power bullet from the First World War.

Diana couldn't afford to lose, so she rushed out before the other party fired, and Diana just saw this scene.


Just when Diana was about to collapse, a figure blocked the bullet. When the bullet was one meter away from the figure's clothes, it seemed to hit something unshakable and burst directly.


Diana stared at Luther who suddenly appeared with wide eyes.

Then Luther smiled slightly, his eyes lit up red, and the whistling hot sight cut all the remaining German soldiers in half or vaporized their heads.

This scene scared Steve, an ordinary person, and also stunned Diana and the Amazon warriors.

They had never seen such a situation.

"Who are you?"

Queen Hippolyta looked at Luther and asked.

"Mother, he is Luther."

Diana is now grateful to Luther. If Luther hadn't taken action, her master and more Amazons would have died.

"Do you know him, Diana?"

Queen Hippolyta looked at Diana with some surprise. She had never been to Paradise Island, so how could she know Luther?

Moreover, the appearance of two men on Paradise Island made Queen Hippolyta feel very bad.

It's not that there were no men in the past, otherwise Diana wouldn't have a friend who wrote more than a dozen books about the pleasures between men and women.

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