Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 312 I was also studied

Amazons also have that need.

So men are often captured for breeding. As for what happens to the men after breeding, some are released and some are killed.

This is also the case with the male babies born.

Of the two men who appeared now, Steve Trevor is obviously an ordinary person, but Luther doesn't look like an ordinary person at all.

Hippolyta is not unaware that humans in the outside world also have their own special features, but Batman has not yet been born, Clark has not yet come to Earth, and superheroes are not very active.

It is estimated that only the Sword in the Stone is a little famous, but the problem is that everyone knows about the Sword in the Stone.

Diana didn't know how to answer her mother's question for a while. It seems that she and Luther don't know each other?

"I don't know her well. I only met her once and talked a few words."

Luther took the initiative to say.

"No matter what, Paradise Island doesn't welcome you."

Hippolyta said to Luther.

"Mother, Luther saved Antiope and our warriors!"

Diana refuted her mother excitedly.

She felt that her mother was really ungrateful.

"Diana, his identity is unknown!"

Hippolyta reprimanded her daughter in a very unkind way, but it was understandable. After all, she was the queen and was responsible for Paradise Island and the entire Amazon people. So Hippolyta naturally didn't want someone like Luther, who had an unknown origin, an unknown identity and strong strength, to stay on the island.

Not to mention, although Luther was handsome, he was full of exotic style. In short, he was not in the same style as them.

Although Steve was not in the same style, he was an ordinary person.

"Queen, I think..."

Antiop was about to say something when he was interrupted by Hippolyta.

"I hope you can leave Paradise Island, this outsider."

Hippolyta said to Luther.

"You are not qualified and have no ability to decide whether I stay or go."

Luther said with a smile on his face. Why should he wrong himself if he had the power?

How dare a group of guys who were only slightly better than mortals order themselves?

Hippolyta frowned, and the Amazon warriors didn't know whether to aim their bows and arrows at Luther, who helped and saved them.

"Enough! Mother, I'll take care of this!"

Diana quickly stepped forward to stop the conflict.

"Calm down, ladies."

Steve also said quickly, he didn't want to provoke Luther, and he didn't know what happened now.

Hippolyta looked at Diana.

"I hope you know what you are doing now."

Hippolyta realized that Diana had her own thoughts and ideas, and was no longer the obedient child she used to be.

"I know, I know it too!"

Diana said.

Hippolyta looked at Diana disappointedly, but she didn't continue to argue with Diana, but took people away, and of course, took Steve away.

Luther looked difficult to mess with, and because of the grace of saving his life, Hippolyta had no choice, but Steve didn't have such treatment.

Diana looked at Luther, and when she saw Luther again, Diana's mood was completely different from the last time.

Last time, Diana was wary and alert to Luther.

This time, Diana was surprised and happy. She was surprised by the strength and strangeness of Luther. What was the ability to kill people with his eyes shining?

She was happy that Luther saved his master Antiope.

"Thank you for saving Antiope. She is very important to me."

Diana's hands were a little at a loss, and she said to Luther.

"It just happened."

Luther was actually indifferent, and it was possible that he would not save people.

Diana laughed, she thought Luther was a kind of soft heart.

"Why can your eyes shine?"

Diana asked curiously, she was a little like I was very curious, especially when she went to the outside world.

"True heroes should kill enemies with their eyes!"

Luther said immediately.

Diana was confused, what did it mean?

"But other people don't have such ability, so are they not heroes?"

Diana retorted.

"So they are just heroes, and I am a real hero."

Luther said confidently.

Diana was speechless. She could see that Luther was the kind of arrogant guy.

But she didn't hate him.

"Didn't you leave Paradise Island?"

Then Diana asked again.

"You have no right to decide whether I stay or go. I just don't want to be bothered."

Luther continued.

Diana laughed.

"But Paradise Island is the territory of us Amazons."

Diana said.

"I go wherever I want, no matter where it is, whether it is heaven or Mount Olympus."

Luther said, although he might run away directly after going to heaven, after all, heaven is a much more dangerous place than the dragon's den and tiger's lair in the DC universe, no less than running into the dimension of a dimensional demon in the Marvel universe.

But going to Mount Olympus is nothing, at most he can run away if he can't beat him.

"Sooner or later, you will be taught a lesson."

Diana said unhappily, Luther's character is too much to be beaten.

With Luther, a more interesting and powerful man, Diana didn't pay much attention to the little man she rescued.

Hippolyta used the Lasso of Truth to reveal the other party's identity as an undercover spy, and Hippolyta had no intention of letting him go.

Without Diana's help, the Amazon warriors didn't dare to help Steve escape.

Then the area where Luther was located was forbidden to be approached by Hippolyta, which was considered to be a tacit acceptance of Luther's existence.

Such a ban naturally did not exist for Diana, and since she didn't know about the war outside from Steve, Diana didn't take the initiative to think about killing Ares to end the war.

Instead, she was full of interest and curiosity about Luther, and kept asking about Luther.

For example, what kind of god clan Luther belonged to.

Luther then told her that he was from his own god clan, the Luther God Clan.

Then what Luther didn't expect was that after he said this, he felt a great will coming.

The concept of "Luther God Clan" was recognized by the great will.

After Luther obtained the concept given by the Great Will, he suddenly realized that he might have been discovered by the Supreme God as soon as he entered the DC Universe, and now everything has been "observed" by the Supreme God.

After all, his crossing is just a superpower, not a great power like a system.

Luther could not hide the thoughts of the Supreme God. Maybe the observers have come here but he knows nothing about it.

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