Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 313 The birth of the Lutheran race!

"Dear me, the concept of the Lutheran Clan was born like this. Are you kidding me?"

Luther couldn't help but complain.

The concept of the Lutheran Clan came out just because of Luther's words, and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

He became the God-King of the Lutheran Clan, limited to the Lutheran Clan in the DC Universe.

Then, as long as he develops the Lutheran Clan, he will be able to obtain the entire divine power of the Lutheran Clan!

In other words, the more Lutherans there are and the stronger they are, the stronger they will be. Even the Lutherans will certainly not all have the same ability, so theoretically speaking, they can reach the point of being almost omniscient and omnipotent, because all the Lutherans have the same ability. All power is under Luther's control.

If Luther is willing, he can also directly transform the Kryptonians into the Luther Protoss.

Regarding such a concept and divine right, Luther didn't know for a moment whether it was poisonous candy or a well-intentioned gift.

"What the hell, no matter what it is, I can't resist it."

Luther quickly relaxed.

Worrying blindly, the gap was so huge, when he thought about it, the Supreme God probably laughed.

"The Lutheran Clan, you are so powerful, you developed a Clan of Gods in your own name?"

Diana exclaimed. She was new to the world and had never thought about the possibility of Luther deceiving her. Anyway, if Luther deceived her, Diana would use the Lasso of Truth to make Luther tell the truth when communicating with her. .

Luther is thinking about whether his Lutheran God Clan is the new God Clan or the old God Clan.

The Supreme God... No, the words spoken by the Great Will are too vague, as if he can do whatever he wants.

"Yes, you can do it too. Create a Diana Protoss yourself."

Luther said.

"I can't do it, I'm not God."

Diana shook her head.

She found Luther's words incomprehensible, but it was rare to see a god who was so easy to talk to. Diana pestered Luther every day.

Luther actually saw what Diana was thinking.

After all, his super brain is not just a decoration, let alone the ability to telepathize.

Diana wanted to know the whereabouts of Ares, the God of War, through him. She felt that these were God's words. Even if he was not a member of the Gods, he should know where Ares was?

Of course, there was a special feeling in it that Diana herself was not aware of.

Under such circumstances, Steve could not stay on Paradise Island peacefully, so he found an opportunity to escape during the night.

Luther did not help him, nor did he develop Steve's idea of ​​becoming a Lutheran.

If the Luther Clan wants to transform, the first one is Luther's own descendants. Descendants in the DC universe or other universes will automatically become a member of the Luther Clan when they come here. The more powerful he is, the stronger his descendants will be after they are born. powerful.

The second one is the Lutheran Clan given by Luther. Theoretically, Lucifer, who runs a bar, can be transformed into the Lutheran Clan if he wants.

But considering the favor of the Supreme God towards Lucifer, maybe Luther will be beaten to death.

However, Luther does not rule out that his peers have been born in other DC parallel universes. Anyway, he has been thoroughly studied, and it is not difficult to copy his peers.

Steve's escape caused no movement. The Amazon female warrior had no intention of doing anything to him, she was just worried that he would come back with a group of people after he ran away.

But now, Hippolyta's daughter is obsessed with a male god and pestering him every day, which makes Hippolyta uninterested in caring about such a small character as Steve.


On this day, Diana was just about to go to Luther when she saw her mother Hippolyta appearing in front of her.


Diana stopped quickly.

"Are you going to find that god again?"

Hippolyta asked with a sigh.


Diana didn't know what to say, she really wanted to go to Luther.

"Don't come near him, Diana. Gods are dangerous and greedy."

Hippolyta said to Diana, especially the group of gods from Greek mythology.

She was worried that her daughter would become the target of the other party's teasing, and that would not end well.

"No, mother, Luther is not a bad god, he is just a little arrogant."

Diana shook her head.

"Besides, gods are not all bad, just like Zeus."

Hippolyta didn't know how to answer Diana's words. Who asked her to tell those stories to Diana when she was a child? Those stories all glorified Zeus.

"Those are just fairy tales, Diana."

Hippolyta said.

"But we are real, right, Mother?"

Diana blocked all Hippolyta's objections with one powerful word.

Hippolyta didn't know what to say.

Diana finally went to Luther.

Luther looked at the scenery outside Paradise Island.

"Diana, I'm leaving."

Luther said suddenly.

"Ah, why do you want to leave? Paradise Island is so beautiful."

Diana asked immediately, realizing that Luther did not belong here and that he would leave.

She couldn't imagine what it would be like to live without Luther.

Once a woman gets used to a man, it is very fatal, especially since Luther is a God with many tricks and full of mystery.

Strong strength means high recognition for Amazon people, not to mention that he is a unique god.

With so many buffs stacked up, it is only a matter of time before Diana falls.

"I will not stay for any place."

Luther left a very handsome sentence and disappeared.

"Luther? Luther!"

Diana did not expect Luther to leave as soon as he said he would, but she had not thought of the words to say goodbye, nor did she expect Luther to appear and disappear as he did when he appeared.

She thought Luther would say he left like last time, but he did not leave, so she searched the entire Paradise Island later, trying to find Luther.

But at this time, Luther had already reached the outside world.

"The next goal is to take Clark away and become a Lutheran god."

Luther knew that Clark had unlimited potential. If he became a Lutheran god, he could upgrade by sitting in the future.

Anyway, Broly has become his younger brother, so he doesn't care about having another Clark.

Maybe the two younger brothers can meet, which will be very interesting.

"It's World War I now, and I don't know if Gotham City has been built yet."

Gotham City is a fictional city after all, and its prototype is New York, so it's hard to say if it has been built yet.

The most common thing in DC is various fictional cities, which makes America's area much larger.

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