Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 341 Avengers vs. Saiyans

"Who are you?"

Captain Marvel asked directly, she wanted to confirm whether the other party was kind or malicious.

"Hmph, you low-level civilizations who can't even leave their home planet, listen up. Let me tell you, I was born on Planet Vegeta, a Saiyan who is known as the strongest fighting nation in the universe!"

Raditz slowly rose from the large crater created by the impact of the spacecraft, and then came to the ground.

"The strongest in the universe?"


Everyone was surprised.

Captain Marvel wonders about the strongest person in the universe, why hasn’t she heard of him?

With such a big name, he must be famous, why didn’t he know it?

"Thank you for taking care of my good-for-nothing brother."

Raditz said.

"Good-for-nothing brother?"

Thor answered instinctively, are everyone the ones who control the soul?

"You haven't seen Kakarot? He was sent by us Saiyans to conquer the earth. Don't you know?"

Raditz said in confusion. Judging from the reactions of several people, it seems that they don't know the existence of Kakarot?

But how is this possible? No matter how good Kakarot is, he is still a Saiyan. He can transform into a giant ape, and his combat power will increase tenfold.

"have no idea."

"If there is, it will definitely be discovered."

Tony interjected.

After a Saiyan baby is born, its combat prowess will be measured immediately.

If the value is higher than the base value, he will be regarded as a superior warrior and will be raised directly as a combatant candidate.

Those who still have low combat effectiveness after a period of time are regarded as lower-level warriors and either become technicians or are put into a spaceship and sent to a certain planet.

If you can grow strong enough to conquer that planet, you can return to your hometown as a combatant.

However, the survival rate of distributed children is not high.

Therefore, Raditz was very calm about Kakarot's death. They came here just to find helpers to improve efficiency.

As for not having a cultivator?

A cultivator can't just casually cultivate 1,200 units of combat power. It depends on the soil for cultivation. Therefore, when Raditz came to Kakarot, he felt that even after so many years, Kakarot could not compare with him. , also has a combat power of 1,000, and after turning into a giant ape, it will have a combat power of 10,000, which is better than a cultivator.

The Cultivator is one of the traditional weapons of the Saiyans.

But that was not an invention of the Saiyans, it was a creature they had discovered on a certain planet before.

The cultivator can fight on his own, which is a convenient tool, but it is difficult to pick the bulbs for cultivation. They are very rare and expensive, so not everyone can use them.

Moreover, the cultivator has a violent personality and may attack his own side, so only selected warriors can possess it.

Luther had thought about getting cultivator seeds from Nabal and the others after they came to Earth. He was very interested in this kind of biological soldier that could defeat the Green Hulk and Thor with a little training.

Cultivators can be said to be very practical biological weapons, as long as they can solve the problem of the scarcity of cultivated bulbs and the problem of soil.

"Did you just say that your brother came to conquer the earth?"

Captain Marvel is very upright and just wants to confirm this matter, and now is not the time to chat.


Raditz nodded.

"Then there's no need to talk nonsense, the enemy, fight!"

Captain Marvel takes action directly.

Captain Marvel rushed towards Raditz.

"You must be the most powerful warriors on this planet. It just so happens that what Kakarot failed to do, let me, my brother, do it!"

Raditz grabbed Captain Marvel's fist, and then slapped Captain Marvel away with his backhand.

This scene shocked Tony. He watched Captain Marvel fight all the way to the Chitauri's base camp, and then went straight to Huanglong and succeeded.

Such a terrifying woman was actually knocked down?

"Midgard is Asgard's territory, Saiyan, you have crossed the line!"

Thor threw out Mjolnir, then jumped up high with the hammer of gravity, ready to hit Raditz.

"Has the combat effectiveness changed?"

Raditz looked at his combat power detector in surprise.

Tony also took action and fired high-energy beam pulses. Raditz snorted and did not dodge, allowing these energy pulses to hit him.

Then he raised his hand to grab Mjolnir without any damage, and at the same time, he grabbed the Gravity Hammer that fell from the sky with his other hand!


Thor was surprised.

"How is that possible!"

Ever since he got the Gravity Hammer, the invincible God of War with two hammers has never met anyone who can take his two hammers. As for the fire of hell, God King Odin is not just a free man, he directly gives it to Thor, God of Thunder. The suppression sealed it.

However, Thor, the God of Thunder, does not care about the power of Hellfire, but prefers the Gravity Hammer and Mjolnir.

The two hammers are exactly the same, but have different abilities. When combined, it will be a mad battle between the two hammers.

"Your attacks only raise dust."

Raditz said with a sneer after grabbing the two hammers, and then moved his tail.


Thor, the God of Thunder, was immediately knocked away by Raditz's tail.

His face was in burning pain, and a red whip mark was marked on his face.

Raditz felt his hands sink, and couldn't help but let go of his hands. He couldn't hold the two hammers.


The two hammers hit the ground, making a dull sound.

Hulk couldn't help but rush up.

"Veronica, suppress fire!!!"

Tony was shocked and said quickly.

Hulk ran wildly, and Raditz raised his hand.

A large amount of surging airflow gushed outward with him as the center, and the pressure in the air suddenly increased.


A dazzling light was released from the palm of Raditz's hand, and Hulk was instantly engulfed by the energy. This terrifying energy directly penetrated thousands of meters away, almost cutting a trench in Los Angeles!

Raditz was a little strange, as if the destructive power of his own energy had become stronger?

Is it because the material of the earth is too fragile?


Tony couldn't believe it, and at this moment, a stream of light fell from the sky!

Plasma jet, the strategic-level energy output fired by the space fortress, is equivalent to the energy of a small nuclear bomb being concentrated.

Raditz raised his head, and when the plasma jet was about to reach his face, he raised his hand disdainfully.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A Qigong wave shot up into the sky, directly piercing through the plasma jet and shooting into the atmosphere. If the Space Fortress had not activated all its propulsion force to change its trajectory in time, it would have been completely destroyed by this Qigong wave!

"What a joke, the explosive energy of a living organism is actually higher than that of a hydrogen bomb!"

Tony's eyes widened.

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