Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 342 The Terror of Raditz

Tony felt that the world had become dangerous.

It was just a small fight on Earth before, but now with the invasion of aliens, is the world finally entering the universe age?

This alien called Saiyan is really terrible.

The energy that just exploded exceeded the largest nuclear bomb in human history, hundreds of times more than the Tsar bomb!

The energy output that went straight into the sky burned out the photosensitive components and thermal energy detectors of most human detection devices.

It is an unprecedented and undetectable energy value in human history!

Although Nick Fury didn't know how terrible this energy explosion was, he saw Carol being knocked away, and then Hulk and Thor were knocked to the ground.

This newly appeared alien is so powerful.

The title of the strongest fighting nation in the universe is well deserved!

Captain Marvel crashed into Raditz at sub-light speed.

"Huh? The combat power has increased?"

Raditz's reaction speed is very fast. After all, Qi is very omnipotent and mysterious. With the blessing of Qi, the nerve reflex speed is ridiculously fast, and sensing the speed of light is not a problem.

So Raditz raised his hand to block Captain Marvel's iron head. On the other side, Hulk stood up again. His anger made his body stronger and more powerful, and his combat power soared to 500 points in Raditz's detector!

"What's going on? Why can the combat power of earthlings change so much?"

Raditz was a little strange and puzzled. He had never seen such a thing in the universe before.

In comparison, Captain Marvel's combat power increased by only a few dozen points, which was insignificant to Raditz.

Thor, the twin hammers, also showed their power. When Raditz was about to free up one hand to hit Hulk, he raised Mjolnir and aimed the hammer of gravity at Raditz.

Raditz suddenly felt that he was as heavy as a thousand pounds, and a gravity bound his body.


Raditz was shocked. This sudden gravity almost made Raditz kneel down, but the gravity applied was just a momentary discomfort for Raditz. He grew up living on Planet Vegeta, which has ten times the gravity of the earth.

For Vegeta, this discomfort may be adjusted quickly.

But for Raditz, who neglected to exercise, it was very fatal.

Hulk's fists hit Raditz hard and knocked him to the ground!

Then Thor's double hammers successfully attracted lightning, and the lightning pulled by Mjolnir fell from the sky and poured into Raditz's body!


Hulk had already jumped away, and then Raditz was hit by lightning, and he didn't know what happened.

Captain Marvel ignored the lightning until the opponent's strength was not so easy to be defeated by lightning, so he didn't give Raditz a chance to breathe, and he just beat Raditz madly! ! !

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

Each punch was comparable to a million tons of kinetic energy impact, and Captain Marvel hit a new crater on the ground.

After taking more than a hundred punches, Raditz finally came to his senses. Fortunately, the battle suit on his body was fine after taking the ultimate attacks of Piccolo and Sun Wukong in the original plot, and the Magic Light Cannon could break the defense later, so all the attacks of Captain Marvel were blocked by the battle suit.


Raditz felt unforgivable anger, and he was furious. He raised his hand and fired dozens of energy bombs!


Having seen the terrible destructive power of the energy released by Raditz, Captain Marvel turned on the binary star state without saying a word, absorbing the bombardment of the oncoming energy bombs, but there were also scattered energy bombs falling in other places.

These scattered energy bombs came into contact with other substances, and instantly erupted in a huge explosion that shook the earth and mountains!

Along with the earthquake, dust and smoke blocked everyone's sight.

Tony quickly turned on the infrared mode, and by the way, the support of the space fortress finally came!

A huge alloy box fell from the sky and hit Tony in front of him. Tony's palm armor separated and he pressed one hand on the box.

After the box was scanned, it disintegrated into tens of thousands of tons of nanorobots. These nanorobots quickly climbed onto Tony's body, and then combined and arranged, eventually forming a huge robot ten meters high!

Nanosuit Titan!

Tony's highest masterpiece, the original imaginary enemy was Black Caesar, now seeing that Raditz, the alien, is so powerful, he has to use it!

The coordination of tens of thousands of tons of nanorobots is stronger than that of a simple mechanical structure, and there will be no situation where they can't move if a part is removed. The force-bearing structure is also complete.

The smoke dissipated, and the places touched by the energy bomb were blown to pieces. The annihilation effect of the gas was very outrageous, even surpassing antimatter. All you can see are huge cracks in the ground.

"You low-level creatures, barbarians who can't even leave the planet, actually made me so embarrassed!"

Raditz saw Captain Marvel absorbing his energy, and he was not surprised at all, but even more angry.

As for Captain Marvel's combat power that soared to 955 points, for Raditz, it was still within his ability to crush him.

Raditz was angry that he was beaten by a group of earthlings and became so embarrassed. At this moment, the energy around him was swirling like a hurricane.

Captain Marvel was very surprised. She had never absorbed Raditz's type of energy. It felt very special. Captain Marvel was directly injured. Even though the binary stars could absorb all energy, they still suffered from not understanding the power outside the world.

In short, it was similar to Accelerator facing the unreal matter.

It was impossible to calculate. Although it could still be absorbed, there were also some that could not be absorbed, and this part accounted for the majority.

Although Saiyans were often ridiculed as glass cannons, if Saiyans' abilities were converted to the Marvel Universe, their main abilities were super strength, super speed, flight, and energy output.

Among them, energy output accounted for the majority. Moreover, Saiyans who lived in ten times the gravity of the earth had a stronger body density than earthlings. When Sun Wukong was a child, he was shot by Bulma with a submachine gun and only felt pain, and even his skin was not broken.

Not to mention Raditz, who stayed on Planet Vegeta and was trained as a fighter.

So Raditz was still very scary. He was just a moment of effort, and the speed he burst out made Captain Marvel unable to see his trace.

The next moment, Captain Marvel was punched in the face!

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