Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 343: A devastating battle

This punch made Captain Marvel dizzy and see stars.

There were even two blood lines flowing out of her nose.

Captain Marvel found it hard to accept. Since she gained such power, she has never been injured, nor has she experienced the taste of injury again.

After being blown away by Raditz's strange power, Raditz disappeared in the blink of an eye. Thor's hammer missed. The next moment, Thor instinctively turned his head and swung a hammer, but Raditz got there first and stepped on Thor's wrist, knocking Thor to the ground!

Tony controlled the huge nano suit and punched Raditz. Raditz looked up at him with contempt, then raised his hand and sent a qigong wave to hit the Titan giant, causing sparks to fly.


Raditz was a little surprised. This thing is much harder than he imagined.

After all, Tony almost bought all the vibranium that Ultron used to make his body and the huge vibranium foundation for himself.

The destructive power of Qi is very strong, but it is still a little short of such a large amount of vibranium and energy shield.

After Tony, a researcher, knew about the universal material of vibranium, how could he only use vibranium to make spears and armor?

Wouldn't that be a huge waste? So Tony studied it and found the superiority of vibranium as a material. He even pointed out the energy shield technology and installed it on his Titan and nano suit. In addition, there is a huge reactor for energy supply. The Titan has a full thousand micro-arc reactors all over his body.

The energy generated by a micro-arc reactor is enough for a small city.

And the Titan is actually not that easy to control.

When running at full speed, the Titan armor can easily break the speed of sound and stop instantly.

But rapid acceleration and deceleration will bring great pressure to the body. This pressure is usually called G value. Ordinary people can withstand up to 6G, and the trained astronauts can withstand the limit of about 8G.

But the G value generated by the Titan armor at the moment of acceleration or deceleration has far exceeded the human body's tolerance limit.

So Tony used huge energy to create a very strong force field inside the armor, locking all the atoms in the body, so that the body is not affected by acceleration and deceleration.

All thrusters are Hall-like thrusters.

The volume of the Hall thruster can be very small, and it uses electricity as energy to ionize gases such as hydrogen and argon into ions. After being accelerated by the electric field, the plasma jet ejects the thruster at a speed of 80 kilometers per second.

The tail flame ejected by traditional rockets is only two to four kilometers per second.

But the thrust of the Hall thruster is very small, and it can only push the weight equivalent to two eggs on Earth.

So after Tony studied the theory and knowledge of the Hall thruster, he developed the "Stark thruster" himself. Although it is not as fast as the plasma jet of the Hall thruster, the thrust generated is enough to push the Titan weighing tens of thousands of tons!

Any action of the Titan is achieved by the densely packed thrusters on its body, which allows it to easily exert power and kinetic energy equal to its own weight!

Raditz snorted coldly, and disappeared on the spot with a charge. Thor, who was kneeling on the ground and trampled by Raditz, watched the huge Titan fist fall.


Thor just shouted, but the next moment he found that the fist stopped on his face, but the strong wind brought by the fist twisted his face.

It was not that Tony stopped in time, but that he was hit by Raditz's punch and his whole body stopped for a while before flying out!

Raditz gathered his energy.

"Stupid primitive people, let you see, the Saiyan..."

Before Raditz finished speaking, he was knocked aside by the Green Hulk from the air with a big jump.

The Green Hulk knew that Raditz was very fast, so it made up its mind not to let go!

"Hulk Hulk Hulk Hulk Hulk Hulk!!!"

The Green Hulk punched wildly, using his own name as a source of power.

Such a demonic scene was naturally taught to him by Luther. There were Ola Ola and Muda Muda, Ali Ali, why can't there be Hulk Hulk?

Look at it now, how exciting is it?

"Get out of here, you beast!"

Raditz grabbed the fist of the Hulk. With only more than 500 combat power, it was not a problem for Raditz at all.

So he kicked deeply into the body of the Hulk, almost kicking the Hulk through!

Then the Hulk wailed and flew out, spitting out a lot of green blood with high concentration of gamma ray radiation.

"Well done, big guy!"

Thor seized the opportunity, and the hammer of gravity captured Raditz. This time he directly bound Raditz with the maximum gravity!

Otherwise, Raditz burst out that annoying speed, and Thor could only passively take the beating.

After all, he did not have the ability of super speed, but he did have super strength.

Raditz's body sank suddenly!

He almost half-knelt on the ground, but fortunately, because he had just been beaten by Captain Marvel, he had been using Qi to strengthen his body, so he could not kneel on the ground this time.

However, the terrible gravity also made Raditz unable to move, and he could not continue to burst out the high speed just now.

At this time, the American Air Force arrived, and the bombers directly dropped bombs and machine guns on Raditz, Thor, Captain Marvel and others indiscriminately.

"Da da da da da!!!"

The bullets of the machine gun easily completed the work of loosening the soil on the concrete floor, plowing out a large deep pit, but they hit Raditz without any damage, and the impact force was not even enough to make Raditz shake.

However, the heavy bombs dropped later directly bombed a street!


The flames rising into the sky and the rapidly spreading shock waves razed several nearby streets to the ground. The buildings were like fragile cardboard houses in front of these heavy bombs, and were torn apart and destroyed in an instant.

Raditz was fine, and threw out dozens of energy waves with his backhand. Seeing this, Captain Marvel also shot out dozens of energy pulses to intercept Raditz's Qigong waves.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

But the Qigong waves fired by Raditz were too destructive. Even if they were intercepted halfway, the terrifying airflow generated by the explosion was comparable to a typhoon.

The bombers and Warthog gunboats all malfunctioned and exploded and disintegrated in mid-air.

The Hulk came back again, and Raditz looked at the Hulk with some surprise.

This green beast has become stronger again!

At this time, the combat power has exceeded 500 and reached 788!

Although Captain Marvel also fluctuated, she failed to continue to improve, which made Raditz pay more attention to the Hulk than others.

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