Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 344 Hydra captured Kakarot?

Green Hulk roared and punched.

Raditz raised his hand and punched him as well!

Strengthened and propelled by Qi, his fists were like cannons being ejected from the barrel, tearing apart the surrounding air. The speed of his heavy fists reached a terrifying level.

Boom! ! !

The big crater that had originally been created collapsed again. In the blink of an eye, most of Los Angeles was destroyed by the aftermath of the two's fist, which was like a collision of heaven and earth. The surrounding high-rise buildings collapsed.

Green Hulk's fist and arm were shattered by Raditz's punch!


The shattered arms and the pain he had never experienced before made Green Hulk howl in agony, flew backwards, and crashed through several tall buildings before stopping.

"Is that the only extent?"

Raditz said with a sneer.

Then I saw Captain Marvel charging towards him with an angry look on his face, punching straight out with both fists, completely unorganized, just projecting a powerful brick and it was done.

Raditz grabbed Captain Marvel's fist with disdainful hands. Captain Marvel burst out with more powerful force, but could not shake Raditz's hands at all. This made Captain Marvel's face full of incredible expressions.

Raditz had a calm expression on his face, with the corners of his mouth raised, a real mocking look on his face.

"It's useless. You primitive people are all vulnerable to us Saiyans!"

Raditz kicked him straight, and Captain Marvel, who had his fists caught by him, could not avoid it. He felt that his internal organs were displaced by this kick, and there was overwhelming pain in his stomach.

Captain Marvel was rough-skinned and strong-willed. After taking this kick, she showed a cruel look on her face and pulled hard with both hands. Raditz did not expect it. After all, he had neglected to exercise and could only crush the game. Being pulled by Captain Marvel like this, I couldn't help but get closer to Captain Marvel.

Before Raditz could react to what Captain Marvel wanted to do, he saw Captain Marvel's palm-sized smooth and shiny forehead hit him hard!

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

If the fist fight between Raditz and Green Hulk is comparable to the collision of heaven and earth, then this time it will be an explosion of heaven and earth.

The hurricane exploded, and everything around it was shaken, collapsed, exploded, and blown away uncontrollably, covering the sky and the sun in an instant.

A large crater was opened where Raditz was originally standing, and behind it was a deep and spacious trench that was comparable to the depth and width of a trench.

The earth trembled, and the strong airflow visible to the naked eye was like an air knife, cutting everything around it with thousands of cuts, and spread and continued to explode with explosions!

Captain Marvel used a rocket headbutt, and the effect was outstanding!

Raditz lay dizzy in a crater. He was in a daze for a long time, only feeling a buzzing in his head.

Who am I, where am I, what am I going to do?

However, Saiyans' life strength is extraordinary, and their life mechanism soon adjusted back.

Captain Marvel began to gather photon energy, preparing to make a big attempt to send Raditz away. If she couldn't send Raditz away, then she would have to fight with him to see who fell first!

Luther felt that Raditz was unexpectedly strong. Of course, this was also related to the high strength of the Dragon Ball system. Even if Raditz neglected training and was not a normal and qualified warrior, he could still defeat the Avengers with the help of the panel.

After Raditz came back to his senses, he felt that Captain Marvel was condensing energy, and his combat power detector also detected that Captain Marvel's combat power was soaring.

"The combat effectiveness has also changed?"

Raditz was a little surprised, but of course he would not foolishly give Captain Marvel time to accumulate power and disappear instantly without saying a word.

Captain Marvel's pupils shrank when she discovered that Raditz had exploded at super speed again. The next moment, she was punched and kicked by Raditz. Finally, Raditz did a tomahawk split and hit her heavily on the left shoulder. At this moment, Captain Marvel's left arm suffered comminuted fractures from the scapula to the phalanges!

Captain Marvel screamed, was knocked out of the sky, and his body hit the ground hard.


A large pit was instantly sunk into the ground. Captain Marvel rolled his eyes and his body bounced up again uncontrollably.

Raditz had already expected Captain Marvel to bounce up, so he gathered a lot of energy in his right hand and punched Captain Marvel hard on the back!

With this punch, Captain Marvel's cervical vertebrae and vertebrae almost bent ninety degrees, and the vertebrae cracked under the strong shock!

With such a ferocious attack, Captain Marvel fell to the ground.


When Nick Fury saw this scene, his one eye widened, and his pupil was about to burst.

He never expected that Carol would lose!

How is it possible, isn't Carol enforcing justice in the universe? After so many years, the invincible Carol would lose to a Saiyan?

When Nick Fury thought of this, he no longer had the slightest doubt about the Saiyans' nickname as the strongest fighting nation in the universe.

Just one of the Saiyans can beat Carol. It's unimaginable how strong the entire Saiyan family is!

As for whether Raditz would be the strongest Saiyan, Nick Fury had such an idea, but he quickly rejected his conjecture because the idea was illogical.

"Ratitz also has a younger brother, Kakarot, who came to Earth early, but why is there no movement at all?"

Nick Fury thought about this question.

Nick Fury's intuition told him that this must be complicated, but it didn't seem to be complicated. Didn't the aliens come to Earth to invade? Just look at Raditz's style of doing things to know what the Saiyans' style is like.

Although there may be differences, the two are brothers, so they shouldn't be much different.

Therefore, Kakarot must have planned to conquer the Earth by force, but I don't know why there was no movement at all.

As for the situation where Kakarot was dead, Nick Fury didn't think about it at all.

Isn't this nonsense? The Saiyans are so powerful, how could they be killed so easily without any movement?

"Could it be... Black Caesar?"

Nick Fury had a bold guess.

He speculated that Black Caesar was very likely to be Kakarot. Even if not, it was possible that Hydra had captured Kakarot!

Normally, Nick Fury's speculation was naturally based on logic and possibility.

If Black Caesar was really Kakarot, it would be impossible for him to not react when he saw his brother coming, so the biggest possibility was that Hydra had secretly captured Kakarot!

After all, Hydra has a new and extremely powerful leader, Black Caesar.

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