Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 394 The Strongest of the Martian Empire

And these lightsabers don’t just look like this. The more powerful the Martians are, the more unique their lightsabers will look.

For example, it became the lightsaber in Dropped City and Weak Warrior. The lightsabers there have different shapes, some are particularly handsome, and there are also lightsabers that make people confused as to why they look like this.

It can be roughly understood that the lightsabers of miscellaneous soldiers have ordinary general shapes, and the lightsabers of elite and heroic units have their own shapes.

And it can even launch a "light saber slash" long-range flying attack with the blade, and can also extend the lightsaber to achieve the effect of directly slashing people with a 40-meter sword.

As for Martians who cannot activate the lightsaber and the wall of the heart, they can only be equipped with blasters and energy guns. The energy rays shot by the former will explode, while the energy rays shot by the latter have the killing effect of melting and penetrating. .

Originally, Luther wanted them to wear the armor of the Imperial Stormtroopers, but seeing that each of them had an average height of more than two meters, it seemed that they were not suitable for wearing it.

So I got them a set of power armor of the same style as the Master Chief, and even wore their helmets.

It just felt right.

"The changes here are really great. I can't even recognize this place as Mars anymore."

Tony said with a smile to Luther.

He lamented that on Mars, Luther could even control the weather, and now he made the moon appear above everyone's heads. A huge full moon replaced the lights, and there were stars in the sky.

"I'll apply to bring Boz here next time. She will definitely like the scenery here."

Even Natasha was a little surprised. She looked up at the huge disc in the sky that seemed so close and dotted with colorful stars. It was so dreamy that they were not in a palace, but in the wild. Open air environment.

Without the nuisance of mosquitoes, everything is so beautiful that it’s mesmerizing.


Luther nodded without refusing.

Carol sat there very unhappy, and she couldn't understand why Luther was able to defeat her.

He is not a person with special superpowers like Black Caesar. According to Tony, Luther modified his own body and then gained such powerful power.

But the fact that he is so powerful shows that he is not an ordinary human body modification technology. Carol has been with the Kree Empire's Marvel Team. He knows very well that even the three major empires in the universe such as the Kree Empire do not have such human body modification technology. technology.

The reason why she was born was just because of an accident, but Luther was not!

He transformed himself into this by himself. What does this mean?

Luther has mastered human body modification technology that surpasses the Kree Empire, and it is mature and can be mass-produced!

Even if the number is limited, just one Luther can sweep everything. What if there is one more Luther?

The rise of the Martian Empire is already unstoppable.

The problem is that even if Carol wants to stop it, she can't. Not only is she unable to defeat Emperor Luther, but the earth now needs Luther. The stronger he is, the better.

After all, there are threats like the Saiyans, and there are also internal threats like Black Caesar.

"Luther, besides those Martian warriors like Jedi Knights, do you have anyone strong?"

Tony couldn't hold back and asked Luther directly.

He was very curious about this question. After all, Luther was already the emperor of a mature empire.

When Thor heard this, he was immediately very interested.

Asgard is not a closed country. When Thor was young, he went to the universe through the Rainbow Bridge. And judging from the Collector's familiarity with Asgard, Asgard might also go to the Collector often. territory.

So the Martian Empire is nothing to Thor. He can sweep it all by himself. The problem is that when he encounters Luther, he himself is swept away.

The Marvel Universe is a world of heroes and villains. In this world, no army, technology, or fleet developed can compare to the superheroes and supervillains created through a single mutation.

Otherwise, Asgard would not have abandoned its own fleet and was easily invaded by the dark elves, leaving it unable to fight back.

"Of course, why, do you want to see it?"

Luther said naturally. He knew why Tony asked this. He just wanted to know the strength of the Mars Empire.

Both the Martian fleet and the Jedi Knights have made the earth feel desperate. They can only rely on the top powerful men of the Martian Empire now.

In this case, it would definitely not be possible for Luther alone to be invincible.

It can barely be regarded as a self-deceiving and satisfying hope for the people on earth.

"I want to see it!"

Sol became interested and said directly.

He knew that he could not defeat Luther, so he always felt depressed. Now that he heard that there were strong men in the Martian Empire, Thor immediately became interested.

Meeting all kinds of powerful people is simply his lifelong pursuit for him.

"Struggs, let's play with them."

Luther nodded, and then said to the Martian on the side.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Sturges stepped up.

"So you are a strong person!"

Neither Tony nor the others expected that Sturges, the Martian who served as a guide, turned out to be a strong man in the Martian Empire, but they didn't know how strong he was.

Thor and Sturges came to the open space, and an energy barrier was raised where everyone was. The nearly transparent energy barrier would not affect their sight.

"Be careful."

Sturgess said to Saul.

"It doesn't matter, just let your horse come over."

Saul is looking forward to Sturges' power.

Tony and the others are also very concerned.


Sturges' body expanded rapidly, eventually turning into a large red-skinned man.

A strong, tall, muscular man, twelve feet tall, with four eyes and four strong arms.


Dr. Banner said in surprise, Luther achieved the duplication of Hulk?

"It's not the Hulk, it's the Four-Handed Overlord, one of the pinnacle works of my transformation technology. But because it will become like this, I gave up on carrying out such transformation on myself."

Luther said slowly.

"The Four-Handed Overlord?"

The name is quite appropriate, but I don't know what the strength and combat capability are like.

Looks similar to Hulk.

Thor looked at the Four-Handed Overlord. He was very pleased to see such a manly appearance. But like the Hulk, he was a big man, so he was a powerful one?

"bring it on!"

Thor swung the hammer, but he learned the lesson and didn't throw it away.

Sturges, who has become a four-handed overlord, is not afraid of anyone except His Majesty the Emperor, even a strong man like Captain Marvel!

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