Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 395 Four-Handed Overlord

Thor and the Four-Handed Overlord collided head-on, immediately arousing air waves, and the terrifying air waves swept everything around them.

Thor's hammer was grabbed by the Four-Handed Overlord with two arms, and the other two arms hit him hard on the face and abdomen. Thor was so beaten that he almost vomited the drink he just drank. came out.

Before this was over, the Four-Handed Overlord grabbed Thor's shoulders and arms, lifted him up, smashed him to the ground, and then smashed him randomly.

"Thor doesn't have the ability to resist at all?"

Tony was stunned.

Thor's strength is at least among the top three in the Illuminati. Even the Green Hulk has to be angry before he can fight or crush him.

Now they saw Sol being pressed to the ground and rubbed by Sturges, so they were so surprised.

Carol also frowned. Although Sturgis was nothing to her, if Thor couldn't deal with it, then the Martian Empire's combat effectiveness would surpass most civilizations except for the three major empires. .

It is not a good thing for such a powerful alien empire to be a neighbor to the earth.

Thor was stunned at this time, but he quickly reacted and threw the Meow Hammer.

The Meowth Hammer split directly, forming the Thousand Pieces of Magic Hammer to attack the Four-Handed Overlord.

The Four-Handed Overlord was not afraid in the face of danger, waving his arms to fly away the broken pieces. The broken pieces that could not be taken care of could not attack it, and were blocked by the diamond-shaped light shield on his body.

"The wall of the heart? It's so strong, but it actually has an energy shield?"

Dr. Banner was surprised and said that he remembered the wall of the heart. The stronger the mind, the more indestructible the wall of the heart. The Four-Handed Overlord is powerful enough on its own. How can we deal with it if the wall of the heart is added to it?

Hulk is probably no match either!

As if sensing what Dr. Banner was thinking, Green Hulk couldn't help but plan to come out. Half of Dr. Banner's face turned green and he yelled.

"Hulk is the strongest!!!"

Dr. Banner quickly comforted Hulk. Although he said it would be okay even if he came out, it would depend on the situation.

Thor also noticed this, and suddenly felt a headache. If the Four-Handed Overlord was as strong, defensive, and not slow as Hulk, he wouldn't be unable to deal with it. But with this energy shield, Thor It feels like the other party is cheating.

However, Thor still tried, burning the Four-Handed Overlord with hellfire.

The fire of hell looks very domineering and can melt anything. In fact, the most powerful thing about it is the real damage it cannot withstand, that is, it directly burns the soul. Most people really can't bear it. It can be said that now Thor is Thor who has done real damage.

In addition, his thunder god power is close to awakening. With the double blessing, hitting people is like twice the damage through defense.

The fire of hell spread to the body of the Four-Handed Overlord, and the surface of the Four-Handed Overlord lit up with a diamond-shaped light shield. The wall of the heart firmly resisted the invasion of the hellfire, and the Four-Handed Overlord also felt that the wall of the heart was actually visible to the naked eye. The visible speed of consumption shows that the damage of this kind of flame is beyond imagination!

This made the Four-Handed Overlord dare not continue to neglect, and he quickly punched Thor wildly. Thor swung his hammers tightly and dodged left and right, and he barely managed to survive.

But everyone can see that it is only a matter of time before Sol loses.

"Okay, Sturgess, stop it."

Luther spoke at this time.

Sturges immediately jumped back, distanced himself from Thor, and then changed back to his original human appearance.

He retreated and gave up the fight so decisively, and Thor could not continue to fight with others.

"If Prince Thor doesn't have all the fun, he still has it."

Luther was addicted to killing people and killing people. How could he let Saul go so easily? He said this just to put Saul up and prevent him from getting off the stage.

And Saul agreed immediately.

"Thor, why don't you take a break and let Hulk come on?"

Steve said, "You can't continue to watch Thor being beaten with scars. The injuries that the Four-Handed Overlord just left on Thor are not light."

If it weren't for his own lack of strength, Steve would have wanted to play in Sol's place.

"No, it's just a minor injury."

How could Thor admit defeat? He waved his hand and said directly.

"Then, Pedrosaping, come on."

The corners of Luther's mouth rose.

Then a Martian stood up.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Thor looked at the other party, they looked ordinary, but after experiencing the Four-Handed Overlord, he would no longer underestimate these Martians.

"You can't transform, can you?"

Thor said.


Pedrosaping nodded, and then he turned into a giant with light green crystals all over his body and four sharp crystal spikes on his back.

"What is this???"

Everyone feels that a trip to Mars will refresh their outlook.

"The Diamond God of War is a silicon-based life, and its whole body is made of hard silicon. It can manipulate molecular reorganization to turn part of itself into various weapons, shoot crystal missiles from its hands, and even make its own crystals grow rapidly. This gives it limited regeneration capacity."

"You can make a solid wall by making crystals, or use crystals to trap enemies, or you can make crystals of various shapes and launch attacks. Its body can refract laser attacks, making them useless, or directly absorb energy. Flame attacks have no effect on it, and hard crystals can resist powerful physical attacks. Diamond War God can survive in space."

Luther introduced it as if he was displaying a product.

"Is the name Diamond War God not suitable?"

Dr. Banner said with emotion that converting carbon-based life into silicon-based life is simply an unimaginable technology. He doesn't know how Luther did it.

Is this technology still human body transformation technology?

"It's like Tony's nickname is Iron Man. In fact, he should be called Gold Titanium Man."

Luther said with a smile.

"I think so too."

Tony laughed.

But Natasha and Steve were not in such a good mood. The Martian Empire actually had such a powerful strongman, Emperor Luther, the Four-Handed Overlord, plus this obviously not weak Diamond War God, these three people alone are invincible.

Who knows how many such strong people there are among the Martians around?

It's a pity that Luther was originally from Earth, but was forcibly excluded and left. As a result, he has now grown stronger and accomplished miracles and feats that surpass the entire Earth. Now the Earth has become a poor relative and has to come to him for help.

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