Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 407 Monster Batman is out of the cage

After Luther modified it, the eldest son of the Luther family, Luther VI, became very familiar with Bruce. In terms of age, of course Luther VI had to make himself younger, but Clark just took it easy. He is still a young man now. The children who left the spacecraft are still adapting to the earth's environment.

Having high fever every day and being weak and sick is because the Kryptonian's immune system is adapting to the earth's environment and fighting against the earth's environment.

However, Luther put him on the balcony to bask in the sun, which made Clark adapt to the earth's environment faster and became healthier.

After all, we are from Krypton, so there is nothing wrong with getting some sunshine.

"What is it, Bruce?"

Luther looked at the little boy Bruce. He had a dark history. The current grandpa was not as good as he was later. The grandpa who had just debuted would say a lot of words to heighten the atmosphere before the big dance.

What "I am the darkness of Gotham City, I am the shadow, the fear of Gotham City, I am Batman..."

These dark histories were seen by Cyborg and The Flash, and neither of them dared to say anything for fear of being silenced.

Not to mention now, she is just a pink young lady.

He came to play with Luther just because he had a good relationship with Luther. Are you talking about keeping silent? That guy is a pervert. Even the little bats sense that silence seems abnormal, so they are reluctant to play with him.

"Silent"'s real name is Thomas Elliot, nicknamed Tommy. He and "Batman" Bruce Wayne are children. The two grew up together and have similar identities, backgrounds and experiences. Tommy was born into a wealthy family. The Elliot family is the wealthiest and most privileged family in Gotham City.

Tommy is the same age as Bruce Wayne and is Bruce Wayne's only friend in school.

Bruce Wayne's father, Thomas Wayne, was also very happy that his son finally had a friend.

It's naturally different now.

"I'm here to see Clark!"

Bruce said.

Bruce was very concerned when he learned that Luther had a younger brother. The relationship between the two families was very good under the care of "Old Luther", and Bruce often came over to play.

The Luther family also has a butler who is similar to Alfred Pennyworth "Afu" in Iron Fist, named "Sebastian".

The housekeepers of the two families also have a good relationship. After all, they are similar in age and have many common topics.

Then Bruce saw Clark.

"He's so little."

Bruce looked at Clark basking in the sun, and suddenly felt as if something had touched his heart.

Luther looked on.

"Luther, why is Clark sunbathing? It will hurt his skin!"

Then Bruce said very nervously.

"The doctor said Clark is very weak and needs to be exposed to the sun to replenish calcium so that he can become stronger."

Luther answered.

"So that's it."

Bruce had little experience and knowledge, so he was easily fooled by Luther.

Bruce envied Luther for having a younger brother. Although he regarded Luther as his own younger brother, after all, Luther was much younger than him, but Luther acted too mature, which made Bruce not feel like an older brother. Sometimes when he gets into trouble, Luther solves it.

It's different now. Clark is so young, he must be able to set an example of being a big brother.

Luther looked at Bruce's inner thoughts.

The little bat now is really boring, his mind is full of these things.

Luther shook his head.

Bruce stayed at the Luther family's manor for a long time. Old Luther also invited Bruce to stay for dinner. Bruce naturally would not refuse, since he had been here for so many years anyway.

I'm afraid the Waynes are all grateful to Old Luther for creating opportunities for the couple to give Bruce a younger brother and sister. Ever since he found out about Clark, this kid has been pestering them for a younger brother and sister. He has been pestering them all day long. Where did he come from? Time for his younger siblings?

In this way, the days passed, until one night, as fate would have it, the Waynes took Bruce to a movie.

Bruce originally wanted to invite Luther to go with him, but Luther refused because he had to take care of Clark.

Bruce had to give up the idea.

Then the family of three was robbed by a gangster in an alley. The gangster was robbed in name, but actually came to kill the Waynes.

The Wolf King of Gotham City no longer wants to continue the underworld business and wants to clear his name, so naturally the pack of wolves under him will not obey. The Wolf King is old and it is time for a new wolf to take over!

Otherwise, how could a mere gangster take the life of an established underworld boss?

Gotham is chaos, but chaos is the order here!

For this reason, this matter was also concealed from the Luther family. After all, with the relationship between the Luther family and the Wayne family, their purpose was impossible to achieve.

In addition, the Luther family is not involved in the underworld or gang-related business, so they can hide it from them.

The Luther family mainly operates in energy, light industry and military industry.

Their Luther Group has one of the top 50 companies in the world. Like Wei Bancheng, the Luther family can also be called "Luban City". Half of Gotham City is owned by the Luther family, and they belong to the upper class. All kinds of luxury goods, including the pistols and bullets handed down to the citizens of Gotham, are all produced by the Luther family.

They just mainly operate in three major areas, which does not mean that they are not involved in other industries. In fact, the Luther family also has a product that sells out of stock and sells as much as it produces.

"Weight loss pill"!

As the superstar product of the Luther family, this weight-loss drug truly measures how much fat and calories each tablet can burn. It does not require hard exercise or dieting. You only need to enjoy delicious food and take one tablet to maintain your figure.

This is undoubtedly good news for those in the upper class who are not nouveau riche. They pay so much attention to physical maintenance and health that they cannot experience many enjoyments. Now they no longer need to worry about this problem.

Closer to home, Bruce witnesses his parents being killed, and he breaks down.

He felt that the darkness around him was full of terror, and those flying bats had become Bruce's biggest fear in his life!

Luther kicked away a gangster who was picking up small pearls. He watched Bruce die in darkness and fear, and then walked out of the alley again, a monster named "Batman".

The murder of the Waynes quickly alarmed the Gotham Police Department and big shots.

Old Luther came to the scene in person. After Bruce saw Old Luther, his heart was shaken. The next moment, his shadow turned into a big bat.

"Uncle Luther!"

Bruce threw himself into old Luther's arms and cried.

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