Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 408 Uninvited Guests

"Hey, nephew Bruce!"

Old Luther said, stroking Bruce's hair.

"Uncle Luther, my parents..."

Bruce howled.

"They are all dead. They are completely dead. They can no longer be saved. My eldest nephew, my condolences!"

Old Luther sighed and said.

Bruce was so shocked by his words that he couldn't even cry out with his mouth open.

Although he didn't know that Old Luther might want him to recognize this fact, but was this a bit too direct?

Can't you be more tactful and tactful?

It has to be so direct, right?

"Uuuuuuuuu, Uncle Luther, what should I do, I don't know..."

Bruce brewed for a while, regained his emotions, and continued to cry.

Alfred came over after hearing the news and knelt on the ground.

"Sir, madam!"

He cried more sincerely than Bruce, and almost cried.

The problem in this matter is naturally very serious. After all, the Wayne family is a famous family in Gotham City. According to the Chinese language, they are a famous family, at the level of landlords and squires. If something happens to such a big shot, the murderer will soon be found. Got it.

It was just a little gangster, which made Bruce feel impossible. How could a little gangster kill his parents?

But it turned out that this was just an accident. No one expected that the head of the famous Wayne family would go out in a place like Gotham City without bodyguards.

So this tragedy and accident happened.

After Bruce realized this fact, he vowed to change Gotham!

When the little bat was transforming, the Luther family was visited by an uninvited guest.

Luther VI was surprised to see each other.


Luther didn't expect Wonder Woman Diana to come to her door. Shouldn't she be working in London at this time?

...Oh, I have changed her plot, and it probably doesn’t have the same development as the original plot.


Diana searched for a long time, until she heard that there was a Luther family here in Gotham City, and with the idea of ​​giving it a try, Diana came here. Then she discovered that Old Luther was not the way she was looking for. Germany, when she was about to leave, she saw little Luther.

No need for Luther to say anything, Diana was sure that he was Luther.

Luther didn't expect Diana to recognize him, so he simply stopped hiding it.

"Long time no see, Diana."

Luther said with a smile.

"It's really you, Luther!"

Diana stepped forward excitedly and looked at Luther, who was not even taller than her legs. She had no idea what had happened to him to become like this.

"How did you become like this?"

Diana couldn't help but hugged Luther. After finding out that he didn't refuse, she was very happy and then asked.

"Because I am immortal and if I want to move around in the human world, I have to learn to disguise myself so as not to attract attention and the greed of mortals."

Luther was talking serious nonsense.

"So, you can still change back, right?"

Diana only understood this important point.

Luther nodded.


After hearing what Luther said, Diana was still waiting for Luther to change back, but Luther seemed to have no intention of doing so, so she had to give up the idea.

"I've been looking for you for a long time. I've been drifting on the sea for a long, long time..."

Diana said to Luther.

Luther had a strange expression after hearing this. No wonder Diana appeared here. She had been drifting on the sea for so long, but with her strength, she shouldn't have been trapped on the sea for so long, unless she was really lucky. Not so good, never close to the coast?

Moreover, she went to sea after she left?

Luther didn't know. If he had known, he would have realized that Diana treated him differently.

You must know that she also specifically told herself how much effort she had spent to find herself.

In Luther's view, this is a little girl who doesn't know how to express love and can only say it through these things, and she doesn't even realize it.

It’s really easy to deceive an inexperienced girl... But it also has something to do with Luther’s charm. Otherwise, she would have been deceived by other men in the process of looking for Luther for so many years. It’s because she has seen the best, plus There were so many comparison objects in the Internet that made Diana's impression of Luther deeper and deeper, and the same was true for her obsession.

"What are your plans next? Do you want to go home? I know the location of Paradise Island and can send you back directly."

Luther said.

Diana was talking happily at first, but now she was suddenly speechless.

She remembered that Luther had indeed appeared on Paradise Island out of thin air, which meant that Luther could send her back at any time if he wanted.

After leaving Paradise Island for so many years, it would be impossible for Diana to miss home, but she finally found Luther, and she didn't want to go back so soon.

"Can I stay?"

Diana said to Luther.

She has a very proactive personality. After all, she is a princess who grew up in the Amazon. In a certain world line, Diana even had a harem, and both Batman and Superman were members of her harem.

It's just that she hasn't realized that her feelings for Luther are not friends, otherwise she would launch an offensive.

"Of course, we are friends. If you want to stay, you can stay."

Luther didn't care much.

Diana couldn't help but touch little Luther's hair.

"Don't worry, I won't affect the things you want to keep secret."

Little Luther was so cute that Diana had a special idea.

"How about you give me an identity, like your cousin or something like that."

Diana couldn't let go and said.

"That won't work."

Luther broke free from Diana's arms. What did this bad woman want to do? She wanted him to commit a crime, right?

But the real Diana is much richer than the actor, with a broad mind and a broad mind.

Her skin is also flawless, and Luther can't see any flaws. However, after Luther's dimensionality upgrade, he doesn't care much about this aspect.

After all, in his eyes now, even the gods like Diana are the same, there is no difference, everything is the same.

It's like reading a comic, everything is clear at a glance.

"Sorry, you look so cute like this."

Diana said.

She missed the tall, handsome and charming Luther, but this cute little boy was also good, which made Diana feel eager to try.

Then Luther arranged for Diana to be the daughter of Luther's friend, and an orphan.

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